Worlds Apart

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Sasha watched from the castle balcony as Anne descended from the sky, her blue aura only just beginning to fade. Small pieces of the Moon fell from the sky behind her, although none seemed big enough to cause any sort of substantial damage.

Anne let her powers dissipate as she landed, wobbling slightly before Sprig, Hop Pop, and Polly managed to steady her. Sasha met her eyes as she punched her shoulder playfully.

"Nicely done, Boonchuy!" Sasha laughed. "That was one hell of an explosion."

Anne returned her smile, although it didn't quite reach her eyes. "I...thanks, Sash. All I did was follow the plan."

"And you did amazing, Anne!" Sprig exclaimed.

Polly jumped into her hair. "We could see you blow up the Moon from here, Anne! It was so froggin' cool!"

"Language, Polly." Hop Pop chided. "But yes, Anne, you did great up there. I'm so proud of you. We're all proud of you."

Sasha waved for the rest of them to follow her. "Alright everyone, that's enough. Let's go tell everyone the good news. Sprig, bring the Music Box."

The small group followed Sasha to the castle balcony, only Grime staying behind to guard Andrias' unconscious body. One by one, they each boarded Joe Sparrow.

Sasha looked over from her seat as Anne seemed to pause in front of Joe, her eyes staring into nothing.

"Come on, Boonchuy!" The blonde yelled. "Don't you wanna see your parents?"

That seemed to snap Anne out of her trance as she let out a quick apology and climbed aboard.

The fly to the ground was short. In the time it took for Anne to destroy the Moon, the castle had lowered itself considerably, the last shreds of the Music Box's power allowing it to land safely in the middle of Newtopia.

Marcy came running as soon as they landed, closely followed by Olivia, Yunan, Anne's parents, Dr. Jan, and Terri. Behind them stood Mr. X, his remaining hand chained to a nearby tree.

"Anne, you did it!" Marcy exclaimed loudly as she pulled the other girl into a hug. "Oh my gosh, tell me everything! How fast do you think you were going? Did you feel a shockwave from the blast? How did you breathe in space?!"

Anne looked back at her cluelessly. "I, uh, I'm not sure. I think my powers just sorta protect me from that kind of thing."

"In any case, we're glad to see you safe, Anne." Olivia said, placing a gentle hand on Marcy's shoulder.

"Anne, you were spectacular out there!" Mr. Boonchuy said next as he and Mrs. Boonchuy wrapped their daughter in a tight embrace.

"We knew you could do it!" Mrs. Boonchuy smiled. "Our daughter, a hero!"

Sasha watched as Anne laughed happily alongside them. Although, at least to her, Anne's laughter seemed slightly forced. Maybe the overall stress of the past few hours had gotten to her. Maybe she was tired from using her powers. Or maybe, it was something else entirely...


Anne was nervous, that much was obvious. Something was eating away at her and Sprig was determined to get to the bottom of it.

Once everyone was done congratulating her, Sprig approached Anne and tapped on her leg. "Hey, Anne, do you mind if we talk for a few seconds?"

His best friend looked down at him, a genuine, albeit worried, smile forming on her lips. "Sure, dude, what'd you wanna talk about?"

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