Chapter 12

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Kate woke up to the sound of cluttering downstairs. The sun shined brightly through the bedroom curtains. She could feel Emaline's body next to hers. She looked at the alarm clock confused, it said 9:00 AM. Kate bolted up.

"Emaline, get up! We didn't set the alarm last night. Dad's downstairs." Kate said rapidly while shaking Emaline awake.

"That's not the good morning I was expecting, Sweetie!" Emaline smirked.

"There's no time! You have to sneak back into your room." Kate panicked.

"There's always time for a good morning kiss. Calm down, we're fine." Emaline stilled Kate's arms and gave her a soft kiss. "Go downstairs and distract your dad. I'll sneak back into the guest bedroom and then you can come "wake me up" for breakfast in a half hour."

"Okay, that's actually not a bad plan." Kate reasoned as she got up from the bed. She opened the door as little as possible and snuck out of her room, heading to the kitchen. "DAD! Sorry I overslept. I think the pie disaster took it out of me." Kate said loudly.

Emaline got the message and snuck across the hall to the guest bedroom and awaited the second half of their plan.

"No problem, kid. It's your break, you're supposed to sleep late. I'm guessing Emaline's still asleep too." Mr. Messner responded.

"Oh, I guess so. Her door was still closed when I came down." Kate lied. "I'll make some toast and wake her up in a few minutes."

"That would be a good idea because I told Sherry we would come over a little before lunch so we can help her finish some of the cooking. I hope that's okay." He said while flipping through the newspaper and sipping coffee.

"Yeah, of course. Emaline should watch the Parade with us on tv, too. It's kinda our family tradition." Kate blushed.

"Yes! I can't wait to see Garfield's float. I'll go turn it on!" He exclaimed as he rushed to the living room and grabbed the remote.

Kate made her way to the guest bedroom and knocked loudly. "Emaline, wake up! I have some breakfast for you and the parade is on." She feigned.

Emaline opened the door and pretended to yawn loudly. "Oh, THANK YOU. I CAN'T BELIEVE I SLEPT THIS LATE." She belted dramatically. The two girls quietly snickered at their terrible acting before joining Mr. Messner.

After the parade was over the trio loaded up the car, careful not to forget the Key Lime Pie, and headed to the O'Neil household. Fortunately, Sherry had almost all of the meal finished by the time they arrived which left little time for small talk with Luke and Emaline.

"Everyone take a seat! The meal is ready." Sherry smiled.

Luke and Sherry sat at opposite heads of the table, Mr. Messner sat to Sherry's right, across the table from Emaline and Kate. The table passed all the food around and loaded up their plates.

"Before we dig in, Luke and I have a tradition of saying what we're thankful for this season. I'll start first. I'm thankful that Luke has found such great friends in high school and continues to follow and excel at his passions. I'm also thankful that we found each other, Ken. You've brought me so much joy these past couple of months." Sherry toasted.

"I'll go next." Luke said. "Mom, I'm glad you've found someone who makes you happy. Kate, I'm glad we're friends again." He toasted.

"Ooo, my turn!" Mr. Messner announced. "Sherry, I want to say I'm thankful you invited us into your home and treated us like family. I'm so glad I called you into my office that day. And Kate, I am so thankful you are smiling again. I'm thankful for your friendship with Emaline because I have honestly never seen you this happy before." He toasted.

Emaline gave Kate's hand a squeeze under the table and the two shared a quick glance and smile.

"I can go next," Emaline started.

"No, actually, I want to go first. If that's okay?" Kate asked. Emaline nodded and gave Kate's hand another squeeze. Kate paused and continued nervously. "Dad, I'm so thankful you found Sherry because you deserve to be happy. I've also realized over the past few months that I deserve to be happy, too. I spent a lot of time running from myself and thinking I was broken, but then I got to know Emaline. I could no longer deny my true self or my happiness. Emaline makes me happy because she is so much more than a friend, Dad. She's my girlfriend."

The table was silent as if waiting for Kate to say something else.

"I'm saying I'm a lesbian and I'm in love with Emaline." Kate turned to Emaline and smiled with relief that the secret was finally out.

"I love her, too; and, I am so very thankful for her!" Emaline gushed and kissed Kate's hand. They turned back to face the table.

Sherry and Ken turned to each other and busted out laughing. Luke joined in with the laughter.

"I'm not joking!" Kate said sternly.

"No, darling, it's not that. We just all knew already." Mr. Messner chuckled.

"I told you he knew!" Emaline exclaimed to Kate.

"What? How did you and Sherry know? Luke, did you tell them?" Kate asked angrily.

"No! I swear!" Luke interjected.

"Kate, I saw the two of you at the cemetery together and I told Sherry." Mr. Messner confessed.

"Yeah, but I already knew. I know how to recognize a girl in love when I see one...or two of them." Sherry smiled.

"So that's why Emaline has to sleep in the guest bedroom?" Kate asked shyly.

"Absolutely! I'm happy you two have each other but I'm still your father and I don't want anything R rated happening in my house." Mr. Messner voiced.

"Dad!" Kate screeched.

"Emaline, you better not hurt my daughter!" Mr. Messner ordered.

Kate hid her head in her hands, fully embarrassed now.

Emaline took it in stride. "You have my word, sir."

"ALRIGHT. Now that it's out that everyone knows Kate is a lesbian, can we eat? I'm starving!" Luke begged.

"Yes, eat up!" Sherry answered.

Emaline and Kate continued to hold hands throughout the meal, but without having to hide it under the table. Mr. Messner wrapped his arm around Sherry proudly. All the while, Luke shoveled serving after serving of mash potatoes into his mouth. Everyone enjoyed their first true family Thanksgiving in years. 

Kemaline continued from Season 1Where stories live. Discover now