(5) Evidence

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Yuu started to read his notes:" We visited some students of Pomefiore at first, they told us that they felt exactly like Riddle. Like someone controlled them. And I noticed that even talented and skilled students were hurt." Y/N looked at her hands like she was in deep thought:'' The Diasomnia students gave me an idea, they mentioned it may be a student's signature spell. It sounds understandable. I would like to do research in that way, or wait diy one of you know if a student has a similar signature spell like this? Then I can spare myself from the difficult research." The room went quiet for a while but then Trey answered carefully, not to disappoint her too much:'' Sadly, no. But Y/N you have a good connection to the headmaster, right? If he allows you, you can read some student files." Y/N couldn't believe it, she would have to ask Crowley for help. But she thinks he will allow to search up the files unless he has to help her:'' I'll do this but you should shadow some students. I'll give you the information, as fast as I can! It would be best if I contact Yuu or Riddle." The red head looked concerned at his injuries:'' Is it a wise decision for me, to put pressure on my leg? I want to help but I'll be a ballast for them. I can't defend them or even myself. Lord, I'm a horrible housewarden." Trey interrupted the crying housewarden:'' Riddle, don't worry. You saved me lately, that's why you're injured in the first place. And you shouldn't forget that Cater can help you and clone himself, if needed. And the freshman group will accompany you." The younger brother of the girl smiled in anticipation and suddenly jumped off his chair:" It will be my pleasure and a good training for me to guard you, Riddle senpai!"

Y/N laid her warm hand with a tight grip on the shoulder of her beloved brother and pushed him back to his seat:" Black, you won't do anything like that. These students are older and taller than you. They will hurt you, if you make a mistake. What if Riddle gets hurt? You should know when a fight is worth it. If anyone attacks you, you'll flee immediately. Cater may clone himself and apply advanced magic but he's still a single person. In the worst case he will faint. And who will save him?" The girl wasn't happy that her brother took everything so carelessly. The boy let his head hang and showed his best puppy eyes:" You're right, Onee-san, I should follow the rules. But I want to practice and I have no opportunity to do it. As a freshman we only train our endurance and you know how good mine is." The boy is completely disappointed that nobody gives him a chance to prove himself.

Y/N smiled at him:" Black, it needs more than endurance and strength to win a fight. There's a lot you have to learn. You may be a few classes above kids in your age but you have a lot to learn. At first, you have never learned how you should work in a team."

Trey turned his attention fully to Y/N:" Why are you still in the first year? You're more skilled than we are. You should already graduate." Y/N denied it directly:" No, actually I'm at Silver's level. I won't make it to the final exams." Riddle shakes his head:" Y/N you're the most talented woman I've ever seen. Your father did a good job with teaching you. So I'm sure that you can even do the qualification for the university right now. You should ask Crowley if he can arrange something." Y/N just turned around and ignored the whole conversation and went to the door:" You know what to do. I will visit Crowley then."

The young Hook opened both of the doors and went ahead.

As the girl arrived at the headmasters office, she gently knocked on the door and waited for a response. She just heard a quiet 'Come in' and so she entered the huge room. What she saw was indescribable, Crowley sat in his chair with a sleep mask and a neck pillow, his eyes closed. Y/N suppressed a mean comment and went to him:" We need help. I need access to the student files and you should know that I won't accept a no as an answer." Crowley fell from his chair and landed on his face down on the floor:" Sure, sure! If that's the only thing you need. For I am so kind, I'll allow a student to look in the archive of the school." Y/N smiled devilishly:" Of course, since you have nothing to do right now, you can help a poor student like me to find out the signature spell of every student at this school." She was smiling like an innocent little girl but deep down she wanted to ruin Crowley's day. Good, perhaps she's still mad at him that he's always loading his work to her dormmates. Lately, he wanted her to take his place at a meeting with the other teachers. Yuu and Black should note every book which is damaged. It took them a whole week to finish this task.

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