Chapter 2

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Kate's POV:

I arrived home with a goofy smile on my face. Dad was waiting in the kitchen with pizza. "What's the occasion?" I asked. Pizza in our house was usually a celebratory event. "I just thought we needed a pick me up but you looked pretty happy without it, coming in here with that smile again. What's going on with you? I haven't seen this Kate in a long time. It looks good on you." He sighed.

"I... uh ... I guess I've actually become comfortable with who I am..." I tried to find the right words.

"High school can be hard, kid. I know it must be way worse being the principal's kid. I'm sorry I don't have all the answers. I'm glad you found a friend in Emaline though. I think you two can balance each other out...." my father continued, I nodded silently, not sure if it was the right time to tell him why she made me so happy. "Hey, let's watch Boy Meets World, the new episode is coming on!" He said as he made his way to the couch.

"Dad, wait, what's going on with you and Sherry?" I asked hesitantly.

"Oh, we're fine. I think. She said she needs a little time to take care of Luke and sort this out but she reassured me that she likes me and we're good, nothing is going to change. So for now I'll just wait. I'm okay, kid, I promise. I'll let you know if that changes. Now turn the volume up!" He nudged my shoulder.

Maybe things can work out for all of us, I thought. Maybe it's finally our time to be happy.


I woke up to the phone ringing. I looked at the time, 10:00 AM. I hadn't slept that long in forever! I could see my dreams fleeing my mind as I groggily woke to the real world. The last few flashes of Emaline and I dancing on the stage. It's all I could ever think about. The ringing abruptly brought me back again.

"Hello?" I mumbled, hoping of course that it was her.

E: Hey, Sweetie! Did you have a good night?

K: The best, dreamt of you!

E: Oh, do tell!

K: I don't kiss and tell.

E: Oh okay, well I'll have to figure out a different way to get it out of you. Challenge accepted! So, when can I see you again?

K: Well, Dad has a staff and PTO meeting today at the school so he'll be gone most of the afternoon. Wanna come over and watch a couple of movies?

E: As long as we can cuddle and I can bring Christmas Carol!

K: I'm down for cuddles but if we watch your Christmas movie then we get to watch a movie of my choice, which since Halloween is only a week or so away will be a horror film. Deal?

E: Deal!

K: Can you come over at noon? I can prepare some snacks.

E: Oh, my girl isn't just cute, she can cook too?

K: Prepare, not cook! No one said anything about cooking, babe. *babe, omg, it just slipped from my lips*

E: babe? I like that. See you at noon!


[Kate's POV]

Now it was my time to run around hectically and get my room ready. To be honest, I didn't have that much to do after my lesbian fall cleaning that happened a few weeks ago. All the embarrassing boy band and actor posters had been removed. My edgy music posters looked good. I picked up a few items of dirty clothes, sprayed some perfume around my room and smiled at the thought of Emaline Addarrio being here in my room. It was still unreal. I hustled down to the kitchen. Okay, what do we have that I can conjure up for a snack. Hm, I hope she isn't a health food junkie because all I could find were some pizza bites, cosmic brownies, fruit gushers, popcorn, and lemonade.

Kemaline continued from Season 1Where stories live. Discover now