Chapter 11

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He pulls me onto his lap as we sit on the couch. After gently caressing my face he pulls me in for a kiss. But this kiss was different. It was slower and more of an I see you and I'm here rather than an I need to devour you right now. It was sweet. I loved this kiss as well. I'm finding there are so many levels to this man and I'm enjoying discovering each and everyone.
His hands start to wonder and he starts caressing down my arm and I start to pull it away. Still too raw and uncomfortable. He stops me. "Don't pull away."
"No, no buts. You won't pull away from me or hide from me."
"This is a part of me I'm not proud of."
"Understandably, but it is a part of your history. It's helped to make you who you are today."
"It's part of an ugly past. One I'd rather try to forget."
"No, you don't. If you forget about this then you forget what you stand for today. When I look at you I don't see that girl you see. I see a strong woman who is determined and who knows what she wants. Regardless of how ugly your past may be it's helped to mold you into the amazing woman you are today. Life may have grown you shitty hands but you overcame them and came out much stronger."
"You see all that?"
"Absolutely. And I am determined to make sure you see it. We're meant to learn from our pasts and mistakes, not run and hide from them and forget them."
"You're right. I'm sorry. It's just my insecurities getting the better of me."
"I understand and there's no need to apologize. Please stop feeling like you always have to apologize."
"Okay, I'm sor...ugh habit."
He picked me up and carried me away from the living room. "Where are we going?"
"My bedroom. I want to finally be inside you. Plus it's about time I worshipped you and show just how special I think you are."
Oh holy hell. His words alone could be enough to bring a girl to orgasm. He walks into his bedroom and kicks the door shut. He put me down to stand in front of the bed. Grabs my face and slams his lips on mine. There is a fire in this kiss and it's spread through me. It registers just how much I want him.
He pulls away. "Take your shoes off." I comply without saying a word. He takes his off as well. He unbuttons his shirt and removes that next. He unzips my dress and it falls in a puddle at my feet. He undoes his belt and his pants come off next. He grabs my face again in a panty melting kiss. He walks around behind me and wraps his arms around me.
I can see our reflection in the mirror that he was blocking up until now. I start to close my eyes and relish the feeling of being in his arms. He walks us closer to the mirror. "No, baby, open your eyes." I don't comply so easily this time. "Baby, listen to me. Open your eyes." The urgency in his voice has me finally obey. "Gorgeous. You are stunning. I want you to see what I see." I look and try but I just don't.
"I'm not just talking about your radiant sun kissed skin, you golden blond hair and your striking green eyes. I'm talking about what's inside. He places his hand where my heart it. "Here." Then moves his hand to point at my head. "And in here." I know you have a heart of gold I can see it and I know you are intelligent."
I lean back into him and sigh.
"Now I want you to tell me one thing you like about yourself."
I think about it and really think about it. "I run own my own company."
"Good. That's a good one. I like it. Each day I want to do this with you till one day you won't need it. You'll see what I do automatically."
I can't help but smile. I feel so much more relaxed. He put me at such ease it makes it easy to be with him.
"Now I'm going to put you on the bed and have my way with you. How does that sound?"
"I'm all yours.'
He hums, "I was hoping you'd say that. Take off your bra and panties and get on the bed before I rip them off and throw you on the bed myself."
That was one order I had no problems obeying. "Since I'm fairly certain you aren't ready to be tied up I'm going to expect you to comply with each command I give or I will be forced to tie you up. Understand?"
"Yes", I respond all breathy.
"Good. Now lay on your back and hands above your head. And keep them there." He blind folds me and I start to breath heavy. "Relax it's still just me. This is merely to make you relax and to enhance your sense of touch." I calm my breathing and relax.
I can feel him crawl onto the bed and hover over me. He sucks on one nipple while massaging the other one. He switches given each one both treatments. Then he's cupping both breasts and massaging them as he kisses me all the way down sucking and licking and driving me insane.
He trails kisses down my sternum, down my stomach and he continues to go lower and just as the anticipation builds on where he's heading he swerves and goes to my right thigh. I let out a frustrated moan. He lifts his head up and lets out a chuckle then goes to my left thigh. Oh this absolute torture. Just when I'm about to go inside he dips between my legs and spears me with his tongue.
His tongue is magic. I'm seeing stars and I'm about to explode when he stops. Oh come on, really? "There's nothing like building the anticipation." He says. Oh bullshit. I'm about to go out of my mind. He reaches up and takes off the blindfold. "I want to look you in the eyes while I'm inside you. I want to look into your eyes and watch how you react when you come and explode around my cock."
Oh my god, please. "Yes." Was all I could manage to say.
"Oh, baby, I wasn't asking. But I'm glad you want the same thing." He leans back and I can hear the rip of a foil packet. It's not long before I feel him enter me. My god he's huge as he goes slowly inch by inch till he's fully sheathed. He pauses a moment to give me a chance to adjust. When he can see I'm ready he starts to move.
He goes slow at first but once I'm fully acclimated he picks up speed. I let out a moan in pure ecstasy. I've never been fucked this good. Nathan Black is a God and who puts all others to shame. I'm already so close and I can feel that he's not that far behind me. I'm so close I can't hold off anymore. "I'm coming."
"I know, baby. I know. I'm right there with you." He gives a few more thrusts. "Come. Now." With his command I let go and release the most earth shattering orgasm I have ever had. He follows right behind me. We both collapse spent.
He lays next to me and turns to face me. He cradles my face with his palm and rubs his thumb across my cheek. "I don't know about you but that was amazing for me."
"You have no idea. I don't think I can move."
"Lucky for you, you don't have to."
All I can do is smile. We just lay there in blissful peace next to each other wrapped in each others arms. "Get some rest baby. I plan to have my way with you again later. I'm not even close to being done with you."

I don't know how long I slept for but when I wake up Nathan is no longer next to me and the sun has gone down. I get out of bed and put on one of his t-shirts. As I starts down the stairs I can hear him talking but I don't hear anything else. He must be on the phone. "No, that is not acceptable. We had a deal and now he wants to change the agreement. You tell him that he needs to stick with what was agreed upon or I will no longer do business with him." He pauses. "There are too many moving parts and too many people involved that this would have a negative impact on. It will not be tolerated." He pauses again briefly. "Well handle it then. It's what I pay you for. And substantially no less."
Nathan ends the phone call and turns to see me at the bottom of the stairs. "Hello my little sleeping beauty."
"Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt."
"No need to apologize. You didn't interrupt at all. I was done with that conversation before you even came down."
"Oh good."
"Yes, actually."
"Glad to hear it. I have some lasagna I can heat up if you want."
"Sounds mouth watering actually."
"Mmm, okay have a seat and I'll go warm up two plates."
He comes back with two plates and brings in two glasses of iced tea. "I hope you like it. My house keeper usually prepares meals for a few days for me to heat up when I manage to be home to eat."
I took a bite and savored it. "It's delicious."
"I'm glad. I'l let her know. It'll make her happy to hear her meals are being enjoyed."
We both enjoy the food and each others company but I can tell there is something on his mind. "Did I do something?"
"No, why would you ask?"
"You're looking at me like you want to say something but afraid to at the same time."
"Well you're part right. I do want to ask you something but yeah I'm afraid of ruining the moment."
"You couldn't possibly ruin anything. Go ahead ask."
"If you're sure." I nod to let him know it's okay to continue. "You said that Elijah and you had a fight that basically made you snap. What was it? What was so bad to cause such a reaction from you?"
"Phew, wow. Okay yeah um, okay here goes. One of his crew had wanted me to fuck him and I wasn't not having it. I went to go tell him to make his guys leave me alone. When I opened the door to his bedroom there he was fucking another girl. We argued about that and he told me that if one of his guys wanted to fuck then I better. After all that's what I was there for. I was merely a toy for them to play with. I was so angry I slapped him. Or tried to. He grabbed my arm stopping me and slapped me so hard he left a mark on my face. That's when I grabbed the bottle and stormed out.
I was young and impressionable. I thought he actually cared about me. But it was all lies. He just wanted to keep me around when he wanted to have a good time. I slipped into a dark place and felt so unwanted."
"Oh, baby, I'm so sorry. I hope you know that you were wanted. You had Mike and your dad."
"I know. I mean I knew that then but I was hurt and wasn't thinking rationally. It took plenty of therapy and talking everything out with my dad to get there. I think I was trying to deal with what I learned about my mom that I spiraled and wouldn't listen to reason."
"That makes sense. I'm glad you told me. And I hope that you never have to feel that way again. Please promise me that if you ever feel yourself slipping into that dark place again you'll come to me and tell me. I want to be your life preserver. I will do everything in my power to pull you out of it."
"I promise." And surprisingly to me I mean it.
"I think we've had enough of the heavy topic for one night. I want to take you back up to my bedroom and have my wicked way with you again and again until you can no longer stand."
"I can get on board with that plan."
He bent down to pick me up and threw me over his shoulder and carried me upstairs to his bedroom. He threw me on the bed pulled off the shirt I was wearing. Then we got lost in each other.
His mouth and hands were all over me working his magic.
I don't know how long we were at it and I lost track of how many orgasms I had but I was completely spent. We both collapsed on the bed. "Stay the night?"
"Sure, I don't think I could move anyway."
"Good." He said with a smile and we were both out.

The next morning I woke with him still next to me in bed. "Good morning gorgeous."
"Good morning handsome."
"How'd you sleep?"
"I slept so good that I hadn't realized that I haven't up until last night."
"I don't know what but that kind of makes me happy."
"Maybe you had something to do with it."
"Maybe. Breakfast."
"I'll be downstairs. Come down when you're ready and we'll eat."

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