Chapter 13

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The next morning Nick woke me up with the heavenly aroma of coffee. "Rise and shine baby girl."
"What time is it?"
"What the hell is wrong with you. It's too early." I threw the blanket over my face. This is not happening.
He the blanket off of my face. "Nope no way. I'm going back to bed."
This time he pulled the covers all the way off. "Nah, were going to get this day started. Let's go, get up."
"You're insane. I'm going to get back on my sleeping schedule."
"You know how well that'll work. Your prince has an empire to run and he starts his day even earlier than this. It's time to get closer to his schedule."
"I don't see why I have to but I know you're not going to give up, so fine I'll be right out."
"If you're not out in five I'm coming back in after you."
After he headed back out into the other room I got out of bed and headed into the bathroom. I just knew today would be a long day so I had to try and mentally prepare myself. After doing what I needed I splashed water on my face to wake myself up a bit and headed out into the other room. Nick wasn't in the living room which meant he was in the kitchen.
"Good, for a minute there I thought I was going to have to come back and pull your skinny ass out of bed."
"I know you would have. So, what's on the agenda for today?"
"What makes you think I have an agenda?"
"There's no way you are making me get up this early just to sit around all day. I'll just end up going back to bed."
'Well that most certainly won't be happening my friend. But it isn't me who has an agenda today."
"What are you talking about?"
"I can't give you all the details but lover boy has planned a day for you. I was to wake you up at eight and get you fed then ready by ten. A car will be here to pick you up. From there it is all a surprise."
I groaned. "Do I want to know?"
"I'll say this. You will be getting pampered and spoiled today. So just sit back and enjoy it. Besides you deserve it."
I looked at the spread that Nick had put out. "You cooked all of this?"
"Oh hell no baby girl. You know I can't cook. I ordered it then went and picked it up. I was told to feed you. There was nothing in the instructions saying I had to cook. If there were we'd both starve."
I laughed. "That's true."
"So sit your ass down and it."
"It does look good."
We both sat down and enjoyed a feast of a breakfast. I had  French toast, bacon, hash browns and some fruit. I was beyond stuffed. "I can't eat another bite. If I do I won't be going anywhere. You'll have to roll me out of here so I can sleep off a food coma."
He laughed. "Yeah, I'm pretty full myself."
We sat there and let our food settle a bit before I had to get ready. "So where am I going?"
"I'm not at liberty to discuss that."
"I don't think I like the idea of the two of you plotting things behind my back. I'm in for a world of trouble with the two of you. This isn't fair. You're my best friend. You're supposed to side with me not him.
"I'm not siding with anyone."
"Oh that's crap and you know it."
"Hey, I can't help it if he wants the same thing for you that I do. As long as he does I'm going to do whatever I have to in order to make it happen."
"A heads up would be nice."
"For once just sit back, relax and enjoy life. You deserve to finally be happy. And I think you found the one person who can make that happen."
"Fine, I get it. You're taking this secret to the grave. You always were good at keeping secrets."
"It's both a blessing and a curse."
I looked at the time and it was going on nine thirty. "I guess I should start getting ready."
"I'd say so."
I got up and went into my bedroom to find something to wear. I had no idea what the plans were so I didn't know what to wear. I decided on jeans and a t-shirt and grabbed my favorite hoodie. I skipped the makeup. I brushed my hair and threw it up in a ponytail. To me simple was better. By the time I was done it was going on ten. Time to get going.
I walked down to see a town car waiting for me. The driver was already waiting outside of the car. "Good afternoon Miss. Thomas. My name is Tony and I will be your driver for the day."
"Hello Tony. Can you tell me what Nathan has planned for me?"
"I'm sorry Miss. but I've been given strict instructions not to. I was told to follow an itinerary and get you to where you need to be. But it's all a surprise for you. So you'll just have to wait and see I'm afraid."
"I figured. Can't blame a girl for trying."
He let out a chuckle at that. "No, I suppose not."
He opened the back door for me to get in. After I was in he closed the door then got behind the wheel. It took me a minute to realize we haven't moved yet. I looked up to see him looking back at me through the rear view mirror. "Seatbelt Miss. Safety always comes first with Mr. Black."
"Oh, shit. Yes of course. I'm sorry." Once I was secure he started to pull out into traffic.
As he drove through the city streets I just took in all of my surroundings. I never really paid much attention to the city I live in. It made me think of what Nick said and that maybe he was right. I wasn't really living. I was just going through the motions of daily life.
I must have zoned out because it took Tony a few tries to get my attention. "We're here Miss. Thomas."
"Where is here?"
He looked up and it made my gaze follow. Slice of Heaven. "What am I doing here?"
"Mr. Black has booked you a day of pampering. First stop a full body massage."
"Are you serious?"
"I don't joke Miss."
Yeah I didn't think he did.
"Go on inside and give your name. They are ready for you. I'll be waiting right here when you are done."
"You're going to sit out here the whole time and wait for me?"
"Of course."
"You don't have to do that. You'll be bored out of your mind."
"I do have to. Those are my instructions. And I assure you I'll be fine. No go on and enjoy. After all we do have a schedule to keep."
I didn't continue to argue and headed inside. As soon as I walked in I was greeted by a young blond behind a desk. "Hello, you must be Miss. Tomas."
"I am."
"My name is Hope. I'll take you back and show you the room you'll be in." She brings me to the back and shows me where everything I need is. "Amanda will be your masseuse for today. Rest assure she is one of our best and comes highly recommended."
"Thank you." I wonder if Nathan chose a female on purpose. Was it for his benefit or mine?
As if Hope could read my mind she answered my unspoken questions. "Mr. Black had requested we choose the best for you but also stated that you may be a bit more at ease with a female rather than a male."
"I appreciate that. Thank you."
"It's my pleasure. Please feel free to let me know if you need anything. Amanda will be in shortly, as soon as you're ready." With that she walked out and let me get undressed and put the robe on that was provided.
I looked around while I waited. It was no wonder how this place got it's name. It's all white walls and furniture with accents of gold. It has that soft and inviting feel to it. It was warm and cozy.
I got so lost in admiring my surroundings that I just barely registered the door open and close. "Hello, Miss. Thomas I'm Amanda. Are you ready?"
"Yes just one thing."
"Please call me Kris."
She seemed a bit uneasy with that request but obliged. "Sure, Kris, I'm sorry it's just that Mr. Black likes us keeping it professional."
"I'm sure he does. I'm just more comfortable with using my first name."
"Of course. As you wish. Now are you ready to be pampered today?"
I just nodded unsure what to say.

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