The Game Changer

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A month later, Giuseppe was still trying to get used to the fact his father was gone, and he wasn't the only one in his home having the same problem

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A month later, Giuseppe was still trying to get used to the fact his father was gone, and he wasn't the only one in his home having the same problem. He and Regenia felt like his mother was acting out, and she was sometimes worse than their sisters. Caterina was staying out late, coming home drunk and out of mind. If it wasn't that, it was the loud music in the middle of the night and empty liquor bottles on their living floor. Like now, she was dancing around the living room, rapping Hail Mary by 2 Pac with her own little twist while the kids looked at her as if she was crazy.

"Come with me! Hail Mary, bitch quick, see. What do we have here now? Do you wanna ride or die? La la-da-la la la la la! I ain't a killer... Fuck that I am a killer bitch push me—"


"Picture paragraphs unloaded, wise words bein' quoted!" Caterina continued to rap as Giuseppe called her name again before the music went off. His head turned toward the source, finding Regenia standing by the surround sound system, holding the cord with an irritated look. "TURN THAT BACK ON!"

"NO! Mamma Rina, I need sleep; your grandchildren, daughter, my little sister, Nonno, and son need sleep! IT'S FUCKING TWO IN THE MORNING, AND YOU ARE DOWN HERE BLASTING SOME FUCKING HAIL MARY BY 2 PAC! DO YOU NOT FUCKING SEE YOU WOKE YOUR GRANDKIDS!" Regenia yelled as the children quickly ran back to their rooms. It wasn't every day they witnessed their mother mad, and her pregnancy didn't make it better.

"Don't you dare yell at me or tell me what I can and cannot do!"

"Long as you live in our fucking house, I will tell you what to do when the fuck to do it, Caterina! Got damnit I'm nine months pregnant and due any fucking day. Your grandchild is using my bladder as a kickball or a punching ball. Hell, I don't know. What I do know is I barely get sleep because of her fight scenes at night, and when I do fall asleep, I'm awakened by this." She pointed at his mother as the woman huffed and quickly grabbed a liquor bottle high, tailing it to her room. "Maybe you should have soundproof bedrooms!"

"That's only works one way! It keeps the sound from escaping the room, not stopping it from coming in, Mamma!" Giuseppe yelled as the woman slammed the door, but not before screaming fuck you. "She needs help, Giuseppe."

"I know Uccellino. Trust me; I know." Giuseppe knew this, and there was no way he could let this continue, knowing his daughter would be here any day, but his mother refused to seek help. Neveah and Heaven took time out of their busy schedules to offer her help, and Caterina refused to speak with them. The good news was they were still in Italy, but getting his mother to talk was something neither could do.

"I'm starving—"

"Regenia, I am not cooking at two in the morning." He protested as his wife turned to him, looking sad, causing Giuseppe to sigh. "What do you want?" Although he had a feeling she didn't want cooked food. By looking at her, Giuseppe knew it was about to be some bullshit as Regenia gripped his shirt, pulling him to her. "I need ice cream, and all of mine is gone. Could you please take me to get some?"

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