My star gets destiny

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Izzy's Pov:
I was just training with my brother Javi when suddenly my phone started ringing. I told Javi to stop because someone was calling me, and I grabbed my phone and saw who was calling me. It was her, but I didn't want to talk to her after what she said, so I hung up. "Who was calling you Izzy?" Javi asks me after drinking some water.

"I don't know it was just an unknown number" I said to him because I didn't want him to know what happened. "Oh really. I thought I saw Fern's contact number." Javi says confusedly while walking towards me. "You sure it wasn't Fern?" Javi says to me and stops walking and is on the other side of the table. "I'm sure." I said I was lying, but my brother knows me too well, and he knows I'm lying.

"Izzy, what happened, and I know you're lying" Javi says and walks to the other side of the table, now right beside me. "You really know that I'm lying, huh?" I say defeated because he knows me too well. "Of course you're my little sister after all" Javi tells me with a soft tone.

I sighed in defeat. "Me and Fern got into a fight." I started explaining, and he started listening carefully. "She's getting worried that she's slowly losing me because I've been really distant and I'm not answering our late-night calls" I explained with a sad tone, trying not to cry. "Izzy, you do know what happened to her, right?" Javi asks me, making me confused.

"What do you mean, Javi? What happened to her?" I slightly raised my voice because I was too worried for Fern. "Izzy her mom just died she really wanted to talk to you, so she called you, but you were on another planet fighting with the others, so I answered it. When she asked why I answered it instead of you, I said you were busy, so she told me to tell you to call her after you weren't busy anymore." Javi explained while my eyes slowly started to tear up. "And that was yesterday. Fuck, I made a mistake" I said while I started crying, making Javi concerned. "What did you do, Izzy?" Javi asks while trying to comfort me.
"I broke up with her."

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