The king's anger

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Doflamingo P.O.V.
I return to the palace. Fufufu~ it took me more of what I thought. I had told to my queen I would come last night but I come today morning. It's breakfast time now. Everyone must be in the dinning room and are having breakfast. I go to the dinning room.
"Welcome back Young Master." They greet me.
"Fufufu~ good morning." I look around and I am not watching my sweet Onel.
"Where is my queen?" I ask.
"Maybe she is sleeping or preparing herself to come down. Do you want me to go call her?" Baby 5 says.
"No. Thank you Baby 5. Fufufu~ I will go." I awnser and walk out of the room.
I find a very instesting book and I buy it for my queen. I am sure she will like it. Fufufu~
I reach our room and open the door slowly. I don't want to wake her up if she is sleeping.
Mmm? The bed it's empty. I knock the bathroom door.
Knock knoc
"Fufufu~ my queen I am back. Are you inside?"
No awnser. "Onel? Are you okay?"
Nothing. Silence. I open the door and enter. She is not here. Maybe in her lab. I go downstairs and go inside her lab. Not here either. I look in the pool. Where is my queen? I see Mary her maid.
"Do you know where is the queen?" I ask her.
"If she is not in your room no, Young Master. I didn't see her." She tells and returns back to her work.
Veins are popping out of my forehead. I go back at the dinning room.
"Doffy? Are you okay?" Diamante asks.
I yell mad to all of them. "Where is Onel?!?!?!?"
"She is not in her room?" Baby 5 says.
"No!" I glare.
"Do you look in her lab, Young Master?" Giolla asks.
"No! She is not! Where is she!?!?!"
Silence inside the room after of my shout and yell.
"All of you! Now! Take soliders and start to look everywhere in Dressrossa for her!!! Find her! Find her now!!!"
In a minute everybody gone and start to looking for her exept from Violet who is looking with her ability sitting on the chair.
"Oi! Violet! Look everywhere. Even inside the ships and the ships who are travelling away from here." I tell.
"Yes, Young Master."

Time skip-Back to Samantha/Tomas's ship.
Name/Onel P.O.V.
He comes back with a very long white coat and throw it on me.
"Put that around you. To hide the cuffs. I don't want to have troubles with anyone."
"No!" I glare.
"Do what I say." She commants and pulls a gun.
I listen to her. She helps me to stand up and she makes sure that the coat is hiding my chains and the outfit. After she...he hugs me from my waist and we go upstairs to the deck and after leave the ship and we are walking on an unknown to me port.
She whispers on my ear. "Be a good girl sweety. Just stay quiet."
I nod and let her to lead me. I look around. I have no idea where are we.
We are walking out of the town and go in a grass land. Fresh air, green grass, colourful flowers and I see in the middle an air balloon and a man.
"Oi Samantha! Long time no see!" The man greets and we go closer.
"Hey Jason! Is the air ballon ready?" She says kindly. The air ballon??? Ready for what!???!
"Who is your friend Samantha?" He asks.
"Her name is Lesly and she is a mute. She can't talk." She chuckles. Oh my God! What a lier! I nod. I don't have another chance.
"You look upset my lady. Are you flying for a first time?" Jason asks kindly.
"Yeah! She is a little anxious for her first flight." She tells and go to go inside the air ballon but the man stops her.
"Samantha! You didn't pay me for the air ballon." Jason clean his throat.
"Oh I am so sorry. I forgot." She opens her back and put out my necklace. My golden necklace with a rudy which Doffy had gifted to me. She must took it from my neck when I was sleeping.
"Here! It is a very expensive one." She smirks. She can't give that!!! That necklace means a lot of to me.
"Do you steal it, Samantha?" He raises an eyebrown.
"I don't want to have troubles." He says.
"It was my grandma's. I don't steal it." She lies.
"Ok then. Have a nice---..."
I am so upset which I don't understand how I react. I grab it from his hands and yell. "It is mine! You have no right to give that!!!" I am ready to cry. If I am not gonna see my king again, I want at least to have that necklace. The coat fall off me to the ground and the man sees my outfit and the chains.
"I am calling the navy now! Let the woman alone, Samantha! You overdone it this time!" Jason yells.
"I told you to stay quiet!" She slaps me.
"Please help me." I tell to the man.
The man go to act but Samantha pulls out a gun and he stays still.
"Stay back Jason. It is not your bussiness." She pulls me close to her and we go in the air ballon.
She realeses it from the ground and the ballon starts to raise up on the air with us on it and leave the Jason to the ground.
I yell and talk fast. "Find Doflamingo the warlord and---...mmhmmm!!" Samantha puts her hand on my mouth.
"Shut up! You will not going back to him! Now you belond to me!!!" I bite her hand.
I shout to make sure Jason will hear me. "My name is Onel Delord and tell to Doflamingo I 'm--...mhmmmhh!!!" She gags me with a cloth.
"I had enough of your mouth." She glares to me.

Back to Dressrossa
Doflamingo P.O.V.
Everybody returns. I hope they find her. My sweet and precious queen is nowhere!!!! Where is she!?!?
"We didn't find her, Young Master."
"Doffy, she is not in Dressrossa."
More veins are popping out on my face. I am mad and worried. "Where is she????" I yell out of the control. She said she will waiting for me. "What happened to my sweet and precious Onel!!!????!!!!"
"Young Master... relax. I am sure we will find her."
I look around. I can't calm. As long as I am waiting I am becoming more angry and worried.
"Violet!!! Did you find anything!!!???"
"I am sorry, Young Master. Nothing."
I hit my hand on the table and it breaks from my anger.
"Find her!!! No one of us will sleep if we don't find her!!!"

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