Chapter 10

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Kate and Emaline had spent the morning filling up on cupcakes and reciting lesbian poetry to each other. It was a simple morning spent in each other's arms. There were no distractions from one another and it felt so natural being together.

Unfortunately, Kate had a noon curfew to get home. Reluctantly, she left Emaline with a sweet goodbye kiss and an "I love you," a new phrase that seemed like it would never get old with them.

Kate made her way into the front door of her house. Her father was sitting on the couch waiting for her. "Kate, I'm glad you're home. We need to talk." Mr. Messner greeted her.

Kate slowly made her way to the couch where her dad was sitting and flopped down on the opposite end. "Yeah, what do you want to talk about?" Kate asked, not really wanting to talk about anything.

"Why did you spend the night with Emaline? I barely see you anymore." Mr. Messner asked with concern and a hint of jealousy in his voice.

"I told you, she needed me. Dad, her home life isn't good..." Kate began.

"What are you talking about? She lives in a mansion. Her parents are big time business people." Mr. Messner scrunched his brow in confusion.

"Yeah, she has material stuff but she doesn't have a family that cares about her. Her parents are never home. They forgot her birthday, which was yesterday, and they left her alone for Thanksgiving." Kate's voice started to waiver with sadness. She was holding back tears thinking about it.

"Oh. I didn't know." Mr. Messner dropped his head. "You really care about her, huh?" He asked hesitantly.

"Yeah, I do. She puts on a tough exterior but actually she is wonderful and delicate. . . . I spent the last ten years being jealous of every kid that had two parents that I never stopped to realize that two parents doesn't always equal love. . .You've given me so much love, Dad, and I want Emaline to experience that, too." Kate confessed.

This time it was Mr. Messner who was struggling to hold back tears. "Hey, why don't we invite her to spend Thanksgiving and the break with us? No one should be alone on the holidays."

"You really mean that? We can invite her over here?" Kate gleamed.

"Sure! In fact, I insist on it!" Mr. Messner said.

"Thanks, Dad!" Kate jumped across the couch and gave him a big hug. "I'll go call her now."

"Okay, I'll prepare the guest bedroom." Mr. Messner said matter of factly as he stood up.

", she can just stay in my room." Kate tried to say nonchalantly.

"I don't think so. She's our guest, we're going to treat her well." Mr. Messner shot back.

"Honestly, Dad. I think she would be more comfortable with me." Kate tried to hold back her true excitement.

"Kate. She is staying in the guest bedroom, end of story." Mr. Messner said sternly.

"What is your deal?" Kate asked with confusion.

"Um. . . well you don't invite someone over to stay the week and put them in a shared bed. It's poor taste. When you have a guest over, you treat them nicely. It's an adult thing. You'll understand one day. Now excuse me, I'm going to set up the guest room." Mr. Messner stumbled through his reasoning and exited before Kate could ask any more questions.

Kate was still confused but as she thought about it, they had never actually had anyone really stay over at their house. She shrugged her shoulders. Either way, she was very excited about the chance to spend the next week with her girlfriend.

Kemaline continued from Season 1Where stories live. Discover now