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"Let's make one thing clear. You are government property now. You will do what you are told."


"I want you to attack your dear old dad."

"Don't worry, Anne. I will always love you, no matter what."


"You don't get to choose what you will and will not do."


Anne screamed in rage as she slammed her hands on the ground. She watched in satisfaction as the resulting shockwave rocketed into the American ground forces, quite literally flinging them into the sky.

"no more...please...I can't...no...more..."

Anne had to close her eyes for a moment as the memories of what he did threatened to overwhelm her. While they were painful, those memories were the only thing keeping her from passing out. After over two hours of being in her Calamity Form, there was only so much more Anne's body could take.

Despite that, the Thai girl continued on, knowing that she had to keep the memories at the forefront of her mind. She couldn't allow her powers to extinguish. Not now, not while she was finally getting her revenge.

Anne scoffed when some of the soldiers shouted up at her, saying that she was a monster, a science experiment gone wrong. She narrowed her eyes when some other soldiers started pleading for their lives.

Anne honestly couldn't bring herself to care about the destruction she was causing. They brought this upon themselves.

For every tank destroyed, Anne thought of the people that did this to her. For every soldier she burned alive, Anne thought of the people that tortured her. For every one of the naval vessels she punched a hole through, she thought of the ones that just stood by and watched her get vivisected.

"I'm thinking I shouldn't use those powers if I can help it. I don't know how else to describe it but using them feels...bad."

Anne finally understood what she meant all those months ago. These powers, these abilities are a curse. The pain that others put her through for simply having them was beyond any retribution Anne could possibly give them.

But well...it still couldn't hurt to try...


As soon as she realized what Andrias was planning, Sasha placed two fingers into her mouth and whistled as loudly as she could. She knew giving Darcy control over the Music Box was a bad idea, but she didn't think the Hive Mind would be insane enough to try and use it against them so soon.

The rest of Anne's friends and family looked at Sasha in confusion as she looked up into the sky. Sprig tilted his head. "What was that whistle for? Was it something I said or...?"

Sasha sighed internally. Frog, what she wouldn't give to have Anne's powers right now. "I'm trying to call Joe. If I don't get up to that castle ASAP, there's a chance that this battle is going to take a turn for the worse."

"Wait, you don't mean..." Hop Pop trailed off, suddenly realizing why Andrias leaving may have been more concerning than he originally thought.

"Andrias and Darcy are going to try and use the Music Box to invade Earth? Yup, that's exactly what I mean." Sasha finished as Joe Sparrow landed next to the group of humans and amphibians.

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