The Battle for Wartwood (Part 2)

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"Hold. Your. Positions." Sasha ordered. "We don't want to hit our special guest."

Grime peered back at her from his position on the wall with a look of confusion. "Special guest?"

Sasha merely smiled and gestured to the sky. Grime looked up and just like clockwork, the resistance's secret weapon materialized right in front of the U.S. Military.

Chicka-lisk the Stormbringer had arrived.

Immediately the American soldiers opened fire on the monster of a chicken in front of them. However, just as Sasha predicted, this only provoked the Chicka-lisk into attacking the humans with its fire breath.

"Boomshroom Squad, you're up!" Sasha shouted over her shoulder. "Take out as many tanks as you can while they're distracted!"

"You got it!" Wally called back as he and a few other frogs snuck over the wall with bags of the explosive mushrooms on their backs.

Sasha turned her gaze back to the Chicka-lisk whose eyes had now turned an unsettling purple, causing dozens of soldiers to be turned to stone. She shuddered slightly at the thought of those people never seeing the light of day again.

"What's next, Commander?" Tritonio said, calling her attention to his band of newts.

Sasha smiled at him. "I'm glad you asked." The blonde placed two fingers in her mouth and whistled loudly. Right on cue, Joe Sparrow, Domino 2, and the rest of the kill-a-moths appeared behind them. "I want you and your archers to fly over their army and rain hell down on them."

Tritonio nodded. "You can count on us."

Sasha returned the nod as she watched them take off into the sky, firing as many arrows as they could at the human soldiers below.


Sasha redirected her focus back down to the battlefield as a massive explosion rang out. She sighed in relief when she noticed the source of the explosion was a destroyed tank. "Looks like Wally and his crew are doing a good job." Stumpy commented.

Sasha was honestly surprised at how well everything was going. "We might just pull this off." She whispered under her breath. However, right as she said that, things took a turn for the worse.


Sasha and the rest of the resistance had to cover their ears as a blood-curtailing shriek was heard coming from across the battle lines. The blonde opened her eyes only to see that the Chicka-lisk had been killed, a gaping hole now in the middle of its body.

"Motherfucker!" Sasha shouted as she scanned the battleground for what could have possibly killed the Stormbringer. She grimaced when she caught sight of a fighter jet flying away from the corpse, one of its missiles missing from its wings.

With their main threat dead, the U.S. Military rushed forward, more invigorated than ever. Tritonio and the other newts tried to stop them but had to pull back when some of the kill-a-moths were shot out of the sky.

Sasha glanced at the toad soldier from before. "Looks like we're doing it your way. Launch the catapults!"

The toad's expression brightened as he pulled the lever. "Finally!"

Sasha watched with slight satisfaction as five massive boulders were flung at the encroaching army. That satisfaction was short-lived, however, when all five boulders were literally blown out of the sky by ground artillery.

"Shit!" Sasha cursed as gunfire began to pelt their positions on the wall. "New plan: Beatrix, you and the toads stay here and hold the line for as long as possible. The rest of you, follow me to Stumpy's and Grub & Go."

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