(8) The Necessary Evidences

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Ace walks beside Y/N in shame:" Thank you, White. You saved our ass lately." He tried to start a conversation with her because the whole way, she didn't talk to them. Grim tried now to make her talk:" Yah, if you ask me, This dorm has something to do with those incidents." Y/N suddenly stopped and screamed:" Are you guys completely insane?! You would never have a chance against Leona and his dorm mates! If you really dared to play against him, you would've lost more than just the game. He would try to hurt you seriously. Nobody had really played spelldrive." Cater says abashed:" I'm in the team of Heartslabyul." He moves his feet from one to the other side. Y/N clicked with her tongue:" Cater, when was the last time, when Heartslabyul won a tournament?" Cater was quiet now and no one else dared to contradict Y/N.

Y/N entered the dorm and left the doors open. She went directly to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator and took out a soda. On the dining table are Riddle and Trey, sitting there and learning for the exams while drinking tea. Y/N sits beside Trey and laid her head on the table. She is so frustrated:" Crowley and I are thinking that Leona is behind these accidents. But he told me before we needed proof that Leona is the mastermind behind this." Black sat besides Riddle, same exhausted like his sister:" I knew that Leona would have to do something with that. Now we have to work smarter, to find evidence against Leona. Won't be easy..." Ace slammed his hand on the table in anger, leaving the others scared:" You sound like we won't have a chance to get evidence. But we're smarter than them."

Yuu asked his housewarden:" Why did you and Black think that Leona is the culprit?" The girl looked up and played with the can of soda in her hands:" Ruggie Bucchi's signature spell is: Laugh with me. He has the spell I was searching for." She smiled bitterly:" And under the victims were no victims from Savanaclaw. I sended, Black a message." Y/N took another sip from her soda:" To shadow Kingscholar is hard, his ears are pretty good. He will find out fast."

Yuu took one of the student files that lay in the middle of the table. He leafed through the file:" Laugh with me, controlled the movements of another person by having them copy his own. Maybe we should ignore Leona and should concentrate on Ruggie. He is the one who attacks them physically. Leona is just planning the whole story, we won't get anything from him." Trey smiled surprised:" Slowly you fit in your role as a vice housewarden. You should join our group chat." Yuu asked curiously:" You housewardens have group chat too, sure I like to join it. You already have my number, Trey-senpai."

Y/N stood up:" Yuu is right, I want you to investigate. Follow him everywhere but please don't get caught. I will talk with the teacher so they will know that you won't be present." Ace, Grims and Deuce's eyes are shining. They're happy that they can skip their classes:" Thank you, Y/N! You're the best friend someone can have!" They hugged the girl who just pushed them away:" Your job is very serious, when you get caught, it's over. I hope you understand."

Riddle rolled with his eyes:" My Rose, they're still childish. These idiots will never understand what opportunity they have to prove us different." Deuce was again the one who took it seriously:" We won't disappoint you housewarden Rosehearts!" He salutes at the end like a soldier.

The next day, Black, Grim, Deuce , Ace and Yuu met in the Cafeteria. Y/N and Cater won't accompany them this time. Y/N gave Yuu the control of the group. It was clear from the beginning of the observation that Yuu would represent Y/N but she wanted to repeat it clearly that when they won't listen to the magicless student, she would punish them harder than any teacher at this school. She hoped that Ace and Grim would take her threat seriously.

Yuu looked at the messages that he got from Rook. Yesterday, Y/N asked Rook to give them Ruggie's timetable:" His first lesson is astrology. It's with Trein." Black looked at Yuu's phone:" The lessons start soon, we should hurry up and go to the science building." Black led the way and Yuu carried Grim in his arms to the science room.

They sat in the last row and stayed quiet, all of them had a good view of Ruggie. As the lesson started, Grim was about to fall asleep. Deuce and Ace tried their best to stay awake and observe Ruggie. Black and Yuu were concentrated without any issues but Ruggie did nothing. He just sat there and paid attention to the lesson like a good student.

For Y/N was it an easy morning. She sat with the other housewarden in a meeting. Azul was beside her and talked to her the whole time while the other gave them their application for the tournament. Instead of Malleus, Lilia handed out the papers. Y/N was in her own thoughts, afraid something will happen to her friends. Secretly, she sees Leona who takes a nap and seems not to notice a thing. Y/N felt how a certain someone touched her arm. She turned to Azul:'' Yes, was is it Ashengrotto?" The second year tilted his head and behaved strangely nervously:" We need to control the food stalls then and the cameras, you know. "Together." His cheeks blushed and he started to stutter. Without thinking Y/N asked him heartlessly:" Why are you so strange?" Her eyes lay again on the sleeping fury. Another housewarden tried to get the girl's attention, Vil:" Why are you so obsessed with Kingscholar, Dhalia?" Y/N ignored them and went to Riddle:" Hey, do you think that the boys will make a mistake?" The smaller boy looked to the ground:" If they listen to Yuu then you don't have to worry but still they're huge idiots."

Until lunchtime, nothing happened. Ruggie just did normal things. Grim yelled despreated:" Man, this doesn't help at all. Y'all should have listened to me!" Black kneeled down to him:" Grim you imagine it so easy. But that's all too difficult. We have to listen to Onee-san, she knows what to do. Father teaches her well." Yuu hold them up:" Look there." He pointed at Ruggie who followed four Scarabia students. The boys followed him quietly. Before he could do something, Grim jumped at Ruggie's back:" Stop that, we caught you!" The boys gave themselves a face palm:" Grim you scumbag, we should have filmed while he committed the crime.", Black was explaining.

The Scarabia students already left without enticing the dispute. Now, Ruggie pointed his pen at the five freshmans:" I knew someone followed me the whole day. Didn't know that you were brave enough to make the same mistake a second time." He laughed:" Time to teach a bunch of cubs a lesson." 

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