(6) Finally, Something

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They stopped in front of Pomefoire's lounge door. Grim opened the door slightly to peek in, the boys accompanied him with that. They saw three students. One was obviously the housewarden and he was sitting on his phone. The other has lavender hair. He doesn't look happy at all. His tired eyes laid on his plate, the third person helped him to hold the cutlery in the right way:'' Vous faites tout faux! Epel, hold the knife oblique." Yuu looked at Riddle:'' I'm not sure if he's the one we're searching for." Riddle had to agree:'' Yes, I think he has more important things to do." Grim sneezed, Deuce put his hand on Grim's face to shut him up but Rook already seeked eye contact with the group. He excused himself and went to the door. Then he closed the door behind him:'' Bonjour, mesdames et messieurs." All of them started to panic, one more than the others. Riddle holds his chest in shock:'' Hunt, we're investigating in the name of Y/N. Excuse us, if we disturbed you. We'll leave immediately." Rook laughed loudly and waved off:'' Tout va bien, as long as you do me a favor." Ace gave himself a facepalm:'' Of course there's something. Tell us what you want:'' Rook pulled out a few letters with a wax seal in the form of a heart:'' Trickster, could you please give mon diamant my letters. It's very important for me." He handed out a huge amount of letters to Yuu:'' So I bid farewell. Be careful." The stranger left so Yuu looked at his phone, waiting for next instructions after putting the letters in his bag:" Y/N write to me, if Rook is clean, we should look up to a.... Flo...yd and Jade Leech?" Riddle stopped and looked in horror at the group:" Well, we just went from one mentally disturbed to another one. I should've gone with my Rose." He went with his hand through his face.

Cater showed them a post from Jade Leech:" It seems that the twins are chilli'n in the forest." Grim started to run forward, the rest tried to catch up.

Before Grim got the Leech twins' attention, they held him back and hid in a bush. Floyd laid on a glade in the forest while his brother was searching for some mushrooms. Ace let out a loud breath:" Man, these are maybe dangerous, but they seem like they weren't the incidents." Suddenly a shadow showed in front of their faces:" Flody, I think we have some rats here." Jade smiled sinisterly. Floyd spawned beside him:" Goldfishie! What are you doing here with Sharkie? And where's my Nudibranch?" Riddle hid himself behind the taller Yuu:" Stay away from me!" Jade put his hand on Deuce's shoulder but he looked to his brother:" What do you think, Floyd? Should we play with them?" Floyd nodded in agreement:" I'll enjoy squeezing these troublemakers, for stalking us!" Floyd giggled insane and his happy face turned at the end of the sentence seriously.

The others are feeling queasy. Jade continued:" Azul wasn't happy about your little mishap. He told us how you put our swan in danger." Yuu shields the magicians and defends them:" It was her own decision, we helped her. And what the housewarden of J'olly is doing, is none of your and your housewarden's business. So leave us alone or else I will personally let Y/N know that you tried to attack us. I think she will like the fact that her childhood friends are mean to her classmates and friends." He left the twins defenseless and quiet. The others showed their respect, that Yuu stood up for them against the evil twins. Riddle smiled honestly at him:'' You proved that you don't need magic to defend yourself. Thank you." Without any warning, Cater threw himself in Yuu's arms:" You're amazing! You saved us without magic."

Jade reacts now before his twin brother could attack the group:'' Floyd, we should give up for now. They're right. Our swan wouldn't like the fact we harm them. And if Y/N is upset, Azul will either. So we give up." He turned around to the group, who's still standing there:" We will ignore the fact that you observed us. But if I caught you again, doing this, there will be no excuses anymore. Did you understand me?" His smile was creepy like the one of his brother.

The freshmen felt a chill run down their spines as they started to run back to the school. Cater and Riddle didn't hesitate and followed the youngsters.

° While Yuu called Y/N to give her some updates, they found nothing. Deuce, Grim and Ace tried to catch their breath and Black was standing with them yelling at them for being weak. Cater and Riddle were standing a bit offside and talking about how they should move on.

Yuu ended the call and went to the others:" So, Y/N asked us to pay Savannaclaw a visit and tell her, if we find something suspicious. The others nodded with hope, finding something and didn't wait to go to their next stop.

During the time the boys were handling the twins, Y/N was sitting with Crowley in the archive and reading through all student files. The headmaster was about to fall asleep but always when his eyes were closed for less than 1 minute, Y/N slapped him on his neck. Many empty coffee cups are decorating the table and Y/N is about to give up:" Dire, do you think we will find the culprit? It just seems hopeless." The girl lays her head on the table and puts her hands on the back of her neck. Crowley puts the file he holds in his hands down and turns to her:" Can I be honest with you, Y/N?" The otherwise so unserious Crowley talked and acted like a normal adult should be:" Your father and I have known each other since we're children. I witnessed your birth and took care of you when your parents worked, of course with a little bit of help from Lilia. You already walked, read and sang when you were three years old." He laughed as he was dreaming about the past:" Your mother played the piano and one day, you crawled to her and tried to play too. You were always a curious girl, so I think there's nothing you can't do. That's why I asked you for help." He smiled at her proudly. The girl smiled too but had something to add:" You actually asked Yuu and I took the task from him. It's dangerous for someone who doesn't possess magic. He became a close friend of mine, I don't want to lose him."

Crowley laid a hand on her right shoulder with his other hand he lifted her chin:" I know you're still upset that your mother got lost. But you should know that your father and me, we're searching for her everyday and I accept you in this school because I know I can protect you here better. A young girl shouldn't play adult at his age. I know it doesn't seem like I care for you but I have my eyes everywhere. Just trust me."

Y/N was surprised, she never saw the headmaster so serious. He was always the crazy and silly uncle. Still, she felt better now. Carefully, she hugged the man and closed her eyes. It feels like home to her, like she was gone for a long time and came back. Y/N shrugged as she heard Crowley scream:" I found something! Here look, the file of Ruggie Bucchi." He handed out the student file of the Savnnaclaw student. Y/N was quiet while she read the file. Slowly she looked up with a warm smile:" Dire, you're sometimes really helpful. Please be more like this."

She stood up from the chair, took her phone. Exactly at this time she receives the call from Yuu.

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