(9) Happy Ending

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Yuu, Cater, Black, Grim and Deuce's mood went downstairs. Riddle's eyes are wet from his salty, bitter tears:" I just wanted to try the tart with my Y/N. But happily my mom still allowed us to meet each other. Under the condition that we're not alone:" He's still crying. Y/N hugged her long time friend and laid her left hand on his head:" It's alright, your mother isn't here. I promise you, she won't hurt you anymore!" Ace yelled suddenly:" Oh, shut up. So you want compassion because your mommy was strict? You still didn't apologise for giving me this stupid collar. What a great housewarden you are." Everyone was shocked and stood still and watched Ace. Y/N let the collar vanish and Ace's mouth stayed open in shock:" Wait, you were the whole time able to open it? Why didn't you do this earlier?" Y/N just chuckled:" That's against the Queen's law and I don't betray my friend. Back to the topic, how should Riddle make up for it?" Ace was thinking, after a quick break he had the answer:" I don't have a birthday tomorrow, so since he throwed my tart away, I want him to bake a tart for tomorrow. Riddle wipes his tears away and looks up with a small hopeful smile:" Sure, I'll give my best!" Everyone helped to clean the dorm garden. Riddle was carried in his bedroom by Y/N and Yuu waited in a chair in the garden. Y/N kept company with Riddle. Riddle looked up to her:" I'm so sorry my rose. I didn't realise how mean I was. I hope you can forgive me? Y/N kissed his right cheek:" You should apologise to your dorm mates, not me. Please get some rest and make the tart in the morning." She covered him up with his blanket and left the dorm with Grim, Black and Yuu. Black asks his sister:" Is Mr. Rosehearts alright?" Y/N smiled at him and picked him up:" He is all fine. Don't worry I'll help him."

Riddle was still awake and smiled insane into the void. He's still crazy in love with Y/N Hook.

The next day, all of the four went well dressed to Heartslabyul. They first met Ace:" I finally could sleep in my own bed. But I miss you Y/N senpai!" He tried to flirt with her but she ignored him. Yu pushes him back:" We already talked about this, haven't we?" Riddle entered the garden:" Oh, you're finally here!" He smiled happily. Ace asked Riddle:" Did you take the tart with you?" Y/N punished Ace, annoyed on his back:" Chill, let's sit down and enjoy the celebration!" The group and the students sat down as Y/N said. Riddle placed his creation on the table. The tart was good looking and the taste should be good too, then. The housewarden looked around the garden with a strict gaze :" It looks like everything is in their place, excellent!" He enjoyed perfection. The students were still suspicious of Riddle so they trembled in fear. And their fear went bigger, as Riddle continued talking:" Oh, I see." He stepped to a rosebush. Two of their roses are still white and the face of the housewarden was ambiguous. Cater and Trey rushed to him:" We're sorry, we will paint it directly red." Riddle wanted to say something but Y/N stopped him by laying her hand on his:" It's fine. Let's forget these little white roses. So everybody eat, drink and enjoy your time! Happy unbirthday!" Heartslabyul's students cheered too and started to celebrate.

Riddle gave everyone a piece of his fresh baked and handmade tart. Ace dared to take the first bite of it, but puke it out.The others followed Ace's bite of the tart. Cater was the only one who didn't even take a look at his piece. Like Ace, everyone spilled it out and gave Riddle an apologetic glance. Trey was just pretending that he ate it. He smiled to himself and stared at his plate. Grim yelled at the housewarden in anger and confused:" Yah, this thing you brought, is salty! I thought a tart should be sweet!" Yuu agreed with the monster:'' Even there are meat tarts but I'm pretty sure this isn't good with tea." He laughed nervously. Black didn't hesitate and ate the whole tart up:" I kinda like it." Y/N looked to her friend and asked him:" Rosehearts, what did you put in that tart, salt?" Riddle responded gullibly:" Trey told me to put oyster sauce in the tart. He meant that his mother put it in her tart too." Trey couldn't hold back his laughter. Adeuce were shocked because of their dorm leader's credulity. Trey then revealed it to him:" It was a simple joke Riddle. I can't believe it, that you actually fell for it, my friend." He still laughed till he was out of breath. Yuu and Y/N packed out some fresh baked tarts and biscuits. One was a big and frosted strawberry tart.Y/n gave Riddle that tart which she spended making the whole night:" I asked Mrs. Clover for the recipe and made this in the night. Yuu helped me with the others." Grim asked his housewarden:" Why didn't I wake up from it? I would definitely wake up because of the smell?" No one of his roommates wanted to answer, because they knew that Grim wouldn't be helped. Instead, he would eat the tarts before the party even starts. Large and heavy tears appeared in Riddle's eyes:" Thank you, my rose." He took a bite of it with a light blush in his cheeks. The tart tasted even sweeter than he imagined. Maybe it's the fact that his beloved rose made it on her own:" You're so- eh I mean it tastes marvellous!" The rest of the sweet tart floated above the air. Just a wide smile was to be seen next to it. Then the group saw the well known Che'nya. The cat boy ate the rest of the stolen goods:" This tart tastes like the one of Trey's mother. I think it's even better!" He laid his head on Y/N's shoulder, his arms around Y/N's hip:" I'm happy that you're going to this school, so I can meet you everyday!"

Grim asked impatiently and with a bit of annoyance Che'nya:" Now tell us, from which dorm you came from?" Che'nya giggled and looked from Y/N up:" I'm from Royal Swords." As he said this, several Heartslabyul students looked at him:" He said that he's from the idiots of Royal Swords Academy, go and get him!"

Immediately he vanished and ran away:" We will see each other again, humans!


I ask you for criticism, outside of my language or spelling haha~

Beside that: I wish everyone happy holidays! 

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