10. Battle of Wills

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Tooth watches as her wings suddenly flutter with a surge of strength and energy. She takes off and flies past the kids who cheer her on.

Little Cupcake yells, "Yeah, Tooth Fairy! Whooaaa!"

North's eyes widen. He straightens his back and unsheathes his scimitars. Monty shouts, "Whoa, yeah!"

Nobody has noticed the still-body in the alley behind them.

"No! Get them!" Pitch gives a signal and sends another wave of Nightmares toward the Guardians. "Do your jobs!" He yells angrily

Bunny looks at himself, waiting to be transformed. "Oh yeah, come on, come on!" Then a snarling Night-mare pounds onto him. "Oh, crikey!" Bunny takes off running, toward a car.

North throws two snowglobes down to the ground, through which an army of yetis and elves emerge.

The twins yell, "No way!"

Bunny tries to scurry under a parked car in order to evade the attacking Night-mare, but he is snatched by his tail before he can get away. "I'm just a bunny!" He shouts.

Suddenly, Bunny transforms back to his normal size and whips out his boomerangs while being held upside down. "G'day, mate!" Bunny kicks the Night-mare, flips into the air, and throws his boomerangs which slice through two more Night-mares, turning them to dust.

Bunny drums his feet on the ground and an army of sentinel eggs suddenly rise up out of the earth. A boy, one of the twins, finds himself riding on top of one as they join the yetis and elves in battle.

"Whoa!" The boy riding the egg yells.

"Come on! Wooooohoooo!" Bunny shouts with glee.

Elves riding toy ducks and planes come flying in overhead like bombardiers, turning Night-mares into puffs of black sand as they fly through them. The kids look to see a Night-mare charging toward them, only to stop in it's tracks once the kids turn to face it. "Let's get 'em!" Cupcake shouts.

The kids, accompanied by two elves in a bike and side car, charge an incoming Night-mare. The elf behind the wheel lunges toward it, biting at its haunches. "Come on guys, we can do it!" Cupcake says.

The kids put their hands on the Night-mare, turning it to Dreamsand.

Pitch looks down with a smile at the chaos in the streets below. Suddenly, a THUD! Pitch turns toward the noise to see Jack on the roof. Jack quickly sends a streak of frost toward Pitch's Night-mares, disabling a few of them.

The Guardians turn toward the explosions of ice and snow taking place atop the surrounding buildings. Pitch begins to charge and responds with an attack of his own. Jack jumps to an adjacent roof and lets out another blast of ice.

"All yours, mate." Bunny taps his foot on the ground and creates a rabbit hole for North and himself to travel through.

Jack runs into Pitch as he rounds the corner of a chimney. Pitch let's a nightmare arrow fly, which is suddenly deflected by Tooth as she flies through the area and takes out a few Night-mares of her own.

"Thanks, Tooth!" Jack says quickly.

Suddenly, Bunny comes flying out of a nearby chimney, drawing his boomerang as he lands. "Ho, ho, HO!" He laughs.

The Nightmares surrounding Pitch explode into dust as the boomerang tears through them. North shoots out of a bunny hole, his scimitars at the ready, only to have landed on a roof some distance from the Guardians. "Wrong roof." He says.

Pitch tries to escape the attacking Guardians and slips into a nearby shadow, emerging through the side of the building. North jumps off the roof to greet him mid-air with his scmitars. Pitch is knocked to the ground. As he gets to his feet he forms a scythe with his nightmare sand, idea is thanks to Grimm, and begins crossing swords with North. In an instant Pitch finds himself surrounded by the Guardians. Each of them take their turn to deal Pitch a few humiliating blows.

Jamie looks over Caleb's shoulder as a wisp of Dreamsand leaves his palms and rises into the air. "Look at that!" Caleb says.

Jamie gets an idea, "I got it! I know what we have to do! Guys, come on!" Jamie leads his friends as they follow the streams of Dreamsand down the street toward the growing mass of golden sand.

The Guardians advance toward Pitch. "It's over Pitch! There's no place to hide." Jack says. Pitch give them a wry smile and quickly descends into the shadows, casting multiple versions of himself along the alley walls. Suddenly, in their moment of distraction, Pitch rises up behind Jack, his nightmare sand AXE in hand.

"Jack, look out!" Bunny shouts The other Guardians look on in horror as-- A golden whip wraps itself round Pitch's hands. The whip reveals Sandy, appearing from a funnel cloud of Dreamsand. He gives Pitch a look, wags his finger, and then uppercuts him into the air.

"Whoa! The Sandman!" Some kids shout. Sandy looks off to the side to where Jamie and his friends have gathered. He forms a Dreamsand hat and tips the cap to Jamie. Jamie gleefully waves back to Sandy as his friends stand behind him in awe. "Man, this is so cool! Yeah, alright! Wahoo! Wow!" The kids say.

Sandy then looks to his whip and tugs on it, slamming Pitch into the ground and knocking him out. The Guardians cheer as they welcome Sandy's return.

"Welcome back, old friend!" North says happily.

"Sandy." Jack says, stunned.

"Oh, Sandy. You're alright!" Tooth sighs happily.

"Sandy, come here!" Bunny says.

"Yeah!" Jack says.

"Mate, you are a sight for sore eyes!" Bunny says.

Sandy floats into the air, and shoots streams of Dreamsand in every direction. A wisp of Dreamsand floats into a child's bedroom and touches his forehead while he sleeps. Suddenly, a Dreamsand figure forms above the child's head, it's the Tooth Fairy.

Lights begin to appear on the globe. Baby Tooth notices this, and perks up. Her wings start to flutter. Other fairies begin to fly. They shoot down to the tooth boxes and begin opening them.

Sophie peers out of her bedroom window, watching as streams of Dreamsand dance along the Burgess skyline. "Pretty!" She says.

More and more windows begin to shine bright with gold as swirls of Dreamsand fill the night sky. The globe in North's sleigh, is now decorated with spots of yellow light.

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