Demons - Chapter 2

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Haymitch sighed and held her tighter.

"This isn't your fault sweetheart; the rebellion was bound to happen." He growled.

"But we-" Effie was cut off mid way through her sentence by a loud alarm echoing through the building.

"Oh shit." Haymitch said over the voice of President Alma Coin who was ordering everyone in the District to descend to the lowest level.

Effie turned around in his arms and he noticed the fear in her eyes.

"What's happening?" She shouted above the siren.

"The Capitol must be attacking." He growled grabbing hold of her hand. "Come on."

Haymitch practically pulled Effie out of the doors which lead to the stairs. Thousands upon thousands of people filled the corridors and the staircases but a lot were well ahead of them. They too began descending. Haymitch never let go of her hand for fear of losing her amongst the others

"Come on." He urged. Haymitch imagined they must be on the final set of staircases by now. He hoped they were anyway. There was only 30 seconds left until the final doors closed and he didn't fancy being left behind.

They ran down the final set of stairs, the door was now moments away. Haymitch pushed Effie through the doors, before slipping through himself. They only had 5 seconds to spare.

"That was close."Effie said in nothing above a whisper.

"Tell me about it sweetheart." He snorted as they both walked towards her bunker.

When they arrived Effie sat down on the bed and as Haymitch turned to walk away she grabbed his hand.

"Stay with me." She asked looking into his Seam-grey eyes.

He didn't reply, he just sat down next to her and put his arm protectively around her waist. They were a team after all.

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