6. It's Easter, Mate

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During Sandy's funeral, right after Tooth put flowers down, I used my smog to manifest into two white roses.

They fell into my palm and I placed them down besides Tooth's flowers. Though, as I got near, they wilted a bit. I backed away quickly and they went back to normal.

I stared ahead of me, crying on the inside. As a skeleton I can't feel many emotions, but if I were me, actually me, I'd be crying.

Sandy was the first one to ever see me as, well, me. With my H/L H/C that is duller than normal H/C should be. My pale skin and my eyes, my eyes, my dull, dull, grey eyes.

Jack was second, though by accident. He wasn't ment to see me, but I wanted to thank him for giving me my scythe back, forgetting I wasn't how he'd always seen me.

I noticed we stopped walking and North looked defeated. Bunny tapped the ground twice with his foot. The floor fell in.

We fall through Bunny's tunnel, though Jack, Bunny, and I may have landed properly, Tooth and North didn't.

Tooth fell, but quickly flew up and shook it off, and North landed on his back, a couple of Yetis fell into his sides.

"Welcome, to the Warren." Bunny welcomes us. He turns around immediately and says, "Something's up."

All the Guardians, and Jack get into fighting position. I don't. I just lean against a rock, they're too jumpy.

I also can sense the presence of a child, or just a completely pure-hearted soul.

Turns put it's a little girl. "Sofie?" Jack has said, shocked.

They all hid their weapons, she begins chasing an elf as Bunny asks, "What is she doing here?"

"Uhh. Snow globe." North realizes.

"Crikey. Somebody do something." Bunny hurries. He looks towards Jack.

"Don't look at me, I'm invisible. Remember?" Jack says sarcastically.

"Don't worry Bunny, I bet she's a fairy fan." Tooth says, flying over to Sofie. "It's okay little one."

"Ooh, Pretty." Little Sofie says.

"Awe. You know what I've got something for you!" Tooth shows the girl what's in her hands. "Here it is. Look at all the pretty teeth. With all the blood and gums on them."

Sofie hurries off, wailing, likely disturbed. Jack chuckles, "Blood and gums? When was the last time you actually hung out with kids?" Jack asked, now sitting on top of a rock egg.

"Peekaboo!" Sofie yells in to the mouth of the rock egg, where some blank white eggs were hiding.

"We are busy bringing Joy to children. We don't have time... for children..." North realizes the irony of that sentence.

"If one little kid can ruin easter we're in worse shape than I thought." Jack says as he spirals a snowflake around his hand. He then sends it off, and as Sofie chases it, it lands on Bunny's nose, making him smile.

Bunny takes sofie and runs off, we all are tasked with painting eggs. I notice Jack watching some of the eggs from the top of his staff.

I gain his attention by standing on the ground, slightly in front of him. He hops down and looks at me, wondering why I needed his attention.

"Jack, thank you." I say.

"For what?" He asks, leaning against his staff.

"For finding and returning my scythe." I clarify.

Realization hits him and he smiles, "It's no problem. Someone needs to let you have your fun."

I turn back to see the paint-river. I watch as eggs jump in and get bobbed down the river where the eventually get out of the river, heading to different tunnels.

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