8. The Last Light

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Jack looks genuinely happy. "I had a family! I had a sister. I saved her!" He turns to face face moon.

"I know why I was chosen! Grimm, I know why now! I'm a guardian." Jack faces me. He grabs me in a massive hug, he's adorable.

Yes, I said it, adorable. I never noticed before now, but his hair shines beautifully, his eyes sparkle and shine with an amazing purpose. His smile makes my stomach feel funny. His laughter makes my face feel hot.

Jack and I pull away from the hug, though not completely, my arm is still draped around his waist. He smiles and makes my heart do a somersault.

"Hey, Grimm?" Jack re-gains my attention.

"Y/N." I say.

"What?" He asks.

"My name is Y/N." I say, smiling.

He smirks, "Okay then. Y/N." He smiles genuinely, "What did you see?"

"I- well, all of my family died, and everyone around me would die off as well, so the old Death chose me to replace him sense I had dealt with a lot of death." I say.

Jack looks at his staff on the ground and picks it up. He tries to snap them together, but fails. He tries again with the same result.

"Jack." He looks at me. I smile and say, "You've got this."

He smiles and tries again, succeeding and fixing his staff. He jumps for joy and pecks my cheek in his excitement.

My heart stops and my face heats up. I completely freeze in my spot. Jack looks at me confused before realizing what he did.

His face goes a bit reddish and he begins ramble about getting lost in the moment.

I shut him up with a peck on the cheek as well. I pick my scythe up and re-transform into a skeleton, which is taking up a lot, too much, energy.

"Thing you could do that with my arm?" I ask, half-jokingly.

"I can try." He shrugs, he trying (and failing) to hide his faint blush.

I pull out my hand and he takes it and then, just as he tried with his staff, he pushed them together, trying to fix them.

He tries again and my arm glows a faint blue. He lets go and I see my arm, which is now fixed, permanently has slight snowy-sparkles. They look like little snowflakes that sparkle in the sunlight.

I look back up at him happily. My form goes back to normal and I hug him massively. He chuckles and hugs me back.

"Let's go save the fairies." He says. I nod my head and off we went. Baby tooth hid in one of my pockets because I was warmer than Jack.

We fly towards Pitch's lair, which only Jack knows where it is. We slide down the hole and I see all the fairies. Jack flies up and opens a couple of cages before the fairies tell him that they can't fly.

I turn around and see that all the lights on this globe are going out one by one, five, four, three, two, and one.

I lock eyes with Jack as we both know who this one is, Jamie. We hurry and fly off towards Burgess.

Jack and I hurry to Jamie's house we hop onto the windowsill, watching Jamie put a bunny in front of himself.

"Okay, look. You and I are obviously at what they call crossroad, so here's what's gonna happen. If it wasn't a dream, and if you are real, then you have to prove it. Like, right now..." He stares at the bunny. "I believed in you for a long time, okay? Like, my whole life infact. So you kidn of owe me now. You dont have to do much, just a little sign. So I know... Anything... Anything at all." Jamie tosses the Bunny to the floor, mumbling 'I knew it.'

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