Chapter 13- No Grip on the Dead

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"What's a hollow ean?" Glorystar asked, before shaking her head. "Nevermind, it's not important. Tell me what you know about these animuses."

"Animi," Starflight whispered. Everyone looked at him, confused. The human nervously pushed up his spectacles. "Well, at least, where I'm from. It's, uh, Latin. And it means breath or spirit." He cleared his throat nervously. "Go on."

Jasmin turned to make sure Skua's Moon was still there. "Animus magic can basically bend reality. It-" Jasmin paused as a she detected something crashing through the forest towards them. Dragons.

Jasmin narrowed her eyes, but Skua Moon shook her head. "It's Obsidian," she said. "And two dragons I haven't met yet."

Anarchy and Chaos burst from the trees, with Obsidian trailing behind them. Obsidian was gasping for breath. "How do- how do you-"

Chaos smiled. "Circus."

 Obsidian glanced up and smiled at Jasmin. "Hey J- Mirage?" he said, likely unaware how much information she'd shared with the others. "Sorry I ran off. I wanted to find these two." He nodded at the NightWing and the masked tribrid. 

Anarchy glanced in confusion at the group in front of him. "So you wanted us to see a bunch of scavengers?" he asked.

"I take offense at that, *****," Glory said. "My name is Glory Bright. A human. Not a scavenger."

Obsidian sighed. "More introductions?"

Anarchy started, introducing himself as Aquarius, for some reason.Then again, who was Jasmin to judge? "Obsidian kind of explained the whole universe mixing thing. It's still slightly mind blowing."

"Aren't you pretty," Glorystar meowed. She climbed up Aquarius's tail and touched the patterns on his back.

"Uh, can you get off me please?" Aquarius said through his mask. "I don't prefer cats climbing over me."

Glorystar reluctantly leapt from Aquarius's back. "Makes sense," she meowed sorrowfully. "Jasmin said no too."

"I'm not as fond towards hairballs as one might think," Jasmin commented drily.

"We're getting distracted," Starflight Night said. "We need more information on that animus magic."

Obsidian brightened. "I can tell you about animus magic!"

"Go on," Glory Bright said. She began to regret it as Obsidian excitedly began talking about the IceWings and how smart they were with their magic, souls, and gifts. Then he began talking about items, mentioning ones Jasmin recognized, like the eye of onyx, and ones she didn't, like a scroll and a fireproof necklace.

"Some from my time are super cool," he continued. "Like a scroll that buzzed at a certain time-"

"That's called an alarm clock," Moon Watcher said. "And it's not magic, it's science."

"Yeah. Whatever that is. Also it could send a note that appeared on the scroll-"


Obsidian let out a huff of annoyance and stopped talking. Aquarius seized the chance to get a word into the conversation.

"My parents wanted me to be the fiercest fighter in the NightWing army, but the animus they went to also cursed me to be a tribrid between a NightWing, RainWing, and SeaWing." After Aquarius got his word in, Obsidian began speaking again. He gave a long and dramatic cold message (that was practically a speech) about an evil NightWing who tried to be king of all of Pyrrhia, his dad, and his girlfriend. Luckily, he was gone and Jasmin would never have to meet him. He supposedly returned somewhere in the big future, but she'd probably be the one gone by then.

"I think I have a plan," Glorystar meowed, after listening thoughtfully. "Death for you apparently works differently than it does for my universe. You said this magic can't truly affect the dead, just make an artificial image of them. If you get Kestrelclaw and I to the bottom of the great salty water, then we can take care of Orca for you."

Aquarius hesitantly raised his talons. "Because of that curse, I'm part SeaWing. I can carry you in my mouth, if you don't mind. It'll be quick."

Glorystar smirked. "I don't mind. But I'm sure you're absolutely going to love it," she meowed sarcastically. "And don't worry about Kestrelclaw, she'll follow me. Try to fall asleep quickly!"

For some reason. Jasmin, Obsidian, and Chaos said good bye to Aquarius and Glorystar. Jasmin could make out a ghostly shape beside them. After the duo dove into the water, the group decided to follow Glorystar's suggestions and fall asleep. It was no easy task, with three of Jasmin's companions now in the proximity of Queen Orca. After about thirty minutes Jasmin fell into a light sleep.

"Hello," a voice meowed.

Jasmin turned around, confused. "Where am I?" Jasmin asked. There was a rusty-red ghostly cat sitting in front of her. "Who are you?" Jasmin asked.

The cat twitched her whiskers, starlight shining from her pelt. "My name is Kestrelclaw. You are currently asleep. I am just here to show you what's happening," she meowed. "Follow me."

Kestrelclaw walking and soon they came to a pool of water, where the others were already waiting. "Look inside," the cat meowed softly. "Tell me what you see."

Jasmin stared into the pool of water. Her reflection faded and to her surprise, she could see Aquarius swimming towards the Deep Palace. Kestrelclaw never gave an order (and even if she did Jasmin probably would have ignored it), but Jasmin still found herself completely silent as Aquarius entered the Palace.

"Like a Trojan Horse," Starflight Night whispered.

"What?" Cricket whispered. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It's a stoop-it thing from greak mythology," Moon Watcher said. "Pay attention."

"Now I'm curious," Cricket whispered sadly. Moonwatcher Tear promised to tell her about it later, and Jasmin turned her attention back to Aquarius. Aquarius had made his way into the palace. The area he was in somehow was breathable, because he'd let Glorystar out of his mouth and she was sneaking around the pillars, completely dry.

Perhaps it was due to Skua's blindness and unability to see aquatic. The door suddenly opened, and Queen Orca walked into the room in all her glory. Aquarius bowed down, either out of respect, fear, or an attempt to win her over. Maybe a mix of all three. So that's why he didn't see as Lapis and Skua walked into the room, flanking Queen Orca's sides.

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