Chapter 8

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We arrive at the restaurant and are escorted to our table right away. I have a feeling that he either visits here frequently or he owns it. My bet is on the latter. The waiter wastes no time bringing us glasses of wine and water. Soon after appetizers are being brought out. If I didn't know any better I'd say he had this all planned out.
"I hope you don't mind I took the liberty in calling in our order ahead of time."
"I see. A little presumptuous, don't you think?"
"Time is money. And I don't like to waste either one. Besides you had already agreed to join me."
"How did you know I wouldn't change my mind at the last minute?"
"It's not in you to do something like that. If you didn't want to go out with me you would have just said no."
"You don't even know me. How could you know that?"
"I'm good at reading people. If I wasn't I wouldn't be as successful as I am with all my business adventures."
"Okay, fair enough, how did you know what to order. We've never discussed what food we like."
"I have my resources."
Nick, I should have known he'd be involved in all this. I decide not to voice it out loud. I already know he had a hand in this and Nathan is not going to out his resource. He knows what he's doing all too well. He wants to keep Nick on his side. As I contemplate how I'm going to get him back I take a bite of my bruschetta and savor it. I try not to show how much I am enjoying it but damn it's delicious.
I only have a couple of pieces of bread with bruschetta as I don't want to ruin my appetite on just the appetizer. "That's it? You're not having any more?" He questions.
"I'd like to save some room for the actual meal." Just then the waiter comes by and clears away the remaining food when Nathan nods that we are finished with it. Then he returns with salad for each of us. Someone help me. He's going to over feed me tonight. I eat as much as I can manage not wanting to waste the whole thing.
Luckily Nathan doesn't say anything when I stop eating once again. I still have to manage to eat the main course. I'm almost afraid to know what he ordered for us. It's not long before I see the waiter coming out with our meals. My plate is placed in front of me and my mouth is watering when I see the chicken Francese with angel hair pasta. This is one of my favorite dishes. Now I definitely know Nick had a hand in this.
I eat as much as I can but I'm stuffed. Sadly I was only able to finish half of it. "You don't eat much, do you?" I can't quite tell if the question is out of sincerity or just plain curiosity.
"Usually not this much no."
He didn't look pleased at all. "I see. Well that's going to change. I can see why Nick warned me."
"First, Nick has no right saying shit. So he's in trouble. Second, we aren't changing a damn thing. Need I remind you that this is casual? This isn't a relationship so you don't need to concern yourself with my eating habits or any other life choices I make. You try and I promise you this will be over real fast. You asked for a date and I reluctantly agreed. That does not grant you the right to tell me what I can and can't do."
He leaned back in his chair with a smirk on his face. "This isn't funny. I'm not kidding."
"Oh baby, I believe it. I am enjoying getting a rise out of you though."
"Then why does it seem like you think it's all a joke?"
"I don't. I just see how right your friend is about you. There's definitely a fire there inside you."
"What the hell does that mean?" When did they find the time to talk about me so damn much?
"Don't get all defensive. I like it. And I'd never dream of putting out that fire. But rest assured this isn't over not by a long shot."
Ugh, this guy has such an ego. I sit back in my chair and glare at him. Okay fine, he wants to play. Let's play. Game on.
"I know what you're doing baby. And it won't work with me."
"What are you talking about?"
He let out a sigh. I just don't know if it's out of frustration or just a release. "You want to play the tough girl act. You want to come off that you don't need anyone and so you want to push me away like I suspect you've at least tried to with others. And I'm sure it's worked with some but obviously not all." He paused and looked me straight in the eyes. "And I'll tell you this now, it won't work with me."
I wasn't sure what to say to him. He did have me pegged. I also knew that there would be no convincing him that he was wrong or that he should give up.
Dinner was delicious but I opted to have the rest of mine wrapped up to bring home and skip dessert. He paid the bill and we headed out.
When we were back in the limo he back to the light mood he was in before that conversation. He turned to me and palmed me cheek while rubbing it with his thumb. Why did I have to be so damaged? Why couldn't I just give him a chance? He let out a sigh. "Please let me in. I promise you won't regret it."
I just sat there silent. I honestly didn't know what to say. He took a deep breath. "I'm just going to kiss you then."
"I'm not so sure that a smart..."
"I wasn't asking, Kristina. I was letting you know that I'm going to"
He leaned and kissed me. It was the most heart stopping, panty melting mind blowing kiss. This man can kiss and I can see it now he's going to destroy me.
When he pulled away I wasn't sure if I was relieved or disappointed. "Come back to my place with me. I want to take this dress off you and pepper you with kisses everywhere."
"As tempting as that sounds, and it does sound tempting. I'd rather just go home tonight. I prefer to take this slow."
"I won't say I'm not disappointed, but I will always respect your wishes Kristina."
"I appreciate that. And please call me Kris."
"Why? I much prefer Kristina, it suits you."
"And I much prefer Kris."
"Very well. Come I'll walk you to your door."
I didn't even realize we were in front of my apartment building. "That's sweet but you really don't have to."
"I insist. A gentleman walks his date to the door."
Chivalry apparently really isn't dead. "What was that?"
"What did you just mumble?"
Oh shit. I didn't realize I had said that out loud. "Nothing, it was just something Nick had said to me. That's all."
He looked as if he didn't believe me but dropped it. He kissed me goodnight and walked away as I walked inside.
When I walked into my apartment Nick was siting on the couch watching television waiting for me. "I'm ready to take your key away."
"Oh no you don't. You can't play innocent here. Your ass
is most definitely grass."
"Since it's obvious you know of my involvement we can skip over that part and get right to the details."
"There's nothing to tell we had dinner and apparently my best friend is a rat and a conniving sneak."
"Ouch, but okay i deserve that. I was only trying to help though."
"Me or him?"
"You, always you. You know that."
"Could have fooled me. All your little tid bits about me only helped him. And he's controlling enough by the way. He doesn't need you to add any more fuel."
"I take it that the night didn't go too well then. I mean since you're home already."

"It's not that. I just want to take it slow. Like I said I already see how controlling he is and I know I need to take my time because I don't know how I can handle it."
"Fair enough. I get it. I did get those alpha male vibes from him.  I just think he'd be good for you."
"I don't know. Maybe. I'm mentally beat. I think I'm going to read a bit then go to sleep."
"Okay, I think I'm going to crash here tonight. I'm too tired to drive home."
"Sure. Use the guest room."
"I plan on it."
"Alright. Goodnight, see ya in the morning."
"See ya then. Love you."
"Love you too.

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