Chapter 7

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Over the next couple of weeks the boys stayed true to their word and kept Emaline and Kate's relationship a secret. McQuaid had stopped giving Kate the cold shoulder but still kept a comfortable distance from her.

Today was November 11th, 11/11/96, Emaline thought to herself. Eleven-eleven is supposed to be a lucky day but she couldn't help but feel dread. She couldn't shake the feeling that today was important but she couldn't remember why. The day felt somber and sad but outside was sunny with a cool breeze; perfect fall weather. Emaline thought she would suggest a hike to her girlfriend in the afternoon so they could cherish the weather together. For now though, she had to get to school.

Emaline walked up to Kate's locker but the brunette was nowhere to be found. She turned to the AV club but they hadn't seen her at all this morning. Emaline frowned, she knew something must be up. Maybe she was so in tune with Kate that she sensed something bad had happened today she thought to herself. She decided instead of worrying about it all day she would get answers from Mr. Messner.

She made her way to the principal's office. For once, she wasn't going because she was in trouble. She knocked on the open door, shyly.

"Ah, Emaline. What can I do for you this morning?" Mr. Messner asked.

"Well I was wondering if something was wrong with Kate since she isn't at school today. I'm just worried." Emaline confessed.

"Oh. Um, she just didn't feel well today. She'll be back tomorrow. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a meeting." Mr. Messner said with a hesitancy and sadness that Emaline picked up on immediately.

She left his office but she wasn't satisfied. She still had a feeling that her girlfriend needed her. She made her way out of the school and it finally hit her. Nov. 11th was that day. She had to see Kate, now, but first she needed to stop and get a few items.


Emaline entered the local grocery store and tried to remember all of Kate's favorites. She knew that Kate was a big chocolate fan, so she loaded up her basket with candy. Kate also loved doritos, but the Cool Ranch kind, so Emaline made sure to get a bag. Emaline wished she was twenty-one so she could buy some beer because today definitely felt like a day someone would want to forget, but she had to settle for a couple cans of Surge. Emaline grabbed a single rose from the flower section and a card.

After buying the items, she spent what felt like an agonizing amount of time trying to find the right words to put in the card. She had so much she needed to tell Kate but didn't know how to phrase it and didn't know if today was the time to say it. She finally closed the card and took a deep breath in and out. She was determined to be the person her girlfriend needed her to be today.

Emaline walked up to the Messners' door and rang the doorbell. She could hear light footsteps making their way closer. Kate peaked out from behind the curtains and they both smiled at each other immediately.

"Emaline, what are you doing here?" Kate said as she opened the door and gave Emaline a quick hug.

"I noticed you weren't at school. I brought you some essentials. It's probably stupid but comfort food is a large part of my life so I thought it might be helpful today." Emaline rambled.

"Nothing you do is stupid." Kate whispered as she gave Emaline a gentle kiss.

Kate led them to the living room where they sat on the sofa. Kate started, "So, do you know what today..."

"I brought you this, too!" Emaline interjected while handing Kate the rose and card. Kate smiled softly. She opened the card which read:

My dearest Kate,

Today I woke up with a sense of sadness that I couldn't place. As I realized you weren't at school, it hit me that today was that horrific day. Ten years ago, I remember coming home and hearing adults whisper about the little girl that lost her mom. I prayed for her at that moment, for her comfort, peace, and future happiness. Every year that passes I have continued that prayer. Today, I realized I had been praying for you, my girlfriend, all those years. Today, I also realized how much I want to be your comfort, peace, and happiness. I am here for you today, and all the tomorrows.

With Love,

Your Emaline

As Kate read the card she began to cry. Kate broke down sobbing in Emaline's arms.

"Did I say something wrong?" Emaline asked worriedly while keeping her strong embrace around Kate.

"No. No. You are doing everything right." Kate sobbed. "I wish she was here so you could have met her, so she could see how happy I am, how happy you make me."

"Me too, sweetie, me too." Emaline whispered as she left a lingering kiss on Kate's forehead.

Kate stayed in Emaline's embrace until an idea came to her. "Come on, I want to show you something," Kate mumbled as she pulled Emaline off the couch. Kate led Emaline, hand in hand, to the bridge where her mother had taken her own life. Kate told her the story, as she did Luke, of that wonderful yet horrific day. But, there was something else that Kate wanted to show Emaline that she hadn't shown anyone else.

Kate led Emaline to the cemetery. They walked to Kate's mother's tombstone, a flat plaque in the ground that read, "wonderful wife and mother, now at eternal peace."

Kate squeezed Emaline's hand. "Can you give us a minute?" Kate asked quietly.

"Yeah of course. I'll wait over here if you need me." Emaline said with reassurance as she walked a few steps away from Kate.

Kate sat down at the grave. She cleared the tombstone of all the stray grass and leaves. She pulled Emaline's rose out of her hoodie pocket and laid it on top.

After several long slow breaths, Kate started through tears:

"Mom, it's been a long time since I've been able to come here. I've been so angry and jaded at you. Dad tells people you died after a long battle with illness which I never fully understood. I get it now. I understand that you longed not for happiness but for peace. I was always so angry that you didn't feel like we made you happy enough, that you didn't feel like we were enough to live for, but now I know that your spirit was broken. I wish every day that you were here but I want you to know that I forgive you. I never thought I could but I do.

These past few months Dad has been smiling again. I didn't know how much I needed him to be happy. I also wanted to let you know that I have been happy, too. I met someone who makes me happier than I ever could have imagined. I've found comfort within myself, who I am, and who I love.

I am dating the most amazing girl, Mom. I wish you were here to meet her. I think you would have approved. She's part of the reason I can come here today. She's shown me that I'm not broken. She's proved to me that I can be happy, which was something I was so terrified of not achieving after you left. She's here with me, actually."

Kate turned slowly and motioned Emaline to come and sit beside her. She intertwined her fingers with Emaline's and laid her head on Emaline's shoulders.

"Mom, this is Emaline. She's my girlfriend. She remembered today. She remembered you. She's taken such great care of me." Kate wept and kissed Emaline's hand.

"Mrs. Messner, I want you to know that I care so much about your daughter. I'm going to take care of her, always." Emaline said softly as she hugged Kate.

The two girls sat together in each other's embrace in front of the grave until the sun began to set. Kate got up slowly and helped Emaline to her feet.

"I'm going to walk you home. Thank you for today." Kate whispered as she gave Emaline one last hug and a gentle kiss before they left.

As the girls exited the cemetery, Mr. Messner stepped out of his car. He had been parked at the back side of the cemetery. He watched the girls leave before he quietly walked to his wife's grave. He laid a dozen roses down and kissed her tomb before leaving without a word. 

Kemaline continued from Season 1Where stories live. Discover now