Project Blue

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Sasha steeled her gaze as the walls of Newtopia appeared over the horizon. After taking a deep breath to soothe her mind, she turned away from the castle balcony, walking back inside to discuss plans for the upcoming battle.

Sasha knew heading straight for Newtopia was a risky move. Hell, there was a decent chance of it being a complete disaster. However, Sasha also knew that taking the city would open up access to Amphibia's northern regions and potentially eliminate one of the U.S. Military's main bases of operation on the continent. In other words, it would be a massive victory in the war effort.

She stopped in the center of the throne room, staring at where a miniature holographic version of Newtopia was being displayed. She tuned in to the conversation between Andrias, Darcy, Grime, Beatrix, Tritonio, and Mrs. Croaker on what their strategy would be.

Andrias pointed at one section of Newtopia's walls. "We'll have our ground soldiers scale the wall here. With the humans distracted by the castle, herons, and frobots, the rest of you can sneak in and sabotage their ground-to-air defenses."

"That'll never work!" Grime retorted, resetting the hologram back to its original state. "What we need is an attack from all sides. Surround the city with frobots and have the herons break through the front gates."

Sasha shook her head. "Grime, siege tactics won't work in this context. We might as well be sitting ducks with that plan."

Darcy, whose eyes had been closed up until that point, looked up at Sasha. "Waybright is right. As much as we hate to admit it, human weapons are far more powerful than we initially anticipated."

"Says you..." Beatrix muttered under her breath.

The hive mind reset the hologram once more, analyzing every inch of the city's exterior design. Tritonio tapped his foot impatiently. "We could always try using my patented orphan strategy."

"We've been over this, Tritonio." Sasha sighed, resisting the urge to pinch the bridge of her nose in annoyance. "No orphan costume is gonna fool a highly trained soldier, especially if they're not even the same species as you."

The newt rolled his eyes. "Fine, whatever you say, Commander."


Everyone looked up in surprise as the doors to the throne room were quickly forced open, both Olivia and Yunan running inside. Sasha turned her gaze between the two newts, fearing the worst. "What's going on? Are we under attack?"

Olivia shook her head as she struggled to catch her breath. "We just received word, Newtopia has been abandoned."

"What?!" Sasha exclaimed, feeling as though she must've heard incorrectly. "Are you sure?"

Yunan nodded. "We sent a small team of Amphibians and frobots to scout ahead. From the images the frobots took, it looks like the humans just packed up and left."

Darcy turned to Andrias. "Pilot the castle to Newtopia at once. There has to be something we're missing."


As it turns out, they weren't missing anything. Just as Olivia and Yunan had stated, Newtopia was completely abandoned with no sign of the U.S. Military in sight. Sasha flew to the ground with her heron and took in her surroundings.

She turned to a nearby group of frobots. "Check the buildings and the sewer system. There's gotta be something here that we're not seeing."

"Perhaps there's a bomb underground." Andrias offered as he jumped down in his Dyoplosaurus suit. "They may be trying to lure us in before blowing the city up with us in it."

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