4. Tooth Palace

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Tooth drifts to the floor and the other Guardians, rush up to her. I stay down by Jack because Tooth doesn't like me.

"I have to say, this is very, very exciting. The big four, all in one place. I'm a little starstruck." Pitch sounds from above the guardians.

"Did you like my show on the globe, North? Got you all together, Didn't I?" Pitch taunts. I back away so I'm hiding in as much shadows as I can. I don't bother turning into shadows because he can see right through the facade.

"Pitch! You have thirty seconds to return my fairies." Tooth threatens.

"Or what? You'll stuck a quarter under my pillow?" Pitch asks sarcastically. "Maybe I want what you have. To be believed in."

"Maybe I'm tired of hiding under beds." Pitch says.

"Well, maybe that's where you belong." Bunnymund says.

"Go suck an egg, rabbit." Pitch says, fed up with Bunny.

"Hang on... Is that Jack Frost? Since when are you all so chummy?" Pitch asks.

"We're not." Jack says. He locks eyes with me, silently begging me to come out.

"Oh, good. A mutual party. Then, I'm going to ignore you, but you must be used to that by now." Pitch smirks.

I step out of the shadows noticing one of Pitches horses.

"Is that who I think it is?" Pitch asks. His voice sounds like it's from above me, but I know better.

He appirates in front of me, smiling, "Brother Grimm! Good to see you."

I say nothing, silently wishing he'd leave. His face falls and he says, "Still mute as ever I see."

He disapirates as the Guardians rush to attack him. Tooth goes to attack him, but a nightmare horse saves him.

"Easy girl, easy. Look familiar, Sandman?" He taunts. "Took me a while to perfect this little trick. Turning dreams into nightmares. Don't be nervous, it only riles them up more. They smell fear, you know."

"Fear? No one's been afraid of you since the dark ages." Bunnymund says.

"Oh, the dark ages. Do you remember then, Brother Grimm?" Everyone turns to face me, I remember everything the old Reaper remembered.

"Everyone frightened, miserable, such happy times for us. Oh, the power we wielded. But then the Man in the Moon chose you to replace my fear with your wonder and light. He replaced my Brotheren, too. Lifting their hearts, and giving them hope. Meanwhile, everyone wrote me off as just a bad dream. Of there's nothing to be afriad of, there's no such thing as the Boogeyman. Well that's all about to change."

Pitch laughs, "Oh, look. It's happening already."

"What is?" Jack asks.

"Children are waking up and realizing, The Tooth Fairy never came. It's such a little thing, but to a child..."

"What?" Jack mumbles.

"Didn't they tell you, Jack. It's great being a guardian, but there's a catch if enough kids stop believing, everything your friends protect wonder, hopes, and dreams. It'll all go away. And little by little, so do they. No Christmas, or Easter, or little fairies that come in the night. There will be nothing but fear and darkness. And me. it's your turn not to be believed in." Pitch says.

Bunny throws his boomerangs and Pitch dodges them. He gets on his horse and flies down to the ground. We all follow after him, eventually landing where he was last seen.

I stand there with North, Bunny, and Sandy. Bunny is shouting at me. "Why didn't you kill the horses when they were taking the fairies?"

"What?" Tooth pauses her sorrowing.

"He didn't help when the horses ran off with the fairies, mate..." Bunnymund explains.

"If." I cut him off. "I had killed the horses, it would have killed the fairies as well."

I walk a bit away from the Guardians and Jack and just stand there.

After a bit of staring at the could on the side of the mountain, I hear an optimistic, "I'm in!" Coming from Jack.

I then hear slight footsteps, sounding heavy, likely North, coming towards me.

I just continue to stare at the clouds, hoping he's walking past, but from how the footsteps get slightly louder, I doubt that.

"Grimm?" North asks from behind me.

I silently sigh and turn around. "Yes, North?"

"We are collecting teeth. You are going to help too?" He asks.

I stare at him for a moment, thinking it over. "Yes, but I have to do my job as well, don't expect me to help the entire time, just as Sandy needs to give dreams, I need to release souls."

North nods and bounds back to the guardians and Jack. I follow behind just drifting in the air, slightly hovering.

"To da sleigh!" North says, dragging Bunny with him.

I raise my scythe and slash it in to the air, creating a rift right onto the back of the sleigh. I walk through and it closes.

"How'd you beat us 'ere, mate?" Bunnymund asks me. He's still being dragged by North.

"Time rifting." I say blandly.

North takes off once we're all in and we go to somewhere in either China or one of the Koreas. Maybe even Japan, I don't know.

They decide to race, but Tooth and I don't join in, frankly Tooth is too worried about being believed in. I'm just collecting teeth so this can be over with.

I check my hourglass for the next Death, it's the house I'm in, the mother dies from a fire.

I look and see that the others are going to a new town, so I just sit in the mom's room until a firework lights the house on fire. She hurries to her child and gets him and the father out safely.

A wooden piller trapped her inside with the flames moments behind her. She said her goodbyes to her family as the flames ate her up.

Her soul rose and noticed me, I held out my hand silently and nodded reassuringly. She took it and I lifted her up, to where she believes the good people go.

I watched her soul be at piece as she fades to her new home. I checked the next Death, which I don't have to deal with because I'm sending a couple souls out to work for me, kind of like little death fairies.

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