Chapter 23

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We're sitting in Eric's office and I know what Nathan is hoping for to come out of this meeting. I just don't know if I'm ready for it. To me there's too much to get through before I make the decision to move in with him.
"So what brings the two of you in today?" Eric begins.
"I've asked Kristina to move in with me." Nathan jumps in first.
"And I think it's too soon to make that move." I added.
"Well you two haven't been together that long so I can understand that."
"She's already living there. Why not make it official?"
"I'm staying there. There is a difference."
"Why fight the inevitable?"
"How do we know it's inevitable?"
"You have doubts." Eric added.
"It's not exactly like that. I just don't want to rush into anything. There's so much going on that I think it's better to wait till everything is sorted."
"I don't think that's unreasonable." Eric stated.
"So you're not saying no, just not yet."
"Yeah, I mean what if after all this you change your mind?"
"Why would I do that?"
"I don't know, but you could."
"And so could you, but I still want this."
"But you wouldn't be the one stuck. I'd be giving up my place and then I would have nowhere to go. You wouldn't have anything to lose and I'd have everything."
"I would never just toss you aside like that. And you're wrong I'd have you to lose."
I took a deep breath. I honestly do think he's sincere but I still think it's too soon. "I just need some more time. Can you give me that?"
"Absolutely. I just want you to be happy. I also want you to be a part of my life."
"It doesn't seem like you needed my mediation after all. But I will say I think Kristina is right. With her past its best to move at her pace."
I took another deep breath. "One more thing."
"What's that?" Eric asked.
"I feel like you want more than a normal relationship." I said as I looked at Nathan.
"What do you mean?"
"You have a very dominating personality."
"Yeah, I think it's pretty obvious."
"I'm not a submissive and I don't think I want that kind of a relationship."
"Are you two talking about a BDSM relationship?" Eric asked.
"Not exactly. Dominate yes and to a point submissive but no bondage. Just power exchange."
"How do you  feel about that, Kris?" Eric asked.
"I'm not entirely comfortable with it. I find it hard to give up control at all."
"Have you ever thought of talking to another female who has been in your shoes and chose that path?"
"No, I don't know of any."
"I'm going to suggest that as an option. It's a good way to see it from another persons perspective other than Nathan's. I think that it may be best in your case to do this before making such a decision."
"Would you be wiling to do that?" Nathan asked and I can tell by the look on his face that he is hopeful.
I'm sure "I can give you at least that much, yes."
"Okay, so it seems we're moving in the right direction with the two of you. Before I end todays session do either of you have anything else to add or have an questions?"
We both shook our heads no. I do feel better of discussing everything I had concerns with. Eric was right communication is important. I also feel that we need to be able to find a way to communicate with each other without having to come here and have Eric mediate for us.
"In that case, Kristina you have something to think about. Nathan I want you to be patient and give Kristina the time she needs. Kristina, remember to open up and talk out any concerns you may have with Nathan. I know he will answer any questions you have and I'm sure he's willing to move at your pace. right Nathan?"
"Absolutely, I think we can finally move forward a little easier together now. Baby, I never wanted to rush you. So I'm sorry if I made you feel otherwise."
"Thank you and its okay. I don't necessarily think you were, I think a big part of it is me and how I react."
"Just please let me know baby. If I don't know than I can't fix anything,"
"Okay, I can do that."
"Alright, so we'll end it here. The two of you are on the right track here. Kristina, I'll see you for our next scheduled appointment. Feel free to call anytime."
"Thank you. Have a good day."
"You both as well."

When we got back to his place I felt more relaxed. I admit though I never thought that therapy has helped me much in the past I have a different perspective now. "I'm feeling kinda of tired."
"Why don't you grab a nap then we'll watch some television and order out for dinner."
"You don't mind?"
"Not at all. What you fail to see is that it is my responsibility to make sure all of your needs are met. It is up to me to take care of you. I enjoy looking after you and making sure you're okay. Just something to think about as well."
"I guess. I think I'm just not use to it."
"You mean it coming from a boyfriend because I know that John and Mike care about you as well."
"Yeah, I've never been with a guy who's put me first. I think it may take some time getting use to."
"I agree, now go get some rest. I'll head into my home office and get some work done if you need anything."
"Okay." I went upstairs and climbed into bed to get some sleep.
Nathan woke m eup at half past five to let me know dinner had arrived. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to sleep so long."
"Don't worry about it one bit. You needed it. I'm sure you must be hungry though."
"I am actually. What did you order?"
"I got us Thai food from the place down the street. I hope that's okay with you."
"That's perfectly fine with me. I love Thai food."
"Great, you'll love it. This place is really good."
"My mouth is watering already."
"I'm happy to hear that. I'll let you to it and meet you downstairs."
I got out of bed and washed m face before heading downstairs. I needed to wash away the grogginess I was still feeling. By the time I got down to the dining room I could smell the food and it was mouth watering.
"It smells absolutely divine."
"Well, have a seat and help yourself. I didn't know what you would like so I ordered a variety."
"It all looks good. Pad Thai id one of my favorites. Did you get any sticky rice?"
"That's one of my favorites as well and I did, actually."
"Oh good, I'm glad." I grabbed my plate and filled it with all the food that I knew I could manage to eat. "I think you ordered too much though. It is just the two of us."
"We'll have some left overs. You can have it for lunch tomorrow."
"Works for me." Once my plate was full I dove right in.
"So, are you ready for the wedding this weekend?'
"Yeah, I'm excited. I'm so happy for Mike and Jenna."
"Can I get any clues as to what your dress looks like?"
I finished chewing before answering. "Nope, its a total surprise." I'm glad he didn't find out on his own from the store. That would be easy seeing as he paid for it.
"Mmm, torture Miss. Thomas."
"Of the greatest kind Mr. Black."
"How do you like the food?"
"Fantastic, thank you."
"My pleasure. So is Mike and Jenna ready?"
"Being there wasn't much for them to do really, I think so."
"That's good."

The week went by in a blur. It's already Friday and we are all packed up and ready to head to the airport to fly out. I'm just double checking my luggage to make sure I didn't forget anything. "You ready, baby?"
"Just a minute, I'm making sure I didn't forget anything."
"I'm sure you didn't but if by any chance you did we can always get what you need there."
"I know, you're right but I'd rather have it then waste time replacing anything."
"It's really no hassle. We do have to get going though. Tony will put your bags in the car, so all you have to do is get that hot ass of yours in the car. Vinny is picking up the others and meeting us at the airport. We want to get there with enough time to settle in and get enough rest for tomorrow."
"Okay, I think I have everything. Let's go."
We made it to the plane right when everyone else arrived. Vinny and Tony assured us they would get all the luggage loaded for us to board the plane. Nathan's private jet was just as luxurious as his penthouse. There was a couch along with individual seats. Of course he had an office as well as a full bathroom and a bedroom.
While we were waiting for Vinny and Tony to finish loading everything the flight attendant came around and took our drink orders. It wasn't a long flight but I could definitely handle a long flight in this thing.
I must have dozed off because I woke to Nathan letting me know we are about to land. "You can sleep plenty when we get to the house, baby."
"Mmm, that sounds wonderful."
He chuckled. "I know it's been a long day."
"Yeah, but it'll be worth it."
When we got off the plane there was a limo waiting for us to drive us to Nathan's beach house. We barely got on the road when my phone pinged with a text.

Blocked: Well well well isn't it nice to be Queen?

I quickly cleared the message away before anyone could see it. I wasn't about to ruin Mikes big day.
"Everything okay baby?"
"Yeah, why?"
"You seemed a little spooked just now."
"No, I think I'm just a bit tired. Travel does that to me."
He looked skeptical but nodded. "Okay."

Blocked: Enjoy your life of luxury...for now. Oh and don't say a word to anyone or else.

I quickly deleted both messages and put my phone away. I was going to make sure everyone enjoyed this weekend. They all deserve a nice and happy time to celebrate.

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