Chapter 8

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Kate noticed her dad becoming different since the anniversary of her mother's death. He seemed to be more awkward around her and less talkative. He kept trying to set Kate up to talk with Sherry about "the birds and the bees." She tried to tell him she knew more than enough on that subject and avoided any scheduled alone time with Sherry he had conjured up.

She wondered if Luke walking in on them in the bedroom a few weeks ago had sparked this recent awkwardness. Even when Emaline came over he would just say a quick hello and run up to his room. Kate was hoping her dad would get out of his funk soon because she really wanted to tell him the truth of why Emaline had been hanging out at their house so much. She was waiting for the right time to tell him. Kate was willing to wait because she was truly happy now, which was a new feeling for her.

She was looking forward to Thanksgiving break, too. It meant a week without classes, tests, and homework and hopefully a week full of relaxing, TV, and food. Kate and Mr. Messner had done very little for Thanksgiving over the years. Their celebrations usually consisted of watching the Parade on TV and eating microwave dinners. This year her dad wanted to spend Thanksgiving at the O'neil house. Kate wasn't sure about the idea. She wasn't a fan of large parties or celebrations. Her idea of a perfect Thanksgiving would be cuddling up on the couch with Emaline. She couldn't help but wonder what Emaline would be going during the break.

Kate had been thinking even more about Emaline recently. Her birthday was only a few days before Thanksgiving and Kate was struggling with what to get her.

"What do you get your girlfriend for her birthday? The first birthday you celebrate together?" Kate thought to herself. She wanted something special and unique, but didn't have very much money. She decided to go to the local book store. Emaline was a theater kid; she loved not only the acting portion, but Kate had learned over the past few weeks that Emaline also had a knack for truly understanding the literature behind the scripts.

In the book store, Kate was drawn to the Queer section out of curiosity. As she browsed the section of books, she realized just how much she wasn't alone. She started to feel welcomed by a community she hadn't yet met. She started to feel a yearning for life outside of the small town of Boring; a life where she could hold Emaline's hand while walking down the streets and kiss her goodnight without making sure no one was looking.

Kate made her way to the Lesbian section. There was a very small collection of poetry present. She picked up a book of poetry by Sappho. "Prolific Greek Poet from the Island of Lesbos, known as a symbol of love and desire between women," Kate read from the sleeve. Kate smiled, she finally found her gift.

Kate made it back home and started to wrap the book of poetry but decided instead of a card she should write her own inscription. "Maybe a poem on the inside cover? But is that too cheesy? Can I even write a poem?" Kate thought. She decided to give it a try because Emaline was cheesy. She was over the top in everything which is one of the things Kate loved about her.

Loved. I love her, Kate played those words over in her head. It was true. She was in love for the first time and it felt perfect.

Kate flicked her pen back and forth across her lip. This would be the first poem she would ever write outside of a school assignment. She had no idea where to start but knew how the poem would end, with her saying I love you for the first time. She slowly put her pen to the book.

My perfect Emaline,

I remember my first true gaze upon you

Your eyes a crystal greenish blue

My heart instantly changed its beat

Admiring your golden locks, so neat

Kemaline continued from Season 1Where stories live. Discover now