(6) Mission Tart Baking

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A green haired boy stopped them from going, it was Trey Clover:" Cater told me that you need help. Oh you're the Ace boy, who ate Riddle's tart for the unbirthday party. The tart you have to replace should be self made like the one you have stolen. So I thought that when you help me with the baking, you can get one to replace the old one." Y/N smiled at Trey:'' Thanks, that would be awesome. You always were a good friend. And of course we'll help you." Ace turned his head disturbed to Trey and Y/N:" Why should we help him? We can bake one for ourselves." Y/N told him:'' I'm pretty sure none of us can bake a tart. But Trey can bake delicious things." Ace just sighed at her response:" Fine, I'll help you too." Trey's eyes shined:'' Let's go, we have a lot of time left." Everybody stood up and followed Trey to the Heartslabyul kitchen. Trey looked around and asked the freshmans:'' Could you please pick some chestnuts behind the botanical garden? Ah and we need some eggs." Y/n took Deuce's hand:" We will handle it. Grim, Ace and Yuu, please help Trey to prepare the tarts."

Immediately they went to the botanical garden. Deuce went in another direction to get some supplies for picking up the chestnuts. While Y/N take a peak in the school garden. She was in her own world, when she entered the garden. The attention went to the colourful flowers. Y/N didn't recognize how she stepped on something. A tall dark tanned man jumped up:" Who are y- " He sees the shocked girl and he knows who she is, who doesn't? Since the first day everyone should know the identity of the Hook girl. But he's still mad at her, for disturbing his nap. The girl bowed down:" My apologies. I should take care, I know." The man shakes his head:" No, this won't change a thing." He gets closer to Y/N, she takes a few steps back. Before both of them could react, a smaller guy with round ears entered the garden. Y/N knows Ruggie like Leona as well. She relaxes after seeing Ruggie:" Leona, the Magical Shift training starts soon. We are waiting for you." Leona just groaned:" Can't you do the training without me? Like are you that incompetent?" Ruggie raises a brow. Leona understands that the vice housewarden doesn't allow a no. So he stood up and left with a last gaze to Y/N. The girl was relieved and went to the chestnut trees. She looked around while Deuce came back with some buckets. Y/N already picked some nuts up and put them into the bucket. The boy helped her, it was quiet but pleasant. Y/N dropped the last one:" So we just need eggs. Let's go to Mr. S's shop." Deuce carried the two heavy buckets:" Shouldn't we bring these to the kitchen?" Y/N smiled and teleported the chestnuts to Trey. The young student smiled and thanked her.

Together, they went to the only store in the Night Raven College. Both of them looked around, it's their first time in the store. They're curious. A man with a strange hat appeared:" Welcome my little imps. I see that you're the freshmans of this year. Do you need something specific?" Y/N answered:" Yes, we need a dozen eggs." The man disappeared and came back with eggs and something else:" Here are your eggs and I found something that's in your interest, Miss Y/N:" He pulled out a sword. Y/N recionise it, it's the family sword of her family. Her father must have forgotten it. She took out the sword and looked closer to it. The family emblem is on the black blade with red ink. But why would her father forget something important in this school? It#s nothing that you should lose so easily. Y/N find it suspicious. After looking at the sword, the strange man asked:" Do you want it back? I would give it to you for free." Y/N bites her tongue:" Fine!" She gives him a bag of money. Deuce took the eggs while Y/n put her family sword in her bag. Before they left the store, she asked the shop owner:" Can I know your name?" Her voice is now softer and polite. The man introduced himself:" I'm, my little imp, Sam. I'm always here, if you need something for every situation." He bows down. The girl just nodded and left the store with Deuce who asked her directly:" Why is this sword so important?" Y/N sights:" A member of the Hook family unleash huge powers with this sword. You can use it like that, also like a sword of course." Deuce listened closely. He just heard rumours about the Hook family, nothing more. The Hook family is a mystery like the Draconia family.

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