11. Pitch Pays

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A Nightmare comes barreling towards Cupcake. It screeches to a halt, inches from the girl's face. She gently taps the creature on the nose and turns into a Dreamsand Unicorn.

"Whoa..." She giggles A gigantic Dreamsand dinosaur foot comes down revealing a Dreamsand brontosaurus. As Dreamsand creatures fill the streets, the Guardians and children rejoice. "Yeah!" Some kid shouts happily.

Jamie stands in awe of a school of beautiful Dreamsand fish as they float by. Suddenly, he's hit in the head with a snowball. He turns to look and sees Jack, smiling. Jamie picks up a snowball and throws it at his friends. Almost instantaneously, a snowball fight ensures.

Claude laughs, "Oh yeah? Bring it on!" Sandy salutes Jack and North, who are standing off to the side while the snowball fight escalates.

"Your center?" North asks Jack.

"It took awhile, but I figured it out." He responds. North tosses Jack a small item. Jack catches it and looks to his open palm, it's a Russian nesting doll in the image of Jack, similar to those found in North's workshop. Jack smiles and North gives him a wink in return.

North is suddenly hit by a snowball and turns. He sees Claude, Caleb, and an elf; they immediately point fingers at each other. Calub and Claude began Ooohhh-ing. Then North bursts out in laughter.

"You're all on naughty list." He laughs, then turns to Bunny, "Bunny, think fast!" He throws a snowball, which hits Bunny smack in the face.

Pitch groans in pain, and rises up to see the town crawling with Dreamsand creatures, snowballs flying and yetis playing

"No." He whips around to see the kids - having the time of their lives - and no fear in their eyes. He rises up, his entire body shaking with rage, and screams at them. "You dare have fun in my presence! I am the Boogeyman! AND YOU WILL FEAR ME!" He lunges at Jamie who come running toward him, Pitch's hands outstretched as if he's going to grab him by the throat. But Jamie runs right through him, laughing, joyous.

"Noooo!" Pitch gasps, realizing that he no longer has any power over the children. The devastation plays across his face. "No." He sees the Guardians approach, standing side by side with one another. Pitch turns and flees into the forest.

Pitch runs through the shadows in terror. He comes crashing through the trees of the forest, and out onto the ice of the pond. He looks over his shoulder to see if the Guardians are on his tail, when ge runs smack into North's chest. Pitch slips on the ice, and falls backwards. He looks up to see North smiling down at him, "Leaving the party so soon?"

"You didn't even say goodbye." Tooth says while tossing something to Pitch which he catches. He looks down. It's a quarter.

"A quarter?" He asks. A fist punches him right in the jaw, and a single tooth goes skittering across the ice.

Tooth shakes out her hand. "And that's for my fairies." Tooth smirks.

"You can't get rid of me! Not forever! There will always be fear!" Pitch scowls.

"So what? As long as one child believes, we will be here to fight fear!" North rebounds.

"Really? Then what are they doing here?" Pitch asks as hundreds of Night-mares emerge from the woods, surrounding the pond.

It's terrifying, but the Guardians seem unphased. "They can't be my Night-mares, I'm not afraid." North says.

"Looks like it's your fear they smell." Jack states.

Suddenly, Pitch's eyes get huge with terror as the Night-mares move in on him. He begins to back away, but the Night-mares pick up speed as they charge toward him. "Ahhh, no....AAAAAHHHHHH!!" He tries to run, but it's impossible to get his footing on the ice. He falters, and is swept up in the stampede of Night-mares.

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