(1) Wrong gender, wrong person and the cat

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Y/N didn't know how long he was in the carriage. It felt like time wouldn't move forward. Y/N is scared, because she doesn't know what's about to happen to her. She was never alone and always had the support of her family. The young girl bit her lip. how much she wanted to curse her father for what he was doing to her. During the ride, she comes up with a complex plan to escape from the school when she is let out. There's no way she wants to stay there for long. Above all, Night Raven is an all-boys school and as a girl it is very uncomfortable to be alone. No one will be there for you 24/7 to protect you from others. Although she is strong, she could never compete against multiple skilled wizards. Her plan was to sneak out after school to steal a horse and then ride it home. Then she would have a few serious words with her father. She can't believe what trick he pulls off again.

After a while the coffin in which she lay opened. The first thing Y/N saw was a familiar face. It was from the institute's headmaster, Crowley. He smiled expectantly at her and offered her his pale hand, but Y/N rejected it and climbed down on her own. She didn't look at him and ran after the other students.

The hall they are currently in is gigantic. There are countless carriages there and ghosts carrying suitcases away. The new students all move together in one direction. Y/N followed them, leaving Crowley standing alone, dumbfounded.

When she looked down she saw herself in a robe. This was purple on the inside and jet black on the outside. There was a gold belt around her waist. She pulled down the hood that was on her head to see more. On her way to the hall of mirrors, she looked around so that she could find the way out later without any problems.

When they arrived, the new students lined up. It seemed like Y/N would be last. What a cliché, she thought to herself. The outsider comes last for the shocker. But luckily all the teachers knew that Y/N was an official student. Nevertheless, the students knew nothing about the change. Although Y/N Hook is an exception.

A boy with periwinkle coloured hair now stood in front of the mirror. Y/N thought she heard him praying to be in Savannaclaw. The mirror asked him his name: "Tell your name." The feminine boy tried to sound brave and confident: "Epel Felmier!" He closed his eyes right after saying his name out loud. There was silence for a moment but then the mirror spoke again and announced: "This soul is quite feminine, characterised by perfectionism and inner strength. This soul belongs 100% to Pomefiore." A few students laughed at the comment about the feminine part. Epel's eyes are wide open: "No, it can't be!"

Another student pushed him aside: "Don't waste my time. I know which dorm I'll be in, but I still want to get there as quickly as possible." Y/N knew the person too well. The green-haired tall boy was Sebek Zigvolt. His father and her father knew each other very well. Y/N knew the loud boy since she was born, they are both 16. But Y/N was born on February 13th and is therefore older than him. What really helps her with his behaviour, but not always.

Like Epel, Sebek called the mirror his name.

Der Spiegel said without further mentioning that he is in Diasomina. As he expected, he went to the other Diasomina students with a big smile of victory.

Epel went to the Pomefiore student humiliated.

Y/N turned her attention to the 5 1/2 people sitting on plush seats. One wasn't a person but a tablet.

She recognizes a few faces among the 5 people. One of them is Leona Kingscholar. The second born of the royal family of Sunset Savanna. They paid a lot in their childhood, when they visited them in winter. But Leona was always tired so Y/n thinks that Leona has narcolepsy. He was always sleepy during the day and was never awake for long - this actually started quite late for him. As a child he was actually very bright. Next to him is Riddle Rosehearts, she had only met him a few times, even when she was younger.

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