(7) Suspicious cat

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Yuu was in front of the group. As they entered the portal of Savanaclaw, they noticed how hot the dorm was. It was still cooler than in Scarabia. Riddle looked at his phone and groaned:" Trey needs my help with some students who broke some school rules. Cater I bid you to take care of the first years. If you need my help, feel free to call me. Yuu has my number as a vice housewarden." Riddle hurried up to leave Savanaclaw.

So the boys were alone with just one third year.

Grim jumped on a rock and caught the attention of the other boys to him:" I think, to finally get some results, we should dress up as these students here and ask around if they are behind these things." The monster smiled proudly of his plan and waited for positive responses but Yuu only grabbed him by his neck and dragged him to the ground:'' I like to just have a few words with the vice housewarden. So that the conversation is at eye level." Cater shaked his head, which confused the group:" Savanaclaw doesn't have a vice. With Ignihyde, they're the only one who doesn't have a vice housewarden. You have to talk to their housewarden, Leona Kingscholar. But you should be careful, the students of this dorm are rude and kinda like chihuahuas who lost their favorite toy. They're completely the opposite of our happy and colorful Heartslabyul."

The group was about to enter the dorm building but they were held back by a group of Savanaclaw students. They were in the second or the third grade. One of them with brown hair starts to yell at the group:" Hey, you! What are you doing in our territory?" The group of beastman pulled out their pens and pointed it at them. The boys were afraid while Black and Grim smiled devilishly, ready to fight. Surprisingly, Cater gave Black the allowance to fight back, if he worked with them together and didn't fight alone.

Everyone, Ace and Deuce too, pulled their pen out too. Yuu was stepping back since he couldn't help them. Before one of the two sides could cast a spell, a tall student enters the scene. The students have long brown hair and cat ears and a tail. It was Leona Kingschlar and behind him the second year, Ruggie Bucchie:" What's the act here? It's afternoon. You know during my naptime, everyone should be quiet here." The housewarden grinned his teeth in anger then looked at the group of freshmans and Cater. He tilted his head:" What's your deal here herbivores? You know you have nothing to do here." His eyes were half closed, the hyena behind him was giggling:" Right, don't you have a tea party you have to attempt?" The other Savanaclaw students joined him and laughed.

Yuu was brave enough now to take his chance to speak with the buffed housewarden:" Hello, I'm Yuu. The vice housewarden of J'olly. We met on a camping trip, one month ago." He reaches him with his right hand to shake it, but the lazy lion denies the handshake with a turn away from him:" Yes, I remember. You're the boy who is glued to Sunny like gum. Did you get lost here?" He laughed at the human:" I don't care what you want, you take your leave before we hunt you down." Yuu tried it one more time:" We're here to ask you something. N/N sended us to ask students what they're thinking of the incidents that happened lately." Ace whispered to Cater confused:" What's his plan? I don't think that the culprit will confess like this." Cater was screeching his head before he answered:'' Perhaps he tried how they will behave when he speaks directly about the incidents." And actually Yuu's plan worked out, Ruggie started to sweatdrop and act nervously. Leona cleared his throat:" Our students are completely skilled and won't be a victim. Sorry to tell you but we can't help you with your small problem." Black stopped him:" Isn't is noticeable that under the victims are no students from Savanaclaw but even Diasomnia students have some victims. You should lie better, Kingscholar. You were never good at things like that." Leona's eyes seem to glow in a poisonous green:" Fine, since I can fight you with magic, let's play a round of spelldrive." He ginned and held up a disc. Cater asked the young students:'' Have you ever played spelldrive? It would be inconvenient, if you don't." The friends looked at each other's eyes and smiled, Deuce answered it for them:" Y/N teached us after Grim and Ace forced her. But I can tell, we're not pros." Cater sighed:" Great, Yuu can't cast magic and you never played spelldrive seriously. We're doomed. And our enemy is none other than the captain of our school's spelldrive team." Black and Deuce were still motivated:" No matter how bad it looks, we will try our best to win." Grim and Ace were the complete opposite:" When Leona is the captain of the school team there's no way we can survive!"

Cater dragged the two complaining students with him to the play field besides the dorm building of Savanaclaw. Yuu, Black and Deuce followed them without saying anything else. Yuu sat down on a bench and watched how his friends got a broom and went to the middle of the field. Even Grim was prepared. Yuu was there the whole time and now he was looking for someone. And like his prayers were to come true, Y/N entered the play field. The amused Leona stopped smiling as he saw the talented girl.

She stood in front of the 20 year old housewarden and smiled nicely:" Again, picking on others, Kingscholar? They're still untrained and don't play in the spelldrive team, except for Cater of course. Maybe you should play against me. But I think that would be unfair against you." She mocked him, their faces got closer but Y/N just stole his broom and went to her group. Leona needed time to come to his senses. One of his students gave him another broom. He and Y/N went to the middle, he handed Y/N out the disc:" Ladies first."

Y/N wanted to throw the disc, but unfortunately they got disturbed again. A tall white haired male with dog ears joined them, his expressions were mad and not happy as he saw the situation:" Is this how housewardens should treat each other? You were supposed to be role models for the students but now you're fighting like a bunch of kids."

Both housewardens looked ashamed and did not dare to look in the boy's eyes. Ruggie hugged the annoyed student:" Ay, Jack. We were just practicing. Just calm down."

Y/N only throwed the broom away:" Nevermind, we have to go anyway. Let's go. Riddle is waiting for us with tea and Trey's sweets." She turned around and left without bidding farewell. Y/N's little brother wanted to stay to mess with Leona but his onee-san dragged him by his vest to their dorm, J'olly.

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