Rescue Mission

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Sasha quickly dove behind a large piece of debris as bullets rained down upon her previous position. She grimaced when she noticed several holes in her cape. That was way too close for comfort.

Sasha took the small moment of safety to reflect on the absolute catastrophe that the battle had morphed into. Both the Wartwood Resistance and Andrias' Frobots were being pushed back on all sides. It wouldn't be long before they would be forced to retreat back inside Newtopia's walls. From there, they would be sitting ducks.

The blonde took a chance by peering around the side of her cover, looking up at the fierce battle taking place in the sky between Andrias and Anne. Under normal circumstances, Sasha would hope for Anne to pummel Andrias' ass into the ground. However, these were not anything close to normal circumstances.

Sasha furrowed her eyebrows when Andrias' Dyoplosaurus suit took a hard hit to its chest. She still wasn't sure exactly how Anne had gotten mixed up in all this, but she at least had a good idea why.

Based on what Anne had indirectly told her, both the Plantars and her parents were being kept prisoner somewhere, presumably as a way of forcing Anne to fight for the military. Sasha also remembered the parting line Anne mouthed before heading off to fight Andrias.

'Mr. X has a remote, destroy it.'

Sasha had absolutely no idea what kind of remote Mr. X had that made destroying it so important, but if Anne thought it needed to be done, Sasha would do it.

All she needed to do now was figure out how to accomplish saving Anne's family and destroy the remote without dying in the process. Simple!

Sasha looked away just in time to see Joe Sparrow land next to her, Olivia and Yunan on his back. The blonde nearly let out a sigh of relief. "Perfect timing, you two. I need you guys to do something for me."

Olivia exchanged a confused glance with Yunan. "Yes, what is it?"

Sasha hesitated for a moment but eventually tossed the key to the Music Box up to them, Yunan catching it with her hands. "Anne is being forced by the FBI to use her powers against us. I need you two to mount a rescue mission and save Anne's family on Earth so they can't be used against her. Can you do that?"

Both newts looked confused but nodded in affirmation.

"Good. Take the key to Darcy and bring Anne's family back here as soon as possible. The faster we do this, the faster Anne can be freed."

Olivia and Yunan looked at each other wearily. Olivia cleared her throat. "Are you sure this is a good idea? You know what giving the key to Darcy means, right?"

Of course she did! However, as long as she had her backup plan in place, everything would be fine...probably...

Sasha let out a forced sigh. "Look, we don't have a lot of options here. Just give them the key and we'll figure it out later. As of right now, freeing Anne is our top priority, got it?!"

Both newts nodded, albeit reluctantly, before flying off back to the castle in the sky. Sasha shook her head and turned her attention back to the battlefield. That was Step 1. Time for Step 2.

Sasha jumped out from behind the debris and made a beeline straight for a large piece of Newtopia's wall sticking out of the ground. Now that she was slightly closer to the frontlines, Sasha could make out a few of the soldier's faces. The next part of her plan involved sneaking behind enemy lines, which, to put it lightly, was gonna be incredibly fucking difficult to do without getting caught or killed in the process.

However, if she managed to locate Mr. X and destroy the remote Anne mentioned, it might just give their forces enough of an advantage to turn the tide of the battle. Sasha ducked when a barrage of bullets flew over her head.

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