3. Jack's Rebound

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"Bunnymund." I glare. His glare on Jack faltered, but he overall ignored me. I straightened my back, but was stopped by Jack.

"No, no. The kangaroos right." Jack retorts.

I slightly smile, before going stoic again. "The, the what? What did you call me? I'm not a kangaroo, mate."

"Oh, and this whole time I thought you were." Jack teases. "If you're not a kangaroo, what are you?"

"I'm a bunny, the Easter Bunny. People believe in me." Bunnymund glares at Jack.

I can see the slight tears in Jack's eyes from here. "Bunnymund!" I gain his attention.

He backs up as he sees my deadly stare. Jack looks at me and blinks the tears away.

"You know who else can't be seen, Jack?" I ask him, calming down.

He shakes his head and I say, "Me. I'm not seen either. They walk right through me."

I walk closer to Jack, I slightly smile at his releived look, "Aster has no idea what he's talking about. Guardians don't have to believed in, I'm surely not. And I don't help the kids like they do."

North walks over to Jack and I, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Jack, walk with me. Grimm, my office."

I watch them walk away and I turn to Bunnymund. "What the actual fuck?"

"What, mate? I was just telling the truth." He says, trying not to show he's scared.

I lift my scythe and he backs away, same with Tooth and her fairies. I swing my scythe and cut open another rift, straight to Norths' office.

I hide in the shadows and wait for Norths call. He walks in with Jack and scares the shit out of him.

I listen, but not intently. Their talking about their center, mine is comfort. Not that anyone would believe me if I told them that.

After their big reviel of Norths' center being wonder, North calls, "Grimm."

I manifest in front of the desk, a tad to the right of Jack. When Jack noticed me, he jumped back. I am an unsettling sight to see.

North opens his office doors and then shuts them behind him, leaving me and Jack in his office so we can talk.

I say, "Man, that talk about center's really got me tired." I faked a yawn, making Jack chuckle.

"You know, I'm not as gruesome as some say I am." I say, leaning against Norths' desk.

"What do people say you are like?" Jack asks, leaning against his staff.

"They say I ruthlessly murder children and adults for the fun of it." I explain. "But, it's nowhere close to how it's actually done."

"How is it done, then?" He asks.

I stand up and make a shadow portal to a small town, where the death of Xavier Young would take place in a mere thirty seconds.

"Come on." I walk through and see Jack follow.

I lead him to the house, Xavier dies in, from unknown causes. I open the window and climb in, Jack follows.

I point to the child, saying "His time is almost up." I then pull out my wooden hourglass and watch the sand fall, it was a gift from the Sandman himself.

As soon as the sand finishes falling, the child's soul rises from his body.

Jack gasps and watches with awe, not in a good way, but still. The child turns to me and asks, "Death?"

"Yes, child, that is I." I say, he still can't see Jack.

"I don't wanna go away from mama." He cries.

"I know, but your abuela is waiting for you." I tell Xavier.

"Abuela?" He asks. I nod my head and hold out my hand.

He hesitantly takes it and slowly fades away. Once gone, I stand up and open a rift back to the office.

Jack goes through first and I follow behind. "You- he was so scared to leave, but you let him know that everything would be okay. And then he just- wow." Jack says.

"Yes, I do reassure every soul that they will see loved ones who have passed on already." I explain.

"But just as I have no deadlines and hard work, you don't either. You get to have fun while on the job, making the kids have fun with you." I say. "You are more fit to be a Guardian than I."

"No way." Jack says in disbelief.

"Indeed. You give children fun memories and pure joy. I give children grief and sorrow, along with adults." I say.

Jack smirks and says, "I guess the kangaroo was wrong."

I go to say something, but the other guardians enter the room in a panic, Tooth isn't there.

"Somethings happening at Tooth Palace." Bunnymund says.

"To the sleigh!" North hurries.

We all walk to the sleigh, Jack says, "There's no way I'm climbing into some rickety, old..." He sees the sleigh and gawks at it, "sleigh..."

"Okay, one ride, but thats it." Jack says. I almost smile, but then notice Bunnymunds' hesitation. We all hop on, minus the bunny in question, and wait for him.

"No, mate. I think my tunnels are faster, and safer." He mutters the last bit.

North grabs Bunnymund's scruff and picks him up, dropping him in the sleigh. "Buckle up!"

Bunnymund panics and asks, "Where are the bloody seatbelts?"

"That was just expression." Before Bunnymund can hop out, North takes off.

We go down an ice tunnel. It's fun as it slides left and right, even going through a loopty-loop.

Jack teases Bunny once we exit the tunnel by saying, "Bunny, come look at this view." And then he falls off.

Bunny carefully looks over the edge and I peak over and see Jack leaning on the bottom.

"Awe, you do care." Jack smirks.

"Oh, rack off ya bloody show pony." Bunnymund says.

North says, "I know a shortcut."

Bunnymund leans babkc and mutter something inaudible as North says, "I say, Tooth Palace."

He tosses out a snow globe and we fly through it. Suddenly we're in front of Tooth Palace.

Black horses made of sand rush away from the palace. "Their taking the tooth fairies." Jack points out.

I go to attack one with my scythe, but I notice the fairies inside, if I attack the horse, it'll kill the fairies.

Jack jumps up and grabs a little fairy. He reassures it as bunny yells at me, "Why don't you-"

North, thankfully, cuts him off, saying "Jack, take over." And tossing him the reigns. We fly for a moment, and then there's a pillar.

"Jack look out!" North calls.

Jack swerved the sleigh and we land ubruptly in Tooth Palace. We all hop out and go to the center.

"Tooth! Are you alright?" North yells up to Tooth.

"They... they took all the fairies, and the teeth, all of them. Everything is gone..."

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