(4) A Small Clue

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Grim and Adeuce stumbled through the portal to Scarabia, they felt directly the heat of the dorm. Grim jumped on Caters shoulder:'' Ow, my paws are burning!" Cater laughed and patted him as a response to that monster:'' Yes, Scarabia is infamous for being the hottest dorm in NRC. I hope you guys drank enough." He moved forward to the dorm while the rest followed him without drying out. They arrived at the lounge, the freshmans couldn't help themselves but to look around, amazed by Scarabias dorm design. Mostly everything was covered in gold. The other colors were dominated by red. Darker than the typical Heartslabyul red, the boys are used to seeing. A white haired boy ran toward them with a huge and friendly smile on his face. Behind him was a boy with brown mid-long hair and an overstrained expression:'' Kalim

, don't run, or else you will-" The brown-haired boy narrowed his eyes in anticipation of what was about to happen. And like he summoned it, Kalim stumbled forward and went quiet.

The boys and Grim were confused by the situation. Just Cater laughed and helped Kalim to stand up:" Hey, Klaim. We need your help with something very important. Can we talk somewhere private?" Kalim nodded happily:'' Sure, I want to help wherever I can." Now the attention went to the brown haired boy. Kalim followed their eyes:" Oh, I forgot to introduce us, I'm Kalim Al-Asim the housewarden here and a second year and this is Jamil Viper our vice housewarden and my em... his family works for mine!" The freshman introduced themselves, except for Cater, he knew both. Kalim was in his club. But he wasn't alone, Ace knew who Jamil was either from his club. All of them, Jamil included, went to a private and empty room.

Kalim started to offer the group something to eat and drink. Yuu and Cater declined it, while the trio didn't hesitate to eat and drink a lot. Mentally they're somewhere else, not in the conversation. The vice housewarden starts to ask Kalim some questions:" Did you see something suspicious these days, any students who are surprisingly clumsy?" Yuu holds his notebook ready to write everything up he will hear. Kalim thinked for a while to look up for examples then he looked at Jamil if he recognized something. After that he decided to answer:" Actually, yes. Jamil and a few of our dorm got hurt during sports lessons. Usually they're very careful and skilled. I just thought they had a bad day." The vice housewarden of Scarabia didn't dare to look at the group. Kalim continued:" I just thought that they had a bad day so I held a huge party to hype them up. But one of them mentioned they felt like someone would control them.." The young active boy laid his index finger on his chin and looked up:" I will ask them if they saw something and if I get new news I'll contact Y/N then, right?"

Yuu agreed and asked him if he had her number and Kalim explained to them that they have a housewarden chat group where he will write to her. But the magicless human stopped him:" Maybe it's not a good idea to spread the information we need for our investigation in an open chat group. Since we don't know who the culprit is. At the end he is one of the housewarden."

After Kalim promised them to write Y/N per private chat they left the dorm and went to the meeting point where they waited for Y/N.

While the boys visited Scarabia, Y/N went to Diasomnia. Her steps went slower, she wanted to avoid Malleus and Sebek. Her plan was just to ask a few questions to some of the students who posted about their accident. Then she would directly leave the dorm. As the girl arrived at the entrance, she suddenly stopped in her movements. Of course, for her luck, Malleus, Silver, Sebek and Lilia are leaving their dorm. Without hesitation, she jumped into a dornbush. The poor female housewared held back the indescribable pain. She puts her hand over her mouth to prevent herself from screaming and closes her eyes. Y/N lurked between the bushes. Sebek turned radical to Lilia:" Did you hear that Lilia-sama?" His eyes grew bigger and the young student pulled his wand out to go to Y/N's hiding place. The girl held her breath and went totally quiet. No one could hear her. Luckly, Lilia held Sebek back:" I'm sure it was just a small bird. We should keep going or else we will come late to our clubs."

Y/N smiled and looked up carefully. Lilia turned his head and smiled at her. He gave her a wink before he left the dorm with the others.

The girl stood up after she was 100% sure that they were completely gone. Finally she was able to scream. Everytime she pulled out a dorn, she bit her tongue:" Shit why would they plant them here? Y/N ignored it, she was just glad that Lilia didn't expose her. Now, she had to return to her original mission. She went inside the dorm and as expected all eyes laid on her. A few of the males even bowed down. Y/N just smiled and made a curtsey:" MAy I ask you something about some accidents that have happened lately?" The boys nodded in eagerness:" Of course, Miss Hook! You can ask us everything and I mean everything by that." His friend punches his shoulder:" Hey, Prince Draconia will kill us if he finds out that you flirted with the future Queen." Y/N couldn't hold it but to roll with her eyes and klick with her tongue:" Boys you don't need to act differently. If Malleus hurts you or threatens you, call me." The girl gave the two Diasomnia students a card with her number. Then she went back to the original topic:" Did you witness something in the last weeks?" Both students looked into each other's eyes. One of them answered:" Yes, another friend of ours broke his leg during his cleaning duty. I just saw a shadow that had a pair of animal ears. When I remember right, we heard a laugh too. We talked about this and came to the conclusion that it was maybe a signature spell from a student." Y/N thanked the boys for the information:" I make sure that Malleus and Lilia will be informed about your huge support. And I will acknowledge Crowley about that too. But I have to hurry now to meet my friends. "Farewell."

She left Diasomnia swiftly. Gladly the Diasomnia quartet hasn't returned yet. Y/N went to Heartslabyul. She sent everyone a message that Riddle wanted to hear some updates. So they will meet each other in Riddle's room.The group went to Heartslabyul and straight to Riddle's room. Deuce and Ace were nervous, they had never seen the housewardens room before. It was forbidden to enter the room. Because of that they're super curious. Y/N couldn't wait and knock on one of the doors. They waited for Riddle to answer. Cater and Y/N opened the heavy door. For the four freshmans, this room was like heaven. A huge canopy bed in red and white. It stands on the right of the room. On both sides of the bed were a side table in dark blue with gold accents. On the other side was a huge wardrobe which had the shape of a heart. Beside it was another door. That was maybe the entrance to Riddle's own bathroom. In the middle was a big table with several chairs. Ace bumped Deuce's shoulder:" Hey I have a new plan. I want to be the next housewarden when Riddle leaves the school. I mean Riddle has his own room and a whole bathroom for himself! We have to share a room with two other freshmans. And let's not talk about the bathroom situation.." Riddle sat in one of the chairs with Trey and Black, they drank black tea together and chatted:" I would never recommend you as the next housewarden. I would prefer Deuce over you. Actually I would even take a stone over you because he would do a better job with doing nothing!" Riddle stressed a cup on his tea while Trey laughed and tried to hype Ace up:" Next year, I have to give up the vice housewarden title. MAybe You can prove to Riddle that you're good enough for this job." Ace's eyes glowed:" Really, thank you so much Trey-senpai!" Y/N took place, besides Riddle. Yuu and Cater followed her, Grim climbed on Y/N's lap. Trey poured some black tea with milk and one sugar cube. For Yuu he made green tea. Yuu took his notes out and Adeuce still stands at the entrance. Riddle took Grim from Y/N's lap, signaling Cater to follow him to Adeuce:" We prefer to hold this under the housewardens and the vice. If we need your support, we'll inform you. But now I want you to clean the flamingo stable, Deuce and Ace." Cater promised Grim to give the snacks, which Trey keeped in storage. Deuce wanted to leave but Ace stopped him:" What do we get if we help you?" Deuce pulled his friend away:" My apologies, we will help without any condition." Suddenly the housewarden of J'olly stands between them:'' The idea of a reward isn't bad, Riddle. Nobody will work for free. You should be a role model and show them, nothing is for free." Y/N smirked and went back to her place. The second year just sighed and admitted he was wrong:" What do you two, pain the neck want?"

Deuce and Ace both present their wishes synchron:" We want to be in the spelldrive team!" The group on the table laughed, Riddle held his head:" Perfect, the biggest idiots in our dorm.. I'll allow you that. But only when we catch the culprit." The young students gave a high-five and left the room.

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