The Battle for Wartwood (Part 1)

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It had been three days since Swamp Shiro fell and Sasha was already at the end of her rope. In that time she had reinforced Wartwood's walls, trained and armed every frog she possibly could, and sent out scouting parties to keep track of the U.S. Army's advancements into the Valley.

Sufficed to say, she was exhausted. However, she couldn't stop now. The resistance had, at most, a day before the human army arrived at Wartwood's doorstep and Sasha couldn't afford for them to be ill-prepared.

The blonde physically jumped when a clawed hand stopped her from running back into the Plantar's home to grab more bricks for the outer wall. Sasha quickly drew her sword and pointed it at her assailant only to see Grime standing there with a concerned look on his face.

Sasha put her sword away. "Jesus, Grime, don't scare me like that!"

The toad crossed his arms. "Lieutenant, when was the last time you slept? The bags under your eyes are enormous."

"Whaaat? No they're not!" Sasha tried to say only for Grime to raise an eyebrow in response. "Okay, fine. The last time I slept was, let's days ago, I think, when I took a quick nap in between training."

Grime smacked his forehead. "You need to rest, Sasha. You won't be able to fight in the upcoming battle if you're half asleep the whole time!"

"I know, I know." Sasha sighed. "But there's so much to do and even then it still probably won't be enough to hold them off."

Grime nodded sympathetically. "You're doing everything you can, but let some of us help. We're all in this together and that means we all have to do our part."

Sasha laughed. "Wow, Grimsey, since when did you get all sentimental?"

Grime waved her off. "Yeah yeah, just go get some rest. I'll make sure Beatrix and the rest of the toads finish up the wall before sundown."

"Thanks, you always know how to...wait, do you see that?" Sasha said as she squinted at something high up in the sky.

Grime followed her line of sight, spotting a black dot hovering above the Plantar's home. He lashed his tongue out at the object, destroying it and sending its remains plummeting to the ground.

"Was that a drone?!" Sasha asked incredulously.

Grime peered down at the now-destroyed chunk of metal. "Seems like it."

"Damn it!" Sasha shouted as she kicked the downed drone in frustration. "That means they've scoped out this place from top to bottom! They'll know where all our defenses are located, not to mention the entrance to our underground base!"

"Well, that's not good."

"Ya think?!!" Sasha deadpanned.

She began to pace back and forth as Grime watched. "Okay, so a sneak attack is out of the question. We can't hold out in a siege either, not that that would've worked anyway. Maybe we could escape on the kill-a-moths and Joe, but there are way too many people to carry, and where the hell would we go?"


"Just because they know our positions doesn't mean we still can't win. It'll be hard and there'll probably be a lot of casualties, but maybe..."


"What?!" The blonde yelled, stopping her pacing.

"Do we have a backup plan?" Grime asked. "One that hopefully won't get us all killed?!"

"If worst comes to worst, I guess we could try to use the Music Box and escape." Sasha explained tentatively.

Grime raised an eyebrow. "Do you even know how it works?"

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