Unexpected Allies

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Sasha never realized how much could be said with just one little word until now. That one, four-letter word that she said almost constantly (much to her parent's annoyance) had never held so much meaning behind it. There was literally no other way to describe the situation she was in besides simply saying the word fuck.

It had been nearly a week since Andrias and Darcy swooped in to save the resistance and Sasha still had absolutely no idea how to handle them. She had managed to stall them for now, insisting that they secure Wartwood's position as much as possible before discussing their deal. However, the blonde knew that that excuse wouldn't keep the two tyrants occupied for long.

On top of that, Sasha still had to organize the reconstruction of Wartwood. While that normally wouldn't be an issue, the Resistance army was so on edge that none of her soldiers could focus on rebuilding anything without making any major mistakes. It was like they expected the frobots to turn on them at any moment, which, to be fair, wouldn't be too surprising if it were to happen.

Sufficed to say, it was exhausting, both mentally and physically.

Sasha sighed deeply as she and Grime walked across the now deserted battlefield right outside the gates of Wartwood. "I wish Anne was here. Even without her powers, she would at least be able to help me deal with all this shit."

Grime hummed in agreement. "I can't disagree with you there. That girl has a knack for getting out of tough situations."

"That's Anne for ya." Sasha replied, her fond smile wavering as they continued to walk. "I miss her..."

"We'll get her back, Lieutenant. With Darcy and Andrias helping us, getting your friends back will be easy as cricket pie." Grime said enthusiastically.

Sasha froze in her tracks. "No, Grime! You can't expect me to actually follow through with the deal you made with those two."

"I know how it sounds, Sasha." The toad conceded, pausing to stare up at the blonde. "But it might just be your only chance at saving Anne and Marcy."

Sasha shook her head. "You know I can't do it, Grime! Your deal involves giving Andrias and Darcy the Music Box back. I can't just allow them to invade Earth!"

Grime shrugged. "I mean...the humans invaded us first. This could be our chance to even the playing field."

Sasha let out another deep sigh. "Earth is still my home, Grime. Maybe not as much as Amphibia is now, but I still care about it. I'm not just gonna sit here and let them destroy it." She looked away from Grime and continued to walk across the battlefield. "Besides, I highly doubt Andrias and Darcy will hold up their end of the deal anyway."

Grime scratched his chin as the pair passed a destroyed tank. "I suppose that's true. Is there any chance they'll let you keep the Music Box until after they save Anne and free Marcy?"

Sasha raised an eyebrow, giving Grime a look that could only mean, 'Are you seriously asking me that question right now?'

Grime raised his hands in mock surrender. "Okay! I get it, the answer's no. But do you have any better ideas?"

Sasha sighed in defeat as she stopped to lean against the side of a nearby tree. "...no..."

Grime searched her face for several moments before tearing his gaze away and peering at something else in the distance. After a few seconds of waiting for a response, Sasha did the same, looking away from Grime and turning her focus to the flying castle hovering above Wartwood. "Why can't things just be easy for a change? It's been months since I last saw Anne and I have no idea what kind of shit Marcy must be going through in her mind! I just want to see my friends again, Grime."

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