Our Last Resort

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When Marcy opened her eyes, the first thing she expected to see was certainly not the sight of Anne's parents staring down at her. She placed a hand on her forehead as her vision slowly came more into focus. "What happened...? Where...?"

Marcy tried sitting up, but Mrs. Boonchuy gently pushed her back to the ground. "Shh, rest. You're safe now."

Marcy slowly turned her head to the side, spotting Sasha talking with Grime and a few of the Wartwood citizens that she recognized. Why was Sasha's hair so long and wait, why did all of Wartwood's citizens seem to respect her and Grime?

How much have I missed?

"Master Marcy! Oh, thank goodness you're awake!"

Marcy's head turned the other way as a familiar voice raced towards her. Her eyes widened when the familiar figures of Lady Olivia and General Yunan came into view. "Olivia? Yunan?"

Yunan dropped to her knees and embraced Marcy in a nearly bone-crushing hug. "You scared us there, human!"

Marcy shook her head as she continued looking around at her surroundings. "What happened exactly? The last time I remember is Andrias and orange eyes and...what the heck happened here?"

Olivia followed Marcy's gaze, spotting countless numbers of destroyed military equipment, frobots, and pieces of Newtopia's wall scattered throughout the battlefield. She cringed. "Ah, yes, that. Well, let's just say a lot has happened while you've been...gone."


Marcy suddenly looked to her side as a weak voice called out to her. Her eyes widened as she caught sight of Anne laying on the ground nearby, her eyes just barely open.

"Anne! Is that really you?!" Marcy exclaimed. "Are you okay? Why are you—?"

Anne cringed, shutting her eyes tightly. "Sorry, can you slow down a bit? My head is killing me right now."

"Oh yeah, sorry!" Marcy quickly replied. "But really, are you okay?"

"I'm fine for the most part. Definitely doing a lot better than the dudes I beat up, that's for sure," Anne said with a faint smirk.


The Taiwanese girl looked up as the last of their trio rushed towards her, pulling Marcy into a light but firm hug. Sasha let go after a few seconds and placed her hands on Marcy's shoulders. "Geez, Marce, warn a girl next time you decide to get possessed, will yah?"

"Possessed? Is that what happened?" Marcy looked back at Anne. "The Core...Andrias wanted me to be its host..."

Anne, Sasha, Olivia, and Yunan's expressions all dimmed. Anne shook her head from the ground and sighed. "We'll talk about it later, Marbles. For now, we're just all glad you're okay."

Marcy nodded and gestured with her hand towards the battlefield. "So...does anyone wanna fill me in what all this is all about?"


Grime felt his bones ache as he walked along the edges of Newtopia's outer rim. Looking around, it was clear that repairs would take months if not years to complete.

Assuming we win the war soon, that is...

The toad grimaced. Everyone else in the Wartwood Resistance seemed to think that the war was essentially over with this victory, but Grime knew better than to get his hopes up. While, yes, both of Sasha's friends had been saved and the humans had been repelled, there were still many more battles to come before total victory could be achieved.

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