Pool parties and roofers

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I woke up the next morning, I felt good. I missed Ponyboy already, but I think 6;56 was way too early to call someone.. especially your crush. I got up and walked downstairs
"Good grief what are you wearing?" Cider asked me, he was talking about my babydoll nightgown.
"A babydoll nightgown." I answered him. If you don't know a babydoll nightgown is a fairly short dress, mostly famous in the 50's.
"Bob's here go change please" Bob Sheldon. He's actually pretty nice and cool. Based off what I know, he reminds me alot of Sodapop. He's Cherry Valance's boy. Judd said that, not Cider. Cider said the two of them could only agree on one thing : the protecting of their siblings

I went upstairs and changed into a royal blue dress, which was quite beautiful. And Bob's favorite color. I'd really be lying to you if I said I didn't find him good looking. Cause glory, he's cute. But Ponyboy Curtis is a different type of cute. You wouldn't understand. I walked downstairs and Bob was sitting on the couch,
"Hello Kadey" He said standing up to shake my hand.
"Hello Bob" I said politely. You treat people with respect around here, "Howdy-do" and "What's kicking little chicken" won't fly around here. We're classy kids, the hoodlum vocabulary is just odd. Y'know, I really should be saying this while dating a greaser.. But it's the truth.

"You gonna come to my pool party later this afternoon?" Glory I love parties.
"Well I don't see why I shouldn't." I spoke back to him with a smile, still shaking his hand, but letting go once I realized.
"Pool party huh?" Sadie said walking in beside Jan, they must've taken our dog, Marie on a walk. Did I ever mention our dog?!
"You two pretty ladies are also more than welcomed." He said with a bright smile, his smile was majestic... 
"Thanks Bobby" Sadie spoke back to him with a wink, my eyes widened at that.. Sadie doesn't do that stuff unless she's flirting. She can't be flirtatious with Bob Sheldon.. right..?

"You do realize it's 7:05 in the morning Mr. Sheldon do you not?" My father asked. We all sorta chuckled, it was way too early to have people over
"I apologize sir, I came by to put my invite in the mailbox and Judd walked out. And then we started talking and eventually came inside sir."
Bob said sticking up for himself in the most polite manner.
"It's no problem with me son" Robert gave a nod then walked out the front doors.
"Garçon poli, hein Sadie?" Oh gosh. Dad knew about Sodapop, and he also knew he was a poor high school dropout.
"Avec une dame" Jan said with her usual wide smile. My father just walked off. I knew he didn't like Sodapop. He just didn't and you probably wouldn't be able to persuade him to.

It was about 3 hours later. It's about 10 o'clock and Bob's party starts at 2, I'm really excited to go.
"Les couvreurs arrivent dans 15 minutes"
"Couvreuses?" Nancy said in response to my father. I think Darrel is a roofer but I'm not sure.
"We are getting a new roof!" Judd said. Judd was prouder of his money than anything. You wouldn't really guess but glory is he proud of the 12 figures our father makes (who wouldn't be?)
Just then the bell rang, and my father went to answer it.
"Tu as fait ça exprès!" Nancy exclaimed as she stood behind my father at the door, she had an angry tone in her voice. Jannette and I looked at each other with confusion.
"Ça te fait du bien de faire des cascades comme celle-ci, hein papa ?" Me and Jan, being the nosy people we were walked past the door, as if we were walking to the staircase, it was Darrel. You could tell he was trying to be professional but.. You could see the look in his eyes as he watched Nancy and dad go back and forth. His whole crew was behind him just confused.

"Arrête ça ! Ce sont des ouvriers, au moins papa leur met de l'argent dans les poches !" Jan said trying to make peace, walking in between them facing Nancy.
"He's doing it on purpose! He just want to feel big you know he does Jannette!" The rest was mumbling to me as I zoned out. Rek walked downstairs as I was sitting on the couch, Nancy and Dad and Jan going back and forth, Judd and I sitting on the couch staring at each other bewildered. Derek scooted the arguing trio aside and walked out and closed the door. About 2 minutes later he walked back inside and everyone looked at him.

"You wouldn't be acting like that if you weren't embarrassed of him being around here."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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