(1) Not giving up

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(A/N: Ignore the round ears Y/N have pointy ears. It was AI generated since I can't draw lol.)

Crowley asked Y/N to join the housewarden meeting in the early morning. She prepared something special and she is sure that Grim and Yuu would like it. On this day she will introduce the housewarden of a new dorm. Coach Vergas helped her yesterday to place her a portal to their dorm. It's no longer on the schoolground. The girl did her makeup to get a respectable look. Two pairs of eyes laid on her, Grim jumped on her desk:" Whatcha putin' on your face?" The monster puts one of his paws in a cup of powder, then he sneezes. Y/N laughed because of Grim's behavior:" Good timing, Grim. I've got your official dorm uniform!" She tied Grim a red with ocean blue stripes. Of course Y/N worked day and night so that his magestone got the ocean blue color of his collar. The soon to be housewarden, got Yuu a bag with his uniform in it:'' Crewel helped me to design it. And the Coach helped me to build a portal. So what are you waiting for, try it on." The boy went to his room and came back in a few minutes, in his new uniform.

"And, how do I look?" The uniform is similar to a Captain's uniform during the Victorian era

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"And, how do I look?" The uniform is similar to a Captain's uniform during the Victorian era. on the left of his shoulder is a badge with a ship in a sunrise and their dorm name: J'olly. Y/N blushed as she saw him:" I'm glad that the uniform fits perfectly. Crewel has a good eye. Y/N changed into her uniform too, for the purpose of the meeting. She came back after a few minutes too.

 She came back after a few minutes too

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Yuu lost his words. and said nothing but blushed like Y/N did before. Just Grim hugged her legs and thanked her:" Mya! Thanks so so so much. Now we are a real dorm. With this dorm stuff!" He looked at his collar like it was a treasure and rubbed the magestone in his face:" Nobody will ever make fun of me again and I can be the strongest magician!" He laughed the whole time and ignored the other two in the room. But Y/N knew how thankful Grim really was:" When I come back from the housewarden meeting, we're officially J'olly." Before she left the dorm she gave Yuu the uniform for Black. The little boy was sleeping so she didn't want to wake him up. She looked at her medal with a photo of her father, Black and of course herself inside. She just could smile.

On the way to the meeting, she did some breathing exercises to calm herself down. As she arrived at the room where the meeting should be held, she took a last deep breath and opened the old and heavy door. Every housewarden already sat in their place and all of them paid their attention to Y/N. Crowley hummed:" Good, since everyone's here, we can begin the meeting. The first word has our Y/N." He applauded. The students followed his gesture. Y/N stepped forward and bowed down:'' Greetings, for those who don't know me, I'm Y/N Hook the oldest daughter of the Hook family and I introduce myself as the housewarden of our new dorm: J'olly." Again the boys applauded. The girl asked around the group:" Does anyone have questions?" A hand rose up, it was Riddle Rosehearts:" Do you decide who your vice is?" Y/N nodded thankful for the reminder:" I was thinking about my younger brother, Black. But in my opinion, he's too young for such an important role. So my official vice is Yuu." She waited for another question. The housewarden of Savannaclaw just started to talk with his eyes closed and hsi tail wiggling:" Why didn't you choose one of the already existing dorms? You could be in my dorm right now. And I still need a vice housewarden." He smiled mischievously but a boy with blond hair interrupted him, the housewarden of Pomefoire, Vil Schönheit:" I thought Ruggie is your vice? So why are you lying to my Dahlia? However, her beauty is very close to mine. So when she would join a dorm it would be mine." Crowley stopped them before it got worse:" It's already decided so let us talk about our next topic, the spell drive tournament. Azul Ashengrotto is this year the head of the planning committee." The called student, the housewarden of Octavinelle stood up with a wide grin:" Thank you, Headmaster. I'm here to inform you that we will offer a lot of food and drinks. Sponsored from Mostro Lounge. Of course the event will be streamed internationally, like every year." The housewarden with white hair and red eyes, from Scarabia laughed happily:'' I'm excited like every year. My family used to watch from home but since last year they have come to visit. I'm happy to receive the Vip tickets. Y/N your father is a fan too. We saw you very often in the Vip lounge." Y/N agreed:" Yes my father is an absolute fan of the sport. He was in Diasomnia and was their best player, when he was young. Still, he's very loyal to this dorm and visits the game to see them win." Leona growled annoyed:" Of course ', since this lizard visits this school, we don't have any chance to win." He took a glance at Y/N and tried not to growl louder. He doesn't want her to know that he always loses to Malleus.

Azul directed their attention to him:" Lets not change the topic. I hope you're aware that you have to hand out the application on point. If you don't-" Riddle interrupted him:" We already know, we're disqualified. This rule is old and stands in the school rule book. Every housewarden knows it." Azul just shaked his head and laughed evilly:" Don't be ridiculous, there will be a fee involved for those who had forgotten." Y/N sighed and rolled with her eyes in annoyance:" You'll never change, am I right." She whispered it to herself so just a few people could hear it. Crowley interrupted them, as he usually did:" Good, it seems that Ashengrotto and Hook get along very well. Splendid, Miss Hook will help Mr Ashengrotto with the preparations. That will be your first task as a newly qualified housewarden." The girl falls off her chair:" Excuse me, I don't have time to help him." Azul grinned to himself and told her happily and in anticipation:" I would love to have this extra help, my siren. Jade and Floyd are busy with the lounge and I'm all alone. But your help comes right." Crowley thought he did a good job as the headmaster:" Then it sealed, the meeting has ended."

Vil looked in his handy camera:" Maybe, I should go to my hair stylist. The cameras should just see my best side." The flying tablet, who was Idia Shroud, that's what Y/N was thinking said something after being quiet the whole meeting:" I can't understand why you all are so excited to be on camera." His voice changed into fear:" What if you make a huge mistake. They will have it on camera and you will be the next fail on magicam!"

Y/N asked the group:" Where's Malleus. I thought we would be here too?" Leona laid his arms around Y/N and placed his head on her shoulder:" I think it's better without him." Y/N could swear that she heard a soft purr from Leona. Riddle explained:" He sent the information in the group chat, so he should know that today is a meeting." Y/N stopped caressing Leona:" You guys know that he can't use a phone?" The boys were quiet and looked at the ground. Y/N promised the group:" I will inform him about everything then. I know none of you will do this."

She went straight to Diasomnia. On her way she met some students, all of them bowed down when they saw her. All of them knew what status she belonged to. Lilia was welcoming her:" It's nice that you paid us a visit!" He hugged her too tightly until she couldn't catch breath. The vice housewarden offered her a seat. At the same time, two students entered the lounge. One of them ran into them, enthusiastic as ever. The other one ambled to the two. The hyperactive one was Sebek:" I heard the voice of the highness!" He recognized her:" Oh, why do we have the honor of your visit! Silver salute in front of her." Silver looked away:" Sebek, can't you see that she's ashamed?" The girl explained to them:" I've to speak to Prince Draconia." Now Sebek was the one who's ashamed:" My apologies, we have to tell you that we don't know where he is. We'll try our best to find him and bring him back. Right Silver?" The green haired waited for a response from him, but the silver haired already laid his head on Y/N's lap and slept in peace. Sebek yelled incensed:" How dare you use the highness as a pillow?" Y/N indicated that Sebek should speak quietly, by laying her index finger on her lips. She revealed a small smile to show Sebek that she's not mad at him. Softly, Y/N freed herself from Silver:" It's not necessary, Sebek. I'll go and look for him myself." Before she left, Sebek raved about Malleus and Y/N :" They're such a dream couple." Y/N rolled with her eyes, which she has to do often lately.

She left the dorm but had a huge problem, she didn't know where to start. The school was huge and it would take a whole day to visit all the places. She went to the schoolyard and sat on a bench. The sun shines bright, of course the girl enjoyed the good weather. She smiled and finally it was a real smile. Unfortunately someone blocks the sunlight and wakes her up with that:" I heard, you're looking for me?" The girl looked up, to face the person who was disturbing her. It was Malleus Draconia, the housewarden of Diasomnia:" Yeah, you missed a meeting. I wanted to inform you what we were talking about." Malleus crossed his arms and nodded:" Fine, let's talk in my room. We have to discuss more than this." Y/N faced away from Malleus. She knows exactly what he wants to talk about and she would give everything, to avoid this conversation. But sadly, the girl has no other choice but to follow Malleus:" Of course. "Go ahead." She says to him with a sharp voice and clenched teeth. Y/N returned with Malleus to Diasomnia. It seems that Lilia successfully held Sebek away, so the two students could talk under four eyes. 

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