Chapter 1

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Lying in bed I couldn't help but think last night was such a roller coaster. The film premier was a success, I kissed the girl of my dreams, my dad was finally happy, Luke was accepting my dad and his mom together, and then the downward spiral began. Luke's dad had finally realized it was him in the block buster and returned to Boring. He interrupted our pizza night with a harsh bang at the door. Luke and Sherry seemed to not only be overwhelmed at the revelation but steaming with anger. Dad and I quickly excused ourselves from the situation but I could sense the worry in my dad on the drive home. I tried to comfort him by telling him the horrible way Luke had said he left them. There was certainly no way that Sherry would take him back. Understandably, my dad still seemed distant as we pulled into the driveway.

I couldn't help but wonder how long it would take for me to be blamed for this turn of events. After all I was the person that took Luke to find his dad, and if I hadn't done that then he probably wouldn't be here now. It seemed like I couldn't do anything right when it came to my friendship with Luke. Our friendship was always marred with false pretenses, anger, or over the top actions stemming from a longing for acceptance. Even without the dating or fake dating, whatever you want to call it, there were many setbacks between them. Last night seemed to be a step forward but now that was likely all over again.

On the flip side, my new relationship with Emaline was easy and natural. When we were together it seemed like everything else melted away. Thinking of Emaline sent shivers down my spine in a way I hadn't felt before.

"KATE! I AM GOING TO MEET SHERRY FOR COFFEE. I'LL BE BACK LATER TODAY, OKAY?" Dad yelled. "OKAY, NO PROBLEM... HEY IS IT OKAY IF I HANG OUT WITH EMALINE TODAY?" I yelled back and crossed my fingers. "SURE, KID, HAVE FUN BUT BE HOME BY DINNER TIME." My dad exited the house with those words.

A day with Emaline? I will definitely be having fun. I rolled over in bed and picked up the phone. Luckily her number written in pen was still visible on the underside of my left hand. I quickly transcribed it into the notebook on my bedside table and dialed the digits with a long exhale. There were a couple of rings, I was starting to lose hope, when she answered. "Hello, this is Emaline." "Hey, it's Kate." "Sweetie! Long time, no talk!" she giggled. "Oh, did I call you too soon? I'm new at this, I probably seem like a loser. I'm sorry..." "No! It's nice, I was thinking about you too." Emaline grinned. "Well, I seem to remember owing you a rain check and I was wondering if I could pay that today?" I whispered nervously. "Sure, I would like that. Where and when were you thinking?" Emaline asked coyly. "Oh, I actually hadn't thought that we could meet at my place, my dad is out for a few hours, or I could come to your house if that's easier, or we could meet somewhere..." I rambled. "Haha why didn't you plan anything? What's the matter you didn't think I would say yes, gorgeous?" Emaline flirted. "No...I figured you would say yes, or hoped you would, like I said I'm just new at this and you make me so nervous and happy." I admitted. "Same. Let's meet at my place in half an hour. My parents are gone for the weekend so we'll have privacy. Sound good?" "Yes, definitely. See you soon." "Can't wait, sweetie." She said as she hung up. My heart did flips, I could barely contain my excitement. I jumped up on my bed and air fisted, catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Oh my God, I need to shower, get dressed, and somehow get a whole lot more attractive in the next thirty minutes.


Emaline's POV:

The next 30 minutes cannot pass fast enough. It was true, I couldn't stop thinking about her all night and morning. Hopefully we can pick up where we left off last night.... Or is that moving too fast? Oliver and I had moved so quickly when it came to the physical, not particularly because I wanted it but because it seemed like it was all he wanted. I want all of her, the physical, the emotional, the entire connection. I also want it to last so better to take things slow... I think, all of this is so new to me too. I looked around my room, gotta clean things up fast. Gotta hide all the embarrassing childhood photos and Mr. Fezziwig, definitely Mr. Fezziwig, my stuffed penguin who has been by my side through everything. "I think you'll like this one, Mr. Fezziwig. She's good for me. I hope I'm good for her too." I kissed the top of his head and put him in my desk drawer. *doorbell rings*

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