Dewey's ice cream shop

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Benny went with the Curtis' in their truck and all of the girls went in the convertible. I think Sadie would rather die than be seen in a truck like that. It was something about Socs and greasers. Something that would never mix but collide. We all knew that we were people, we just lived on different sides of town. What did what side of town you live on have to do anything? I don't know. But the moment I saw how happy Nancy and Darry really were, I realized everyone else thought about greasers as "rude" or "abnormal" but they weren't. They were just normal kids with home life's they hated. Or that's what I thought. I have no idea.

We arrived at the shop, I thought it was cute. Sodapop opened the door for Sadie, that was cute. I think he liked her, it was the way he looked at her. She looked at him the same way, Sadie can always get a guy no matter what. I didn't care at the moment, all I cared about was if Ponyboy looked at me. Dinner was kinda silent, but I'm happy I went. We all got out of the car and walked into the little shop that seemed to be locally owned. We had all been standing in line when I felt someone grab my hand, maybe it was Benny cause he did that often. I was wrong, it was ponyboy Curtis. "Hi" he had a soft smile and his beautiful brown eyes looked at me. "Hi Ponyboy" I grabbed his hand just a little tigher, to signify I wanted him to hold it. Sadie and Soda were in front of us, they order first, then Benny then it was my turn. I ordered a cone with strawberry ice cream, Ponyboy asked me what my second flavor was, so I told him. He order Chocolate, was it cause I liked it or just cause he wanted to? I let go of his hand before our family's saw us. Darry, Nancy, and Ben sat at a little table and the rest of us sat in the healthy grass patch.

Cause Benny sat with Darry and Nancy, Jan started talking to the little shy boy, Johnny.
Johnny and Jan seemed good together, the different energy made it even cuter. Those two were talking while Sadie and Soda were walking up the block to a little shop. "I like your dress Kadey" Ponyboy seemed to be quiet but so sweet.
The dress was baby blue with silver trimmings at the bottom. "Thanks pony" I gave him a little smile, I think I was blushing but couldn't tell. "You know you can call me Kade, only if you'd like" I was kinda afraid to look at him, he was just so handsome. "Ok, Kade" he put his arm around my shoulder. Oh my god. I leaned into his chest to slightly rest my head, he didn't seem to have a problem with it.

Johnny and Jan were hittin' it off so they didn't notice. My heart was beating at a million miles a second, and base off what I could hear, so was his. "So what's your favorite color Kade?" He asked me with a small smile. Before I could even answer, "oh my gosh!" Sadie said in a high voice, I'm assuming Pony let go of me once he heard her. I'm assuming cause I got up faster than I could process. "I saw that!" Sodapop was standing there smiling after saying that to us. I don't really have too much of a problem with them seeing. I was head over heels for this greaser.

"What are you talking about?" Jan was confused saying she never took her eyes away from Johnny's. "Nothin" Sadie said, I'm surprised she didn't expose me and pony's interaction. We all got up and went to find Darry and Nancy inside. After about a minute of awkward silence and just standing at the table everyone got in their cars and drove to their houses. The houses on different sides of town, the house that I no longer cared for cause I realized we were all just people. People who wanted to be happy and in love.
Oh, to be young and in love. Too bad I already am, you know? Young and in love.

But then I wondered, what would everyone at the Country Club think? What would the other Soc kids think? What would mom and dad think when they came back from California in 2 days? Oh god. I couldn't help who I liked. "Here ya little bastards" Nancy said tiredly, "and don't forget you got school in the morning, it's Thursday night." You could tell she was real tired. You could tell that Sadie was seriously in love with Sodapop. You could also tell Jan was falling flat for the little Italian greasers called Johnny. I could just see it. Nancy unlocked the door, everyone walked to their desired destination and I went to mine. To my pretty pink room, I went into my closet grabbed a night gown and fell asleep the second my head touched the pillow. The second before I thought about school. The place I hated most but there was one thing, Ponyboy Curtis would be there tomorrow.

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