Chapter 1

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They say that New York is the city that never sleeps. I live in Las Vegas also known as Sin City and let me tell you this is truly the city that never sleeps. No matter what time of day it is and no matter what day of the week there are tons of people out either working or partying or gambling. Nothing ever closes. I use to enjoy the nightlife here. Now I much prefer the seclusion of my apartment.
Don't get me wrong there isn't anything wrong with it, I just would rather put my efforts into working and making my business my main priority.
I'm sitting at home on my computer working. I love the idea of working from home. I own my own business so I can work on my own time and I have absolutely nobody to answer to. What can be better than that? I'm caught up in the middle of a project for an important client when my cell goes off. That can be one of three people. With my AirPods in I answer hands free so I can continue to work. "Hello?"
"Hey, brat how you been?" Mike, my brother can't help but mess with me.
"Hey, asshole. How has work been?" What kind of sibling would I be if I didn't give it back to him?
"Crazy as usual. It never seems to end." Mike is a sergeant with the Las Vegas police department. It does keep him occupied but I always worry about him.
"I know. But hey, job security, right?" I try to make light of the conversation. I don't like to let on how much I worry about him.
"Unfortunately that's how I look at it. Though it would be nice to have at least a little less crime. Anyway, the reason I'm calling is because I wanted to see if you want to get lunch."
"I would love to but I'm in the middle of a project for an important client. Rain check?"
There was silence for a moment which could only mean one thing. There was no getting out of this lunch today. Kris you work for yourself. You make your own hours. You can take a lunch break. When was the last time you stopped to eat a real meal anyway?"
"So that's where we're going with this? I stop and eat. I just happen to put a lot of hours in. What can I say I'm dedicated to my work. You know how that is."
"I do. So let me ask you this. When was the last time you left your apartment?"
"What's that suppose to mean?" I ask even though I have a good idea why he's asking.
"Really? Don't play dumb you know exactly what it means. Don't forget how well I know you. You can't hide out in that small apartment forever. You have to leave at some point."
"If I meet you for lunch will you drop this?"
"Yes, for now at least."
"Fine. When and where?"
"The cafe on the corner. Ten minutes sharp."
"You're there already? I really didn't stand a chance."
"Now your getting it. Ten minutes don't be late."
"Yes, Sergeant." With that I hung up. I love my brother but he is the biggest pain in my ass. I'm just glad nothing has happened to him with how dangerous his job is. I swear between him and our father I'm constantly a nervous wreck.
I close out of all my programs after saving my progress and shut everything down. As secure as I keep my place you can never be too safe and I don't need anyone to get their eyes on my work. The wrong prying eyes can cost me along with my clients a fortune. I change real quick and head out securing all my locks and security system. I arrive at the cafe with three minutes to spare. I spot Mike right away but he's not alone. "Shit" I whisper to myself as I walk over.
"Hey, ass." I give Mike a hug. As much as I love my brother I can't help but give him a hard time.
"Hey, brat."
"Hey, dad, I didn't know you were joining us." I gave him a big hug.
"I wouldn't miss the opportunity for anything. I feel Ike I haven't seen you in so long. I can't even remember the last time I heard from you."
"I know and I'm sorry. I've just been so busy. Work has been taking up all of my time."
"Don't work too hard. You do need to have some time for yourself as well. Make sure you are taking care of yourself."
"Don't worry, I am." I hate how much they worry about me. More because I feel guilty that I have caused that. Also that their jobs are dangerous enough they don't need any distractions so I try to make it a point not to be one.
Mike let out a slight cough. "What? You have something to say?"
"Come on Kris we both you you've been living on maybe snacks and energy drinks and the occasional take out. You haven't left your place in who knows how long."
"How the hell would you know?" Then it hit me. My best friend ratted me out. Some best friend. "Nick, the rat bastard." He was in for a world of hurt when I see him next.
"He's a good friend. He cares about you. He worries."
"Whatever. Let's just order lunch. The sooner I get home the sooner I can yell at Nick."
"Leave him be. He's doing what a friend should do."
"That doesn't mean I have to be happy with him right now." Seriously, does everyone want to run my life?
Just then the waiter showed up to take our orders. As typical dad and Mike got their steak and vegetables while I ordered my usual chicken Cesar salad. Mike had to be the one to say something as usual. "I wish you would also order a sandwich with your salad."
"Nah, I'm good with a salad. Besides at least it has chicken so you can't say I'm not eating any protein."
"Fine, I'll give you that much."
Score one for me for a change. Soon after the waitress brought out our iced teas our meals followed. We finally slipped into a more comfortable conversation. As much as I worry about Mike I knew he was going to follow in our dads footsteps. I saw it coming years ago.
Like our dad he put in the time and hard work to make it to sergeant. I can just see him becoming the chief of police like our father. I know they are both incredible at what they do but that doesn't stop me from being concerned for their safety.
Considering how it started out it's actually been a pleasant lunch. We talked about how work has been going for each of us. "I'm gaining new clients almost weekly right now. Has there been a serious uptick in theft? More specifically theft from businesses online accounts?"
"Nothing too specific comes to mind, but I guess companies can never be too cautious these days. Why?"
"I've had so many companies hiring me to check and upgrade their cyber security. I can't tell you how many of these sites were left way too vulnerable. Some of them needed a complete overhaul. As a matter of fact that's what I was working on when you called." I looked at Mike. He had that sorry not sorry look on his face.
"How's it going?" Mike and my dad always showed sincere interest in my work. They have always shown the utmost support for me no matter what I did. I will always be grateful for that.
"This one has been tougher than most I've done. This company has been so specific with how they want everything on their site that sometimes it hinders what I can do."
"That must suck."
"It does. I can usually work around it. However every time I just about get somewhere with it, they have another request. I've been working on this one for weeks. I almost want to tell them to find someone else."
"Maybe you should. If its that bad." My dad was always supportive so I know no matter what I decide he'll stand by my decision.
"It's tempting, believe me. I'm just not one to give up. I'm sure there is a middle ground somewhere. If I can't get anywhere within the next couple of weeks they will have to make a choice."
"Good. Sometimes that's what you have to do. Some people will just never be satisfied."
My dad has always been great at bouncing ideas and thoughts off of. He always came through with sound advice even if he didn't understand the issue completely. "That is true. And since it's just me I can't justify spending this much time on just one client."
"I agree", Mike replied. "That's a loss of income for you. And like you said, it is just you." He made a valid point. One I have to admit I didn't think about. I was just thinking about the time I was putting in and wasting on just one account.
"Exactly. Don't get me wrong I enjoy what I do but there have to be limits."
"I'm glad you're seeing that. You have a talent these people don't but need. They need to see that your time is valuable." Leave it to my father to point that out. "Have you thought of bringing someone on who can help?"
"Most definitely not. I don't trust anyone enough. Especially with what I do and the client list I have. My reputation is way too important to have someone come in and fuck everything up."
"I still say you should have just worked for one company. It would have been less stressful."
"And I would be working in a stuffy office working a nine to five job. Having someone to answer to. No thanks. It may work for you guys, but you know I've never been one to take orders."
"Oh, darling, believe me I'm well aware."
The guilt ate at me constantly about all the problems I have caused for my father. "I know, dad, and I'm truly sorry for all the problems I have caused."
"You have nothing to apologize for. Always know I love you no matter what and trust me I completely understood. I wouldn't change any of it for anything in the world."
"I love you too. Thank you for everything you've done for me." I don't think there is a way I could possibly thank him or make it up to him.
"I'd never change anything either. I gained a pretty awesome awesome sister and that's more than anyone can ask for."
"Thank you. I love you too. I have to admit I gained a pretty awesome brother."
"While I'm glad to see the two of you actually getting along and complimenting each other for a change, I need to get back to the precinct."
"Alright, I'll call you sometime this week. Maybe we'll do dinner sometime soon."
"That would be wonderful sweetheart. Talk to you soon."
Dad left and now it was just Mike and me. "Okay so spill."
"What?" Though I wasn't in the mood for his grilling I'm glad he waited for our father to leave. Whatever was on his mind I'm sure it's not something I want to get into in front of our dad.
"I don't know but I get the feeling there's something you aren't telling us. So, you tell me." There's a reason he's so good at his job. He can smell bullshit a mile away. Those cop senses are always kicking in.
"There's nothing. Like I said I've been working non-stop on this project and it's been taking all of my time."
"Is that the only reason why you haven't left your place in almost a month?" I was seriously going to hurt Nick. "Because I know you well enough to know when there's something you don't want to tell anyone.
"I already told you yes. If there were anything else I would have told you."
"Right, like every other time." I hated hearing the doubt in his voice. It hurt to know I caused that. As much as I mean what I'm telling him I know I've given him plenty of reasons to doubt me.
I took a deep breath. "Looks like you'll just have to take my word for it. Since you don't intend on believing a word that I say."
"For now, but remember this, Nick has no problem calling me and letting me know anything that happens."
"Of course he doesn't. But no. It's been pleasantly quiet. It's been a joy not to hear form him. Hopefully this means he's finally given up."
"One can only hope. Well I guess I'll head home then. You going home and getting back to work?"
"Yeah, I want to get this damn project done once and for all."
"I don't blame you. It was good seeing you. Give me a call if you need anything." He gave me a hug and left.


When I arrived back at my place I got started right where I left off. By some miracle I managed to come up with the perfect solution for this pain in the ass client. I send everything over to them and within ten minutes have a new email come through. Oh what now? After reading it I'm please to know they are finally happy. I am done with that one. I hate to admit it but that break probably helped. I was able to think clearer and come up with the perfect solution.
I was just taking a well deserved break from coding and staring at a damn computer screen when my phone starts ringing. Here we go. On to the next. "DesignWorks web design, how can I help you?"
"Yes, hello my name is Val and I'm calling from the office of Nathan Black and he would like to set up a meeting to go over your services."
"I'd be more than happy to discuss my services. However I don't do in person meetings. I'd be more than happy to set up a teleconference."
"I'm afraid that Mr. Black requires to meet with anybody he plans on doing business with in person."
There's a reason I like working for myself and out of my home. I don't have to give into these sort of demands. And since I don't actually have an office I have no way to take meetings. Though I have a feeling that wouldn't make a difference here. He would just insist we meet at his office then. "I see. Well then we may not be a good fit for each other I'm afraid."
"He's insisting on your services. Says he's heard such great reviews." As flattering as that is and it's extremely flattering there's no way I'm giving in.
"Then he'll have to agree to talk over the phone." Take it or leave it Mr. Black.
"With all do respect do have any idea who Nathan Black is?" Yeah just another billionaire who thinks he can whatever he wants and can get whatever he wants. Well he's wrong if he thinks his name will do the trick with me.
"I know the name but I'm sorry, I don't make exceptions. If I did for him then it wouldn't be long before word got around and everyone would be demanding it. My results are what they are because I remain anonymous."
"I'll pass this info on to Mr. Black and see how he would like to move forward. I will be in touch."
"Absolutely. Feel free to email me with any questions you may have."
I didn't even have to turn around to see that Nick let himself in. "Hey, rat."
"Sorry, still love me?"
"Yeah, just don't okay?"
"I was worried."
"I'm good, so stop."
"I will under one condition." I gave him the look. "Come out to the club with me tonight."
I sighed as its not really me but what the hell. "Fine, but you owe me."

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