Chapter 4

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The next day at school had been uneventful. They had only seen fleeting glances of one another, no time alone which Kate and Emaline both craved. Kate was now at her locker putting her books away, waiting for Emaline to meet her.

Luke, Tyler, and McQuaid walked by. "Hey Kate. Wanna do a horror film marathon Friday at Luke's house with us?" Tyler asked with his usual nerdy smile while eating a Twizzler. Kate looked nervously at Luke to see if she was truly invited. Luke looked up gingerly, "Yeah, I mean your dad will probably be there anyway so you should just come." McQuaid stood back, usually he would have made some remark about a weird requirement to participate but he continued to look anywhere but at Kate.

Kate had instinctively thought about saying yes as it seemed like the perfect opportunity to mend her friendship with Luke; but then she saw the Halloween Party poster behind him. "I would love to but I can't. I'm sorry. I'm actually going to the Halloween dance." Kate said while pointing to the poster.

"YOU'RE JOKING, RIGHT?! You at a dance?" Luke laughed. "Um no. I'm going with... well as the principal's kid I have to support school functions, ok. I'm sorry. I'll catch up with you guys later." Kate stuttered and hustled off.

"Well that was even weirder than I expected," Luke observed. "Maybe she has a new boyfriend!" Tyler said wide eyed. "Unlikely, she's a dyke." McQuaid said matter of fact. "Hey! Language! Don't say that about her. You don't know that and that's not the proper term anyway." Luke scolded. "Fine. She's a lesbian, is that better?! Either way she's a bitch so why do you want to hang out with her." McQuaid questioned. "What is wrong with you? You've been so moody and angry since the premier. Did I miss something?" Luke asked. "Don't mind him, he just got shut down by Emaline! I told him she didn't like him but he wouldn't listen!" Tyler laughed.

McQuaid grabbed Tyler by the collar and shoved him against the locker, "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT." McQuaid hissed. "STOP. Put him down. Seriously cut the bull shit. I got rejected by a girl too; you move on. What does any of this have to do with Kate?" Luke said, puzzled. McQuaid loosened his grip and Tyler slid back down with a scared look in his eyes, "I was just joking," he whispered apologetically.

McQuaid turned to face Luke, "Well, I walked in on your dyke, I'm sorry LESBIAN, kissing Emaline after the premier. They were kissing and dancing. So not only has Kate decided to fuck with your life but she also just ruined mine." McQuaid stated angrily.

Tyler's eyes went wide and his mouth was agape.

Luke shook his head slightly, "Are you sure that's what you saw? You can't just go around saying stuff like that. If it gets to the wrong person they could be in danger." Luke whispered.

McQuaid closed his eyes and took a deep breath, his response was slow, "I know what I saw. They're together. They don't care about you and they certainly don't care about me."

"Okay, I believe you but promise me you won't tell anyone else? You have to promise that. High school is not forgiving with this stuff, you know that," Luke pleaded.

"I won't. I'm not homophobic, if you're thinking that. It just feels like shit always being used and thrown away." McQuaid said defeatedly.

Tyler interjected with a Twizzler, "Screw girls. Let's get back to bro time! Weird snacks and games tonight?!"

Luke grinned, "I'm down", as he wrapped his arm around McQuaid. "

Okay, sure," McQuaid agreed as he took the Twizzler from Tyler.

The three proceeded to walk out of the school to make their way to Luke's. There was light chit chat about the most recent games and movies but Luke couldn't help but think about Kate and Emaline. He didn't know what to think about it. Obviously Luke knew Kate was a lesbian and would eventually get a girlfriend but he never expected that to be Emaline. Should he be happy for Kate? Or should he be worried since everyone who knew Emaline knew she was most often a ticking time bomb. Luke settled his thoughts, "it's not my place, she has made that abundantly clear. She can date anyone she wants to, but I need to make sure McQuaid doesn't leak this to anyone else."


Kate walked into the thrift store and saw Emaline already with arms full of clothes. She walked up behind the blonde beauty and wrapped her arms around her back and whispered, "You know we only need two costumes right?" Emaline smiled at having Kate wrapped around her. "Yes, but I'm trying to impress this new person in my life so I have to start changing my wardrobe. I gotta go from the undateable goth, theatrical, weird girl to the charming, irresistible, perfect girlfriend." Emaline responded cleverly.

"Hm. Well if I could speak for that person I bet they would say they like you for you and you don't have to change anything. You're already the perfect girl." Kate responded, giving Emaline a quick peck on the cheek after making sure no one was around. Emaline turned around, "girl or girlfriend? That is the question?" she smirked as she shoved a black tunic into Kate's chest before the other girl could answer.

"What is this, you want me to go as a priest?" Kate asked with a shocked face. Emaline rolled her eyes, "No, guess again." "A judge? A nun? A witch? I give up," Kate said exasperated as Emaline shook her head no to each of her guesses. Emaline grabbed a white sweater and gave it to Kate, "This for me. I'll give you a hint, I'm going as Drew Barrymore's character!" Emaline exclaimed. "Am I supposed to be E.T.?" Kate said hesitantly. "Ok, you suck at guessing. We're going to go as characters from Scream. You're going to be the killer and I'll be the victim!" Emaline said excitedly. "But everyone is going to be going as that!" Kate pouted. "Yes, so we'll blend right in!" Emaline winked and pulled Kate into the dressing room.

"No one will be looking at our boring costumes. You'll have a mask on so we can hold hands, dance together, cuddle, do whatever we want!" Emaline smiled and grabbed Kate's hands after flinging all the clothes down. Kate leaned in for a kiss, "You've convinced me... and as I recall, my character ends up getting the girl in the end." "If by "get", you mean horrifically murder?!" Emaline gasped and playfully pushed Kate. "Now, turn around! I have clothes to try on!" Emaline said as she turned Kate's hips against the wall. "Last time we were here I didn't have to turn around!" Kate groaned.

"Last time we were here we didn't want to bone each other." Emaline explained. "Well actually, I think it was you who said that you would bone me," Kate flirted. "Yeah, actually I did say that and I meant it but last time we weren't dating. It's different. I have to keep some modesty and mystery to keep you around," Emaline reasoned. "I will always be around for you." Kate smiled.

"Alright, I'm done. Let's check out!" Emaline said as she shuffled the clothes. "

Wait, I don't get to see any of your new outfits?" Kate asked.

"Not yet. Don't worry, there's time, Sweetie," Emaline said as she planted a soft kiss on Kate before whipping open the curtains and making her way to the cash register.

Kate always hated Emaline leaving, but she always loved watching her walk away. "Hey, wait for me!" Kate said as she ran up to pay for her costume.

The girls exited the store, hugging, and going their separate ways home. Both were smiling more than they ever had before and it was because of her.

Kemaline continued from Season 1Where stories live. Discover now