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"Keep it up, Boonchuy. Show that newt who's boss!"

Anne charged headfirst into the side of Andrias' mech suit in a flash of blue lightning as Mr. X continued to egg her on. Despite knowing that it would hurt the chances of her friends winning the battle, Anne couldn't help but feel a slight sense of satisfaction in beating the newt into the ground. He had been the one to stab Marcy after all, the least she could do was give him a little bit of retribution for it.

Anne flew back slightly to recover and survey the damage she'd managed to inflict. It was bad, she noticed. Real bad.

Dozens upon dozens of exposed wires and shattered pieces of armor covered the Dyoplosaurus. Anne knew that with her training she was a force to be reckoned with, but this was just ridiculous! She cupped her hands around her mouth. "Hey blue boy, you ready to surrender yet?"

Andrias, to his credit, simply held up his mech's fists. "Not even close."

Anne furrowed her eyebrows, taking a moment to look down at the battlefield beneath her. To say things were going poorly for the Amphibians would be an understatement.

Andrias' frobots were on the brink of collapse. Even without Anne there to help out, the American soldiers were slowly, but surely, pushing them back. That wasn't even mentioning the absolute destruction being done to Newtopia by aerial bombing runs from the Air Force or the shells being launched at the city by the Navy out at sea. All in all, things were not going well for Anne's apparent "enemies."

Anne refocused her attention back on Andrias as the newt prepared for an attack of his own. She watched as the shoulders of the Dyoplosaurus opened up, allowing Amphibian missiles to launch toward her. Anne grimaced. "Really, Andrias? Missiles? Again...?"

Anne could feel Andrias smirking from inside the suit. "Like they always say, the third time's the charm!"

The blue-haired girl had to physically resist rolling her eyes at the newt's stupidity. She was trying to make this fight last as long as possible to give Sasha time to free her. However, doing that was kinda hard when all Andrias wanted to do, it seemed, was get pummeled by her repeatedly.

"Really? Missiles, again? He never learns, does he?" Mr. X said into her ear.

That's what I just said! Anne thought to herself in annoyance. Frog, all she wanted to do right now was yank the stupid comm out of her ear and crush it in her hand. Honestly, the pain from the chip in her head was more tolerable than Mr. X's incessant commentary on her performance throughout the entirety of the battle. Like, seriously! Shut the hell up, dude!

Anne grabbed a hold of the first missile that reached her, stopping the projectile in its tracks and sending it flying right into several other missiles behind it. She zapped toward Andrias and kicked his mech suit hard in its center, sending the colossal newt tumbling to the ground once again.

"Seriously, dude, just give up. You can't beat me."

Despite it all, Andrias laughed. "We both know that's not what I'm trying to do here, Boonchuy. All I need to do is outlast you."

"Good luck with that." Anne replied as she stared down at him. "You have no idea how much training I've done to master these powers."

"Just finish him, Anne. We don't have time for these games of his." Mr. X spat.

Anne sighed, cracking her knuckles and readying herself for one last attack. She began to build up her power, the blue aura surrounding her becoming brighter and brighter by the second.

"That's right, Anne, do it! Take him down. Show that stupid newt just how much humans are — what the hell? What are you doing here?!"

Anne paused in her attack at the surprised tone clearly evident in Mr. X's voice. "Is something wrong, sir?"

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