A Hostile Takeover

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Several Weeks Later

Sasha stormed into the war room. "Why the hell didn't you tell me?!"

Grime looked up from his map of Amphibia. "Tell you what?"

"That you made a deal with Andrias and Darcy!" Sasha shouted. "Beatrix just told me that you and Olivia agreed to give them the Music Box back in exchange for their help in saving Anne and that Core thingy freeing Marcy!"

Grime scratched the back of his head nervously. "I thought it'd be best if you had time to rest."

"You thought it'd be best if I...?!" Sasha slammed her hands onto the table in front of them. "Grime, I am the Commander of the Resistance! And with Anne gone, I need to know everything that's going on around here!"

Grime held his hands up placatingly. "Yes yes, I know. But you've been so busy trying to secure the Valley that I thought laying this on you would be too much."

Sasha pinched the bridge of her nose, groaning loudly as she tilted her head back. "Grimeeeeee!!!"

"Look, I'm sorry, okay?" Grime said, standing up from his seat at the table and walking towards his former lieutenant. "It was the only option we had at the time."

Sasha threw her hands up into the air. "You know what, it doesn't matter!"

"Wait, what?"

Sasha took a step towards the toad. "Yeah! It doesn't matter because no one's seen Andrias, Darcy, or the massive flying castle they use, in weeks!"

"They have to be out there somewhere." Grime countered. "Just look at the reports. The U.S. Military, as you call them, are still engaging with the Frobot Army on a regular basis."

"I never said they were dead, Grime." Sasha sighed. "I'm just saying that we have more important things to worry about right now."

"Like what?"

Sasha smiled. "I'm glad you asked." The blonde strode over to the map of Amphibia and pointed at one of the villages located in the Valley. "Swamp Shiro."

Grime looked at the map, confused. "I don't follow."

"Swamp Shiro is the closest village to the mountain pass and as such it will be the first line of defense against the U.S. Military." Sasha explained.

"And we need to worry about this right now?" Grime questioned. "I thought the humans were focused on conquering the Northern regions of Amphibia for the time being."

Sasha nodded. "They are, but if we want to defend the Valley, we need to make sure Swamp Shiro is secure."

"Makes sense." Grime conceded. "So when do you leave?"

Sasha smirked. "The real question is when do we leave?"

"What?!" Grime exclaimed. "Why me?"

Sasha turned and started walking out of the war room. She looked over her shoulder, her smirk turning slightly sadistic. "You didn't tell me about the deal you made, remember?"

"But..." Grime began to say but Sasha was already gone. The toad groaned. "And here I thought I could have the day off today..."


Joe Sparrow landed in Swamp Shiro with a resounding thud. Sasha, Tritonio, Grime, and Stumpy all dismounted, each one less gracefully than the last.

"Where to first, Commander?" Tritonio asked.

Sasha placed a hand over her eyes, examining the small frog village. She pointed at a large building in the center of town. "There, that must be the town hall."

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