Change of Plans

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"Hello girls. Nice of you to fall for our trap."

Anne was beyond confused. Why was Marcy in that armor and why did she have the Music Box? For a split second, she was relieved to finally see her friend again but now she didn't know what to think.

"Marcy? What are you wearing? What's going on?"

"We're not Marcy, not anymore." They replied, walking closer to where Anne and Sasha were suspended in the air by some sort of mechanical arms. "We are a collection of Amphibia's greatest minds uploaded into a unified consciousness."

Anne narrowed her eyes as she tried to wiggle out of her restraints. "What have you done with Marcy?"

Darcy smiled, bowing their head and pointing to the helmet they were wearing. "She's up here, with us. It's how we recognized your little ruse. War of the Warlocks, very cute."

Anne gritted her teeth as a wide range of both threats and pleas flooded her mind. However, before she could verbalize any of those thoughts, Sasha spoke up from beside her.

"Give us our friend or I'll take her back myself!"

Darcy openly laughed as they walked in between the two humans. "Your friend? Don't be silly. You're not friends, not anymore. And examining Marcy's memories, it's doubtful you ever were."

Anne couldn't believe what she was hearing. That wasn't true...was it? She looked over at Sasha only to see an unsure expression on the blonde's face. Anne mentally shook her head. Whatever they were talking to, it wasn't Marcy.

"Sasha, don't listen to this...thing!"

Darcy's attention turned back to the brunette. "Ah, the famous Anne. Dumber than a bag of rocks and yet somehow this rebellion's last hope."

First of all, ow. Second of all, Marcy would never think of her that way! Right?

Darcy's smile widened "Speaking of which..."

Anne, Sasha, and everyone else were suddenly pulled out to the balcony overlooking the battle below. Darcy raised them above their head and spread out their arms.

"Frogs, toads, and newts of the resistance, your leaders have been captured. Your rebellion is...huh...?"

Anne glanced at Darcy in confusion. She followed their gaze and became even more confused by what she saw. There was a small circle of white light on the cliff overlooking Newtopia. The circle of light seemed to grow bigger with each passing second.

Anne glanced at her friends only to see that they looked just as confused as she was.

"My lord? Is something wrong?" Andrias' voice boomed from the ground below.

Darcy remained silent, simply staring at the ball of light as a look of pure anger began to form on their host's face.


All of a sudden, the circle of light became so bright that Anne had to close her eyes. When the light dissipated and Anne was able to reopen her eyes, she finally realized what the circle of light was.

It was a portal.


"It can't be!" Darcy nearly shouted after they recovered from their shock. What they saw should be impossible! Only the Music Box had the kind of power necessary to travel between worlds.

Darcy watched as a massive metal vehicle with a large cannon attached to it traveled through the portal. According to Marcy's memories, the vehicle was a human invention called a tank and was a weapon of war.

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