(2) Bad Expectations

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(A/N: I just want to remind you that I'm still changing things in the old chapter so sometimes things doesn't make sense)

Y/N tried to hold her temper. Everybody could tell directly that she just wanted to scream and cry her heart out. She wasn't mad at him at all. It was her father's fault that she was in this difficult situation. Malleus started to talk:'' So you wanted to inform me about the meeting?" The girl nodded:" Yes, next week the spell drive tournament. Please don't forget to hand out the application to Azul Ashengrotto. Punctually, when you're late there will be a fee." Malleus smiled understandably :'' Thank you for the information. I'll make sure that Lilia takes care of it:'' Y/N clicked with her tongue:" As the future King, you should do it for yourself. What kind of King sends his former caretaker to do his job? I mean that's pathetic." Malleus' mood went cold:'' What about your job to take your fathers role in the family? You tell me how to do my job, but you can't do yours." Y/N went furious:'' How dare you, I don't want to follow in his footsteps. You know how much I want to be a musician. I already have 3.5 million followers and many fans. Why should I act like I care for briar valley. I would never sacrifice my life for you! And neither would I marry any of you crazy bastards." Malleus didn't react, no expressions. His response was short:'' You're too innocent for this world. Nobody gets what they truly want. We have to deal with it." Y/N bumped her fist on the table:'' I don't belong to anyone, I should choose my own way. I'm not a Princess, forced to marry a Prince I don't want. We're not in the past." She laughed desperately. The Prince added an information:" He will hold a family dinner during the winter holidays. Rosehearts and the Kingscholar family are joining us." Y/n stormed out and ran to her dorm as fast as she could.

As she arrived J'olly, she sat in front of the entrance to cool off. After a half of an hour she went inside and saw how Cowley talked with Yuu and Grim. She joined them:" What are you doing here with my doommates?" Her fists were laying on her hips and her left leg was standing above the right one. Crowley turned to Y/N with a conspirial smile:" I just need help in something, Miss. Hook." The girl turned her head aside:" More details, please. I'm their housewarden and I've to know what you have planned with them." Yuu calmed her down and explained:" There have been a few accidents lately. So Crowley asked us to investigate a bit in that case." Y/N was thinking, then she looked confident into Crowley's eyes:" I will help them as a housewarden, it's my duty." Crowley explained:" We found out that the victims are spelldrive players of their dorm. In my opinion, it's not a coincidence. But I'm sure that you don't have the time for that since you help Ashengrotto." Y/N looked around:" Do you know where my brother is? I haven't seen him the whole day." Grim answered:" He told me something about an after school thing. I don't know what this is and where he went."

Crowley's eyes glowed:" Good that you remind me, you have to choose a club, like everyone else. Trappola and Spade already found a club. I want you to have a club by the end of the month."

The Headmaster left after he announced everything.

In the evening, Y/N cooked with Yuu and Grim while they're waiting for Black to return. Out of nowhere, Grim asked Y/N:" I have a question since we defeated that red boy. Why didn't you use your signature spell?" The girl put her knife aside and lowered the temperature of the oven:" It's quite a difficult topic. I'm not allowed to use it, by the law. My signature spell is: Sirens voice. When someone's casted with that spell they will fall for it and I can use their signature spell and they will lose theirs. But I can't use it because I'm not trained enough to use it, maybe the person will lose their signature spell forever. I was only allowed to use it during my training or when an emergency happened. So you may never see it in action."

In the afternoon, Azul invited Y/N to the Mostro Lounge. The lights were dimmed and the lounge was completely empty. Jade served Y/N her favorite tea. Then Azul gave him a sign to leave them alone. Now, his attention went to the slightly annoyed girl:" I'm happy that you found space in your calendar and we can finally work together, my siren. I'll enjoy the time we'll spend alone." His grin was bright but Y/N sipped slowly on her tea and didn't pay him any affection. Azul explained to her his plan for the event. After they did some work and talked, forcefully about the old times, Black suddenly came inside. It seems that he's in a rush. Y/N saw it in his eyes:" Onee-san, Riddle got hurt. We need your help, immediately!" The girl stands up to follow her brother. The only reaction, Azul shows his annoyance towards the little boy. He hoped he would have some more private time with his beloved siren. But Riddle and Black disturbed his plan. He and Jade cooked her favorite food to hold her as long as they could. Azul promised himself that he will get his revenge on Riddle soon enough.

On the way to the infirmary, Y/N asked her brother what exactly happened. He explained to her that the housewarden is the victim of the latest incidents. As they arrived, they saw Deuce, Ace and then the other two J'olly members, who talked with Riddle. Y/N went to Riddle's right side:'' Are you fine? Did you see the culprit?" Riddle's eyes seemed heavy and he needed his whole energy to answer:" Trey was the actual victim. He moved from himself, like he had no control of his actions. So I pushed him away and I had the same feeling. Then I fell off the stairs and could see nothing. He closed his eyes and the housewarden fell asleep. Y/N turned to Adeuce and her dormmates, her glance was determined:" We're going to investigate. Stand up, you're helping me." The girl stopped as she went to the door, Cater and Trey went inside. Trey looked guilty while Cater's eyes were glued on his phone in panic. The first call went to Y/N, without paying any attention to the freshmans:" There were more victims." Y/N nodded knowingly:" I was pretty sure that Riddle was not an Individual case. But sadly I don't know where I should start, since everyone in school is a potential perpetrator. My plan right now is to visit every dorm to ask if anyone saw something suspicious." Cater looked up from his phone after a while of thinking:" I actually know where to start! I'll lead you the way." Y/N looked to her classmates:" I bid Yuu and Grim to accompany me. The Heartslabyul duo stays with Trey and Black to take care of your housewarden."

The boys wanted to demonstrate but Y/N left already with her group. 

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