1. You Are Grimm

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A body rises from the dirt and floats a couple feet above the ground. The body opens its eyes and looks around. It's a boy. He's lost and confused. He looks young.

The moon seams to shine brighter than usual on this dreary night. The boy is set on the ground, and he looks around. A person walks up to him, a cloaked figure.

"Who are you?" The boy asks the strange figure.

"You are now the Grimm Reaper." The figure says, hanging the boy a wierd looking axe with a curved edge.

"What is this?" The boy asks, taking the axe.

"A scythe." The figure says before disappearing, the cloak floating in place before going around the boy's shoulders.

The boy looks around, confused. He notices a wolf, bleeding out. He hurries to it, but when he goes to touch the dying creature, his hand goes through it.

The wolf takes its last breath, and an identical form of the wolf rises out of the body, a ghost if you will. The now see-through ghost of a wolf whimpers and looks at the boy.

"It's okay." The boy reaches for the wolf. His hand feels the fur on its back. The wolf nuzzles against the boy's hand.

"Where am I?" The wolf asks the boy.

The boy is shocked at the talking wolf but quickly says, "I'm not sure. But you will be safe."

The wolf, now trusting the boy, begins to fade. The wolf feels at peace with itself and what it accomplished during life.

The boy watches as the wolf fades away, knowing it is the wolf's time to go. The wolf faded away completely and left the boy alone, again.

The boy looks at the moon and back to the scythe. "I am the Grimn Reaper." He falters for a moment before continuing, "I... don't know what that means, though."

The boy notices the moon shining brighter than before and feels something within him. He tries to manifest anything.

A black cloud appears and shows a town. Without thinking, the boy walks through the mist.

He's now in a town, it's a small town, only of about twenty people. He walks over to a child and crouches down to the little girls' level.

"Hey, do you know where we are?" He politely asks. She ignores him and continues to stare at the fire in front of her.

He stands up, annoying at the rude girl. He looks over at the wooden cabins in the village, noticing that everyone is really friendly.

A married couple walks over to him. He smiles and asks again, "Do you know where we are?"

The man says, "Lydia, come on. It's time to go home. We gotta go before the boogeyman gets ya."

The little girl stands and runs right through the boy. She grabs her mother's hand, and they hurry home.

The boy is left confused. He reaches out to an older man and taps his shoulder, but it goes right through.

The older man falls to the ground in obvious pain. Some young child runs over to the old man.

The boy reaches out to the child, and the child writes in pain as soon as the boy's hand 'touches' him.

The boy backs up and hurries out of the village, knowing he'd be alone because nobody can see, hear, or touch him.

-Time Skip-

The Grimm Reapers' POV

I look at the wooden timer as sand falls through it. This two year old child is about to die of cancer. Even modern technology can't save him.

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