Ms. Joncy's 2nd period

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I went to bed that night with only Ponyboy on my mind. I knew I had a dream I just can't remember what it was about. "Wake up kiddo" that's when I finally woke up, and saw Nancy standing next to me. "You woke up late, it's 6:10" she walked out of the room so I could have privacy, I think. I usually wake up at 5 but I guess I woke up really late. I jumped out of bed then went to the restroom to brush my teeth and fix my hair into a mid-ponytail with a baby pink ribbon. Once I was done it was 6:24. I tried to find my best dress hoping I'd see Ponyboy. He said he went to my high school and was in the same grade, maybe we would run into each other in the hallways. While I was looking I found the best dress I could. It was a white dress that went barley, above my knees with lace at the neck and bottom.

"Breakfast!" Derek screamed from the bottom of the staircase. I put on my dress and sprinted downstairs. Derek had late classes on Friday so Nancy would pick us up. Josie, who was our cook (also the girl Cider was interested in) had cooked bacon, eggs, and toast. It was 6:38 by then, we always left the house at 7:00 to be there by 7:15, that's when the bell rang of course. We all had breakfast as a family so that was around 20-25 minutes. Dinner was longer. 

"So you excited to see Ponyboy Kadey?" Sadie said with a small smirk. Derek looked up from his plate read quick,
"Ponyboy? Who's that?" All eyes were on me,
"Why don't you tell everyone about Sodapop? Huh?" Derek didn't even want us around east side boys like that.
"It's Darrel's 2 brothers, so do you actually like him or not Kadey I can't tell" Nancy says sitting at the opposite end of the table from Derek.
"je ne le dirai pas à Derek" it's French for
"I won't tell Derek" we all speak French fluently. it's our first language cause we lived in France until I was 6, moved to Washington, then, here to Tulsa 2 months ago. We speak fluent English though.
"je parle français Nancy." Rek said Rolling his eyes.

"I know that's why I said it" it was 6:47 and everyone was at the table other than Judd and Cider. Cider was most definitely still asleep and you could hear Judd walking around cause his room was right above the kitchen.
"I HAVE ENGLISH HOMEWORK CRAP!" Stacy said sprinting upstairs, I don't know why she cared so much cause she never did it anyways. By the time Cider was walking down the stairs half asleep it was 7:01. It took us a few minutes to get situated in the car but we drove off to the middle school just fine at 7:05. Rek dropped off Benny then we went off to our Highschool. Rek waited in the car line and when we got to the front, who was there? Ponyboy Curtis. We all got out and walked up, Sadie and Jan went their way, Cider and Judd took their separate routes and I walked up to Ponyboy.

"Hi Pony"
"Hey Kadey!" He said in a cheerful voice. He signaled for me to hand him my books so he can carry them. I handed the book to him, he shifted them into one hand then grabbed my hand with his free one.
"So when are you free for the drive in?" He asked as we stopped by his locker
"Tonight if you'd like Pony" I said with a soft smile "it's a date Kade, oh and who's your Homeroom so I can walk you to class" I think I was in love with him already.
"Mr Johnson" I could tell people were looking at us as we walked down the hall, I just didn't pay attention cause I was OVER THE MOON. He walked me to my class then handed me my books, then walked backwards facing towards me and smiling. He bumped into a kid but I thought it was sweet.

I walked into class and could help but daydream about Ponyboy. Before I knew it the bell rang and just as I was about to walk out ;
"Ms.Fontaine stay back a second" he said still filling out his sheet. I stood next to his desk awkwardly, just until he handed me a paper ;

Fontaine, Kadey Class Schedule
Home room; Johnson
1st period ; Lamorre
2nd period ; Joncy

Oh god. Ms.Jancy was the English teacher that hated me. It was my new class schedule, my new last period was Garret, which is math. I hated that too. I walked out, it was Ponyboy and Johnny this time. Even though Johnny was there Ponyboy still grabbed my hand.
"Hey pony who do you have for 2nd period?"
"English with Joncy, what about you?" He always talked with a soft tone and smile.
"So do I!" He looked kinda puzzled then turned to me.
"I've never seen you there?"
"Well two of my classes got switched around." I said rolling my eyes as we walked along the hallway with Johnny.
"Well thank god for that" he said putting his arm around me.
"Where to?"
"Lamorre 114" I said looking up into his beautiful brown eyes. Sure enough we walked to room 114 and he dropped me off, I'm guessing he walked Johnny, then went to his own class. I don't think I did anything for the whole period, 1 because I was tired, then 2 because my stomach started to hurt an hour into the class.

But all I could think about was next period with Pomyboy Curtis. Man was I excited.

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