Man vs. Machine vs. Frog

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Anne gawked at the U.S. Military, its size expanding tenfold in just a manner of minutes. She scowled at Mr. X who only gave her a smirk in return. "What's all this for? Are you trying to take over Amphibia or something?"

"Amphibia?" Mr. X questioned playfully. "Is that what this world is called? Kind of on the nose, doncha think?"

Mr. X snapped his fingers. "Alright, enough is enough." He held a button on the side of his watch and spoke into it. "Initiate extermination protocol."

The agent's watch let out a small beeping sound. Mr. X grinned maniacally and stepped closer to the group of soldiers behind him.

Anne finally pulled away from Sasha and marched over to him, the Plantars falling into step behind her. "What are you up to, X?"

Mr. X merely looked up at something in the sky. "You'll see soon enough."

Anne spread her arms out in exasperation. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?!"


All of a sudden, gunfire began to rain down on the Amphibian Army from above, ripping right through their soldiers like they were nothing. Anne looked up in shock at the multiple attack helicopters hovering directly above them. She whipped her head back around to Mr. X only to see several tranquilizers pointed squarely at her and the Plantars.

Anne had only a second to realize what was happening before something pricked the side of her neck and her mind fell into unconsciousness.


"Get down!" Sasha yelled, ordering any amphibian that could hear her to find cover. The blonde took a quick glance down and frowned at the now pale red color of the shallow water she was crouched in.

Sasha turned to where she last saw Anne, hoping her friend would have an idea of how to get them out of this. However, when she looked, all she saw was an unconscious Anne being carried over the shoulder by one of the soldiers along with the Plantars.

Sasha gritted her teeth and unsheathed her swords. "Oh no you don't."

Sasha charged at the group of soldiers but instantly fell to the ground when she felt a sharp pain in her shoulder.

She placed a hand on her shoulder and tensed as soon as she felt a thick liquid on the spot. Sasha tried to push herself up but failed miserably, splashing back down into the water as gunshots continued to pelt the ground around her.

Sasha was about to give up entirely when clawed fingers suddenly wrapped around her body and pulled her out of the shallow water.

"Come on, Lieutenant! We've gotta get out of here!"

Sasha lazily turned her head to look at Grime as she was swiftly carried away. "But Anne..."

"Will be fine, but you won't be if we don't get that wound treated."

The sounds of battle slowly began to fade away as Sasha fell further into unconsciousness. The last thing she saw before her eyes closed was one of the helicopters landing on the ground and Anne being carried inside.



The newt king turned at the sound of his lord's voice. He bowed his head as Darcy walked into the observation room. "Yes, my lord?"

"Why aren't you out there aiding our troops?!"

Andrias looked up and gestured to the monitors in front of him. "I thought I'd be more useful here, directing our defense of the castle."

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