What is wrong with me?

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Name/Onel P.O.V.
I enter the dining room to join the others at the dinner.
"How are you feeling, my queen?" Doffy asks worry.
I go next to him and hug him.
"I am much better. Thanks for asking."
He pets my cheek and smiles. "Fufu~ great." and he cups my lips. Ha! Watch that Samantha! He is mine, not yours!
I go and take my seat between Baby5 and Sugar.
"Your Highness, are you better?" Samantha asks too.
"I am fine. It was just a little dizz. Ok, now what do we have for tonight! I am too hungry." I clap.
A waiter serves and tells me. "Chicken fillet with rice and vegetables, Your Highest."
"Great! It look delicious! Thank you!"

Time skip
Everyone left the table apart from me and Samantha. I eat a lot but I am still hungry and Samantha now which Gladius is missing she is responsible for my safety. I don't like a lot the idea but at least I will watch her moves and find out easier her plans.
I ask the waiter. "Please, can you bring me one more piece of the cake?"
He smiles. "Of course, Your Highest." and walks inside the kitchen.
"Your Highest, I don't want to bother you but you already have eat dessert, maybe it is better to don't eat more." Samantha says as kind as she can.
"I know but I am still hungry." I awnser her with a fake chuckle.
"As you wish." She smiles.
"Oh tomorrow we will go to the market Samantha." I inform her.
"I have to choose my wedding dress, in less of two mounths I am getting married." I tell happy. I hope her to listen that very clearly.
"That's great, Your Highest." She chuckles and I notice a small smirk which she is trying to hide. I smirk too. That means she is preparing something and this time. This time you gonna be busted red thief. (F/n) (L/n) will take her revenge.

Time skip
"My sweet Onel. Wake up... fufu~." Doffy pets me softly.
I lean, hug him and mummur. "Five more minutes, honey."
He kisses my forehead. "Come on... you have to wake up."
"Fufu~ you are so cute but you must go to the market to find a pretty dress for me."
I turn from the other side and cuddle in the blanket. "Later..."
Doffy takes the blanket off me and whispers on my ear. "Fufufu~ I bet you will be the most beautiful bride of all."
Suddenly, I stand up with out my will.
"Doffy~ I want to sleep." I yawn and try to get out off his strings.
"Samantha is waiting you. Fufufu~."
"Doffy, I have to warn you. Samantha is not what you think. Be careful, with her around here."
"Fufufu~ I know you don't like her my jealous queen." He rest his head on his paml and watches me to dressing up with a smile.
"I-I ... I am not jealous...."
He gives me a look.
"Okay... maybe... a little.... but... just be careful." I tell him.
"Fufufu~ okay, my jealous queen."
I give him a glance and I pass my hands through my dreess sleevees.
"Doffy? Can you please zip it?" I turn my back to him.
"Fufu~ of course." He stands up from the bed and zips slowly my dress.
After he hugs me from behind. "Fufufu~ my jealous queen."
"Cut that jealous stuff." I tell him.
"Fufu~." He just laughs and doesn't comment.

Time skip
Samantha P.O.V.
I am with the queen on the market. She is so so... so beautiful. Those glowing (e/c) eyes, her skin, her smile and those blue curls of hers. I am wondering how her body is. I want to see her naked. I imagine her to take a hot shower and I enter with her. I bite my lips... so sexy... so hot...
"Samantha? Are you okay?" She asks me and leaves the book which she was looking back on the stores shelf.
"Yeah-yeah... everything is fine." I say with a blush and she continues to looking for new books.
We still don't have go to find her a wedding dress. That bastard Doflamingo is so lucky. He will marry that beautiful creature. The most beautiful woman who I have ever meet.
She finds a book and buy it. "Okay. Now let's find my wedding dress~." She sings.
I blush... so cute~.
We enter the shop with the wedding dresses. It is huge.
"Your Highest, welcome. How can I help you?" A kind woman asks.
"I come to find my wedding dress. What you have to show me?" The queen smiles.
"It is our honnor for choose our store for your weeding. Vanessa, Natasa!" She yells.
Two young women come.
"I want to help the queen to find the perfect wedding dress for her."
"Of course. It is our pleasure." The one say and the other continue. "Follow us, Your Highest." Both of them chuckle.

Time skip
Name/Onel P.O.V.
I already try at least twenty dresses but don't find the special.
I walk out of the fitting room.
"How about that?" I ask them.
"It is pretty." Vanessa says and the others agree.
I look myself on the mirror. It is preety but ...no. I want something perfect.
I go inside the fitting room to try something else.
Samantha all this time is looking at me weird. I am worring. Did she understand who I am?
Still i have not idea what she wants... I take a deep breathe.
I take the next dress and wear it.
I walk out and.... ohh... my head. I am feeling dizzy. I touch the wall to hold myself stand.
So dizzy... I am ready to pass out. My legs become weak and my eyes are heavy. I lost my balance and fall in the floor.
"Queen Onel!!!!" The women yell and run near me.
What is wrong with me? So dizzy the last two days... i can't understand.
My eyes close and... black out.

Doflamingo x reader The scientist 3:The queen is jealous?Where stories live. Discover now